

Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
for me:
-become as minimalist as possible
-own a few cats
-travel the country in a van
-hike the appalachian trail
-hike a mountain outside of the united states
-hike a trail in every state
-spend no money that isn't necessary
-make my own almond milk
-figure out how the grow a garden
-compost as much as i can
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carried away by a moonlight shadow
Aug 25, 2021
for me:
-become as minimalist as possible
-own a few cats
-travel the country in a van
-hike the appalachian trail
-hike a mountain outside of the united states
-hike a trail in every state
-spend no money that isn't necessary
-make my own almond milk
-figure out how the grow a garden
-compost as much as i can
wow, it's a very good list. I also love to travel. For me it's simple:

-Moving forward with my life meeting new people
-Continue to improve as an economist and trader
-Have a sailing boat and learn to handle it (it has always been my dream)
-Buy a good camera when I have more money (I love to photograph sunsets)
-Train Kendo in a Japanese dojo
-Visit as many beaches as I can before die
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Sep 29, 2021
a few cats?
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Sep 28, 2020
Cross the entire USA from east coast to west coast driving. :heart:
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There is nothing that I want to do, I just want to sleep. I have had enough of life.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
forgot another one: get a sleeve of line art tattoos
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Sep 1, 2020
The only thing on my bucket list is death.


Jun 14, 2019
- play an instrument
- learn a new language
- secure some money for my spouse/our pets
- study some things that interests me
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Dec 10, 2021
Cross the entire USA from east coast to west coast driving. :heart:
Something I've wanted to do for a long time is find a group of cool people to rent an RV with and make that cross country journey, visiting as many national parks and interesting places as we can along the way. Maybe I'll finally get around to it this summer.
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Sep 28, 2020
Something I've wanted to do for a long time is find a group of cool people to rent an RV with and make that cross country journey, visiting as many national parks and interesting places as we can along the way. Maybe I'll finally get around to it this summer.
Super jealous of you. Mine will be a good old fashioned American car and road side motels. So I can go to local bars where everyone will stare at me lol
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Death should be a free choice
Feb 16, 2019
I want to be able to tell people I care about that I love them without feeling guilty, guilty that I might leave them, guilty that I'm not what they deserve, guilty that I don't share my pain even if they'd want me to, guilty that I can always do more for them.

It's hard to maintain any long term relationships on a deep level if every single time they show affection all I can think about is how much of a fraud I am and how much better they deserve. To one day be able to receive and give love guilt free is highest on my list.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Having sex in a big bucket.
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Mr. Squiggles

Mr. Squiggles

into void
Dec 24, 2021
i always wanted to believe in unconditional love, but i have come to terms with that not becoming a thing.

i have come to terms with my demons and let go of most dreams.

yet dreaming is one of those demons, ever shapeshifting to elude.

eventually it might be futile but i wish to create a story. make that story come to life with paintings. and turn those paintings into a world worth exploring.
to write dynamic music to accompany. to learn to code along the way.

i'd like to travel a bit and gather a handful of likeminded folks to get some land and be.

grow a small forest and do some magic

vanish and only leave a cryptic trail
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
Watch the reast of AoT
Finish some other anime I'm interested in
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Feb 15, 2019
Skydiving! If I stay alive long enough, I want to be a base jumper.
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Feb 16, 2022
- visit Yosemite, Sequoia, Death Valley, Grand Canyon and Yellowstone national parks
- live in the Arctic
- have a paper or research published
- visit Australia
- spend a night in Chernobyl
- save enough money to buy a small piece of land and build a cabin on it
- get a Master's degree
- have a relationship with someone who actually likes me and not just what I can be used for
- try therapeutic ketamine
- eat mescaline in the desert
- visit Morocco
- see a wild orca
- hunt and process my own meat at least once
- try snowshoeing
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Dec 14, 2019
Something I've wanted to do for a long time is find a group of cool people to rent an RV with and make that cross country journey, visiting as many national parks and interesting places as we can along the way. Maybe I'll finally get around to it this summer.
That use to be my dream until I realized earth is hell
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Feb 19, 2022
I've done almost everything I want to do already--which was never a long list to begin with. I'd like to travel to a few different places, but even if I lived, I'd likely never be able to afford them, so it is not important.

