
Jun 10, 2023
Not sure how to title this. Don't know If my title even makes sense, please just read all the way through and you'll understand 🤍 ok. So, let's say I jump from a 150M-200M building, how will I feel? This might sound stupid but there must be some sort of research about this.

Possible outcome 1. I fall, feel like I'm dreaming, hit the ground, hear a ringing in my ears, then I realize all my bones are broken, I feel my wet clothes drenched in blood, hyperventilating, in extreme pain... passing out and dying..

Possible outcome 2. I jump, loose consciousness, and then everything that happens in possible outcome 1 but I'm unconscious so I don't feel it.

It's probably my only choice. Can't perfect SWB, can't find my carotid arteries for night night and failed at partial hanging..

If I do get the courage to do it, where will I find a building to jump off of? Do I just go the rooftop of a mall or something.


and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
Outcome 1 is not at all possible with a building that tall. But I assume it's not easy finding one that's 150-200 meters high and is easily accessible. The rooftop of a mall on the other hand seems not to be high enough. Depends on the mall of course, but.
The moment of jump is most probably pure panic, no matter how ready you think you are. Free falling is not what our bodies are used to, and you can feel it even during a stupid bungee jump or something. But that lasts for a couple of seconds tops, and then I'm sure you go unconscious, the moment your head hits the ground. Try hitting your head against the wall and you might already feel dizzy. So the outcome number two has my vote.