
May 5, 2021
When I was 16 I walked out onto a highway in the middle of the night and walked along the side for about 10 minutes. I was waiting for any semi truck to pass by the lane next to me but it never happened. Looking back I probably should've gone to an exit so there would be only one lane that the truck would pass by, but overall I've read this method is a really bad idea so it's good I didn't actually attempt. When I was 17 I snuck under the fence surrounding a 100-150 foot radio tower. I climbed about 20 feet before turning around. From what I've read again it seems like it's good I didn't try this because it might not be high enough, I'd be landing onto grass and I could've got electrocuted on the way up. I might have to actually attempt for real soon, I don't know if I'm ready.
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May 8, 2021
About two months ago, I drove out into nature, sat down at a lake, smoked some weed, downed a cocktail of 400+ pills, smoked DMT and genuinely thought I was about to die. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace as I eventually slipped out of consciousness.

Then I woke up about 4-5 hours later, vomiting handfuls of pure blood, in the worst pain I've ever felt. Despite wanting to die desperately, I was in too much pain and drove myself to get help.

I was admitted in the ICU, heart almost stopped. I still wish I hadn't survived.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
Idk how close I've come. I've tried partial suspension multiple times and felt rather light headed but I never passed out.
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Mar 5, 2021
I did a shitty version of the "night night" method, which rendered me unconscious, but somehow I came to a couple hours later :(
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I haven't came really close, last year I did put a cord around my neck when I was desperate but I immediately pulled it off. I didn't really know what I was doing and it was really uncomfortable.
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May 3, 2021
Fasted, took ibuprofen, took ant acid, mixed and prepared SN, then changed mind at last second and tipped it out. Don't know why. Been miserable since.
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Jun 25, 2020
I've came close to death few times but the closet one was when I tried to cut my carotid artery 4 years ago. I should have died that day.
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Mar 20, 2021
I had a full suspension rig set up on my high school's basketball hoop and around my neck. i was standing on the chair for maybe 20 mins testing out the feeling, but i was found before i kicked the chair. that was right after my sixteenth birthday.
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Protesting the conditions of an inhumane world
Oct 2, 2019
I've never actually attempted to because I'm too chicken. I've felt more determined than ever lately though. I have a (seemingly) trustworthy source where I can get my Metoclopramide at the ready, and I'm just waiting to find a trustworthy SN source, and then it's a matter of actually having the courage to order them.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
2 weeks in a coma after an SN attempt. Shit didn't feel like 2 weeks, more like one minute.
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May 5, 2021
I've never actually attempted to because I'm too chicken. I've felt more determined than ever lately though. I have a (seemingly) trustworthy source where I can get my Metoclopramide at the ready, and I'm just waiting to find a trustworthy SN source, and then it's a matter of actually having the courage to order them.
Could you send me the meto source?


May 26, 2021
Standing on the bridge, a couple of weeks ago (failed overdoses when younger). Going to CTB by the Night Night method, looking out to sea, before the summer ends;
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May 5, 2021
I bought a rope and watched a few slip knot tutorials on YouTube.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Standing on the edge of beachy head, could have been dead in seconds but it was too scary.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Took 25g of what I thought was SN :(
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i need to cross a border that’s hard to define
Feb 19, 2021
was fully suspended for a few seconds, i was stupid enough to not have kicked the chair away and i managed to get myself back on it. not even because i wanted to live, but because i was messaging a friend before and i heard my phone notifications as i was worrying them. i felt too guilty about hurting people. little did i know that was the perfect time to go, as life only got worse from there. also had to walk around after that with bruising going across my neck and getting so many questions
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Mar 22, 2020
Last year.
Took 100 sleeping pills and anti-depressants + alcohol and was planning to hang myself then (partial) but the effect of the pills came so fast that I ended up passing out immediately.
Thus, I was in a coma for 2 days and the doctors said I was very lucky not to have died or have permanent brain damage.
Then, my life was hell for almost 6 months.
That's why I can't fail to ctb next time. I might really end up in a psych ward and lose my mind!
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May 19, 2021
Over dosed on sleeping pills and tried to hang my self. I underestimated how heavy I was and woke up later only to find out the branch I was hanging off snapped. Cricky I had a massive headache and a sore neck for a while after that.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I almost OD'd on a combination of Trazadone and alcohol. Wasn't really planning on it but being reckless.
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~ Sleepwalking through every day ~
Feb 10, 2020
When I was 18 I took a large overdose of co-proxamol, paracetamol, fluoxetine and some other medication I can't remember the name of. It was more a 'cry for help' at the time I guess because my mum and brother were home . I felt that I had exhausted all avenues of what I could see as help and that nobody would ever understand me - I was desperate.

I was whisked away in an ambulance (just in time according to doctors), survived (obviously) and spent a few days in hospital.

The experience ended with a small 'psych evaluation' consisting of a list of questions, including: "Do you still want to die?". How can you even begin to answer that in such a situation? I was given a new prescription for my anti-depressants, told to eat healthy food and that was that.

But years on, here I am on this forum, with a planned method should the time come/feel 'right'. Still taking anti-depressants, attending therapy (which has helped to make sense of some things), but ultimately I don't think I'll ever not feel suicidal to some degree.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
When I was 18 I took a large overdose of co-proxamol, paracetamol, fluoxetine and some other medication I can't remember the name of. It was more a 'cry for help' at the time I guess because my mum and brother were home . I felt that I had exhausted all avenues of what I could see as help and that nobody would ever understand me - I was desperate.

I was whisked away in an ambulance (just in time according to doctors), survived (obviously) and spent a few days in hospital.

The experience ended with a small 'psych evaluation' consisting of a list of questions, including: "Do you still want to die?". How can you even begin to answer that in such a situation? I was given a new prescription for my anti-depressants, told to eat healthy food and that was that.

But years on, here I am on this forum, with a planned method should the time come/feel 'right'. Still taking anti-depressants, attending therapy (which has helped to make sense of some things), but ultimately I don't think I'll ever not feel suicidal to some degree.
I feel like it's hard to close that door once you open it.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Just bridges & balconies


Dec 29, 2020
I licked a gram of sodium nitrite and had a hard time breathing.


Feb 9, 2021
Had the only thing that I would consider a suicide attempt around February. It was an attempt at partial hanging. The rope was around my neck, it was attached to the thing in your closet where you hang your clothes, I was trying to lean forward and pass out. Honestly I probably had no idea what the hell I was doing. Every time I'd try to lean forward like you're supposed to I'd just get what felt like a massive headache and stop before going unconscious just to make the pain stop. In the end I gave up. I've held loaded guns to my head and the like before but that was the one time when I did a thing that I thought had a decent chance of killing me because I wanted to kill myself. I still consider myself free to narrow my definition of suicide attempt so it doesn't count when therapists are deciding whether to lock me somewhere though.

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