I'd like to have had sex before I die, but the way things are looking, that's probably not in the cards for me, which is lame, but not much I can do about it.
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Dec 14, 2018
when I had one: (about age 19/20 or so)

Earn a degree, enjoy life, enjoy my motorcycle, volunteer, enjoy a space to call a sanctuary, a peaceful, calm, quiet, organized, clean, proper space to reside independently free from bad roommates, lies, and shitty people or bad "relationships" with a person I didn't like.

Well. That went to the dump.

Everything did.

People wouldn't STOP their lies and abuse and BULLSHIT.


Then accuse me of it.

I wanted to be happy.

And things really became so fucked up, toxic, hateful, difficult, and it was UNNECESSARY, UNJUSTIFIABLE.

It turned me into a TERRIBLE person. It destroyed EVERYTHING. I begged people to stop who wouldn't stop, and then they kept up and kept up and kept up, and I destroyed and destroyed because they refused to acknowledge me or listen to me.

I'm glad the bitch is dead. But I have so many god damn problems thanks to HER.

Oh well.

If I had a "bucket list", I guess it's basically just to obtain the right substance and go get dead.

Too bad.

Never have what I wanted in life or what I could have had in life because of the people in it and the fact they were rotten, selfish, fucked up, cruel, abusive, and fucked up.

Sounds like exactly what happened to my dumbass mother. The fuckin dumbass.

Oh the put downs - yeah because everyone else is such a successs and a winner!

They're sooooo great, and soooo brave, and like soooo coooool, and sooooo perfect…..


Fuck them all.

Nobody would help me.

Nothing will ever get better.

Things never change.

Everyone has their little lies and rumors and bullshit.

How stupid, my entire life wasted on fuckin stupidity.

And by now I am so miserable and depressed, had everything stolen so many times, I will NEVER be happy, it's too "easy" to steal, along with whatever else they took from me.

So. Who cares?

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Dec 27, 2021
And by now I am so miserable and depressed, had everything stolen so many times, I will NEVER be happy, it's too "easy" to steal, along with whatever else they took from me.

So. Who cares?

Yeah, when you have dreams and aspirations, life just manages to do everything to crush them. People can be so cruel, treating others like disposable items. They just take and take until they get bored and move on to the next person. I hate myself because I do this too.

If I was honest, ctb would be the only thing on the bucket list as well. But maybe I would like to see the stars one last time before the smoke and city lights make them dissappear. And never have to see another human being again.


Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Made my list of things I wanted to do before I die and I could only think of two:

-have sex

-fill my big coin tin
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Mar 1, 2022
Spend time on a sparsely-populated island in the South Pacific.

Grow the finest cannabis I've ever tried.

Learn how to paraglide.
Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
I've always wanted to have a DMT (dimethyltryptamine) experience after I read about it. DMT is called the spirit molecule, and is actually released by the human brain, or the pineal gland specifically, when one is born and one dies.

So each one of us will probably get to experience a DMT trip twice in our lifetimes, but they will be in situations we cannot really experience in full.

DMT is a banned substance or highly restricted in most jurisdictions, so one has to source it from shady underground sources. The other option is to go to the Amazon rainforest in South America and drink ayahuasca (which contains DMT) with the indigenous tribes.
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404: Reason to live not found
Jul 17, 2022
I would have liked to have travelled the world. Oh well, that's not going to happen. I have driven around about 2/3 of Australia and seen the every changing landscape. I also would have liked to have had awesome sex before I CTB. This is not a personal ad.

Since I can't achieve anything on my bucket list, not just travelling around the world or great sex, I have had to make it more within my means and ability to travel anywhere, since stalker (not an ex) damaged my third car beyond repair. I would have also liked to have gone to more art galleries and the theatre again. So be it.

Instead, I'm making my way through the list of 💯 rated movies on the Rotten Tomatoes website. Well, what I can find on Netflix, Apple Store, Disney+ and regular TV app channels. There are some brilliant films out there. I'm also watching some movies rated 90% or higher.

I would have liked to have been a film and documentary maker like my paternal grandfather. I would need to move to be able to progress in a film / documentary career, but I'm stuck here and can't move. I've held out for 10 long years and no chance of moving in the foreseeable future.

