
Mar 22, 2020
I'm having a great night with this cold argentine craft beer but this quesion popped up on my mind:

"What's the point of LIVING if we're leaving?"

Why do anything at all if we'll die and eventually be forgotten? For example, my brother, cousin and I will be the last ones to remember my grandmother and we'll eventually die so, she will be totally forgotten! Apart from being dead, she won't exist in anybody's mind anymore. Sooooo crazy!

So, does living mean leaving copies of ourselves behind until humans end up destroying each other with nuclear weapons? I just don't get it.

There should be nothing rather than something. Yet, here we are!

Now, I'm trying to live! My life has improved a LOT! My students are very happy with me and I receive compliments from time to time but...what's the point in still being here?

Any thoughts? Are you with me here? lol
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motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Make those brain cells shut up by getting loaded, amigo, that's the point :sunglasses:
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Nov 13, 2020
That's what I ask myself everyday. And I don't see the point. This pandemic fucked the world up (although my life was already messed up before all this).
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Oct 12, 2020
I'm glad your life has improved and you are doing well with your students:hug:

On the point of living if we are leaving, my opinion is that it is like a transition that only makes sense for the individual who lives it. It is not that I see it in a spiritual way, we are animals, and we end up doing what they do, survive. We are a mere product of chance like the rest of living beings, the meaning of life is the mere survival of it.

I hope the beer suits you, im with my cider, cheers!
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
So, does living mean leaving copies of ourselves behind until humans end up destroying each other with nuclear weapons?
For some people, the "meaning of life" (read: the artificial goal they invented to cope with the meaninglessness of existence) consists of reproduction.
Follows the argument: "Well, it is what you were biologically designed for!"
Human being were also biologically designed to live in small tribes in harmony with nature, but uncontacted indigenous tribes upholding this way of life are deemed "uncivilised savages".
Besides, human beings were, for better and for worse, endowed with self-awareness:
For worse, since we now have to deal with mental pain (existential dread, mental illnesses, etc.) additionally to physical pain,
for better, since we can make the decision to end all human (and animal) suffering by ending our race (and life on the planet).
...well, we could make this decision. Some people prefer to live guided by their primitive instincts, which is not surprising if one takes a look at history.
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the stars will aid my escape
Dec 18, 2019

No point. I exist due to my own irrationality. If you're helping your students, that's a reason to live. Even if they'll all be dead someday, the moment still counts. I, however, am not doing much for anyone, nor am I doing much for myself by continuing to exist.


May 6, 2021
I don't give a shit about the meaning office. I would be happy if I had a half ass decent one,but those days are gone. Now...to be or not to buy, that is the muhfukkin question!


Feb 7, 2021
I'm having a great night with this cold argentine craft beer but this quesion popped up on my mind:

"What's the point of LIVING if we're leaving?"

Why do anything at all if we'll die and eventually be forgotten? For example, my brother, cousin and I will be the last ones to remember my grandmother and we'll eventually die so, she will be totally forgotten! Apart from being dead, she won't exist in anybody's mind anymore. Sooooo crazy!

So, does living mean leaving copies of ourselves behind until humans end up destroying each other with nuclear weapons? I just don't get it.

There should be nothing rather than something. Yet, here we are!

Now, I'm trying to live! My life has improved a LOT! My students are very happy with me and I receive compliments from time to time but...what's the point in still being here?

Any thoughts? Are you with me here? lol

we live so that we don't destroy each other with nuclear weapons .. or society as a whole. suicide brings trauma, and in living we relieve this.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
we live so that we don't destroy each other with nuclear weapons .. or society as a whole. suicide brings trauma, and in living we relieve this.
That's an exotic logic...
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May 3, 2021
I wonder this all the time Matt, especially people who make work their life to achieve "success". When they die they can't take any of it with them, or even the memories of it, so why bother, why not enjoy life instead.

Problem is without joining the rat race and earning money you can't live and do nice things.

So it's a pointless loop where we work until we can hopefully retire, then we're too old to do anything anyway.

Just plodding along wasting time until we die. It is utterly pointless.
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Apr 19, 2021
I wonder the same ... I'm just doing what I think I need to do for the sake of plan B lol. what if I couldn't kill myself sooner, I'd be able to survive.

There is no point of living , we just fake the meaning..we pretend that there is a meaning but there is no meaning in reality.
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Jul 19, 2020
I'm surviving at the moment. I have no motivation to do things that would be considered "living" because I know it will be in vain. I also don't want to go down the path of convincing myself that things could be better by engaging in actions/activities that make life seem fulfilling and worthwhile. I know it will all just end in heartache, like it always does.
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Mar 24, 2021
I'm having a great night with this cold argentine craft beer but this quesion popped up on my mind:

"What's the point of LIVING if we're leaving?"

Why do anything at all if we'll die and eventually be forgotten? For example, my brother, cousin and I will be the last ones to remember my grandmother and we'll eventually die so, she will be totally forgotten! Apart from being dead, she won't exist in anybody's mind anymore. Sooooo crazy!

So, does living mean leaving copies of ourselves behind until humans end up destroying each other with nuclear weapons? I just don't get it.

There should be nothing rather than something. Yet, here we are!

Now, I'm trying to live! My life has improved a LOT! My students are very happy with me and I receive compliments from time to time but...what's the point in still being here?

Any thoughts? Are you with me here? lol
You are right, what does life matter when we all are going to die anyway? Why do people have kids into a world where humans problably will destroy themselves with pollution, overpopulation or nuclear war? Why do people have kids into a world where we have to choose between suicide and being slowly tormented to death by age-related ailments or diseases?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There is no point to living in my opinion. The only reason why I am on this earth is because I had no choice, my existence came from the selfish desire to procreate. We are denied a right to die, essentially trapping us in this earth unless we take our lives which is hard.

Everything we do is just a distraction until we die. Death makes all of life meaningless. I think many people on this earth don't live, they just exist, waiting for the inevitable to happen. The thought that this is all temporary comforts me in a way but it makes me realise that we suffer so much just for the sake of it. There should be nothing instead of something, as it must be a wonderful thing to never experience consciousness, to be fully ignorant of the horrors of this life.
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Mar 22, 2020
There is no point to living in my opinion. The only reason why I am on this earth is because I had no choice, my existence came from the selfish desire to procreate. We are denied a right to die, essentially trapping us in this earth unless we take our lives which is hard.

I couldn't have put it in better words!!!!
Existing is nonsense!!!!!

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