Rotten Tomatoes has some great lists of recommended movies.
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Sep 19, 2022
A therapist I went to the other day asked something similar so I just said that I don't know, though the truth is that I don't want anything else from this life anymore, I just want it to end. Once upon a time I wanted my teenage years to be fun and exciting and yet that dream is obviously dead due to my trauma, depression and outright stupidity. So now there's nothing else.
Although if I were to be forced to live on by a higher power which made sure that I won't die in the next 30-ish years, I suppose I'd like to experience falling in love or having a crush to see what it feels like. If I could magically forget the first 19 years of my life it would be something, I'd still have nothing but at least I wouldn't know what I'm missing.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
- I have to get new glasses (actually two), let's see if I finally get it, because I have no way to untangle the thoughts and overwhelmed I always leave it for later ... I've been like this for years, tomorrow I will try after going to the ophthalmologist to check my eyesight for the umpteenth time (1 time a year).. i don't know what to tell him anymore "yeah, I'm still wearing the same glasses from 2016", hahaha.

- Maybe improve my health to be able to access a protected job... but the thing is not going too well on track.
- Get out of the house more... without fear.
- Being able to play console games again (since April 2020 I've tried it 3 times without success, because of anxiety).
- To be able to read books again (today I tried it with glasses on top of glasses -I have three- and there was no way).
- Eating better, without suffering because it hurts when I eat.
- To go to museums.

It all boils down to: HEALTH and the other things will come by themselves.


- Fer-me unes ulleres noves (en realitat dues), a veure si finalment ho aconsegueixo, perquè no tinc manera de desenredar els pensaments i al agobiar-me ho deixo estar sempre per mes endavant.. porto anys així, demà ho intentaré després d'anar a l'oftalmòleg a revisar-me-la per enésima vegada (1 cop l'any).. ja no se pas que dir-li "si encara porto les mateixes ulleres del 2016", hahaha.

- Potser millorar la meva salut per poder accedir a una feina protegida.. però la cosa no va gaire a l'hora.
- Sortir mes de casa... sense por.
- Poder tornar a jugar a la consola (desde l'Abril del 2020 ho he provat 3 vegades sense éxit, per l'ansietat).
- Poder tornar a llegir llibres (avuí ho he intentat amb unes ullers sobre les altres -en tinc tres- i no hi ha hagut manera).
- Menjar millor sense patir perquè em faci mal el que menjo.
- Anar a museus.

Tot es resumeix en: SALUT i les altres coses vindràn per si soles.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
1. See the world because I'm a basic bitch, lol.
2. Write a story I'm actually proud of.
3. Grow a tree from a sapling. (Admittedly, this will take a while)
4. Learn another language. I'm thinking French because there are some written works I want to read in the original.


Be rude to me at all times, I don't deserve kindne
Jun 27, 2022
for me:
-become as minimalist as possible
-own a few cats
-travel the country in a van
-hike the appalachian trail
-hike a mountain outside of the united states
-hike a trail in every state
-spend no money that isn't necessary
-make my own almond milk
-figure out how the grow a garden
-compost as much as i can
Lose weight, find a hobby, get back into meditation, stop my phone addiction, find friends, study abroad, get my hair to stop falling out, get my period back, getting back to playing piano, learning German and mastering it, getting a CAE certificate in English, learn about investing, make a flower crown in spring, sticking to my study routine, own as little as possible, clean up after myself, find a partner, get my own dog, go abroad through Erasmus+, learning more about Polish history and global history, learning about gardening and growing my own food, saving up money and being frugal, educate myself on what's going on in the world, adopt a child, climb a mountain, go to a concert and see if I'll like it, winter swimming again, selling my art
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May 20, 2020
for me:
-become as minimalist as possible
-own a few cats
-travel the country in a van
-hike the appalachian trail
-hike a mountain outside of the united states
-hike a trail in every state
-spend no money that isn't necessary
-make my own almond milk
-figure out how the grow a garden
-compost as much as i can
i never thought of one tbh but seeing your list reminded me of old me aspiring to keep a rather expensive breed of cat here (ragdoll).

For now just wanted to be a bit stable, maybe getting a uni degree and job, & lose weight/build some muscle.

Real bucket list probably drawing my own comic before i die if i do kms.

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