
Mar 17, 2019
Recently I have come to acquire a handgun with bullets alongside some standard 5/18 inch rope used for hanging. The problem is when I try to hang myself I get too scared and sit-up at the last minute, ruining my chances. I thought the gun would be a quicker way to end it all but I am worried about the efficiency of the gun compared to constricting my arteries with a rope. Which way would be better? The gun or the rope? And how would I be able to hang myself/shoot myself more efficiently?
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Oct 16, 2018
Shoot your head when rope is in your neck
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Nov 1, 2018
Where they are available, guns are generally considered the most effective, statistically speaking. However, don't assume that having a gun will somehow make you immune from the survival instinct that has stymied you thus far. You could find it to be as difficult to pull the trigger as it has been for you to continue your attempts at hanging.

Also, if you choose to attempt suicide with a gun, make sure you first research how to do it --i.e. what calibers are effective, where to aim, and what ammunition to use. The firearms megathread has a great deal of very important information. For instance, aiming at your temple or under your chin has a high rate of failure resulting in your becoming a vegetable. Likewise, using a gun that isn't powerful enough is a reliably bad idea.

No method is effective without understanding how to make it work, and every method can be stymied by survival instinct.
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Apr 5, 2019
I strongly suspect that a shotgun would be more effective, just so long as you research properly.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
Gunshot is one of the most reliable methods out there (along with N). It's also the quickest and most pain-free. Of course there is no moment to change your mind once you do it, so only go through with it if you're 100% certain. Hanging is relatively reliable, but you could be interrupted... of course it gives you more time to terminate the attempt if you change your mind, though.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'd go with @TiredHorse here. The firearm/gun is WAY more effective than low-suspenion hanging, especially if done correctly. The only downsides are that it will be a big mess for whoever is cleaning up (unless you don't mind) and also depending on where you live, you may have a difficult time to obtain one legally.


Mar 1, 2019
I would have thought gunshot for sure. I have thought fleetingly in recent times about how much I wished I had a gun to use on myself.
Psychotic King

Psychotic King

Apr 18, 2019
Shoot your head when rope is in your neck

I have actually been toying with such ideas in my head for years and years. Doing things multiple ways. Not all realistic scenarios, but it's fun to imagine in my head, even crazy things

One example, I have been laughing at the idea of getting a big amount of meds / drugs, going to a bridge with a gun in winter, shooting myself and falling the river. Idea about having a dangerous amount of medicine / drugs in my system, shooting myself in the head, falling to the river and it being a winter, so it would be cold outside, is pretty chaotic but funny. There should be multiple reasons to die there
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Mar 28, 2019
I have actually been toying with such ideas in my head for years and years. Doing things multiple ways. Not all realistic scenarios, but it's fun to imagine in my head, even crazy things

One example, I have been laughing at the idea of getting a big amount of meds / drugs, going to a bridge with a gun in winter, shooting myself and falling the river. Idea about having a dangerous amount of medicine / drugs in my system, shooting myself in the head, falling to the river and it being a winter, so it would be cold outside, is pretty chaotic but funny. There should be multiple reasons to die there
well funny enough someone has almost done exactly what you were imaging even taking it a few steps further, here take a look:

Psychotic King

Psychotic King

Apr 18, 2019
well funny enough someone has almost done exactly what you were imaging even taking it a few steps further, here take a look:

What the hell. That was pretty unsettling video, I opened it bit carefully, not a fan of gore or such, but the way how casually he talks to the camera and all. Reminds me of a Swedish guy who hang himself and he put on a Nike's "just do it" shirt for it when he took the video. This guy is also either Swedish, Norwegian or Danish, I would guess Swedish but I dont distinct them too well to be honest

Damn, even lighting himself on fire / launching that bomb? Crazy stuff... Couldn't do that myself, hanging/shooting would probably be as violent as possible for me. I would prefer drug overdose, exit bag and sodium nitrite nowadays

Video got my heart pumping like hell, I hate when that happens, I get pretty uncomfortable among the death videos and such, even after watching many of them I dont seem to get too desentized overtime


Nov 1, 2018
The multiple-methods approach always reminds me of the comedy monologue of the guy who goes to the riverbank to hang himself from a tree there. He then takes poison, lights himself on fire, and as he loads his noose and swings out over the river for full suspension, shoots himself in the head. Unfortunately, he misses with the gunshot and the bullet severs the rope. He falls into the river, extinguishing the fire, and accidentally swallows so much water he pukes up the poison --and it turns out the river is too shallow to drown. So much for that attempt. Sometimes you can't win for losing.

The moral of the story being that sometimes a simpler, well thought out approach is more effective.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
What the hell. That was pretty unsettling video, I opened it bit carefully, not a fan of gore or such, but the way how casually he talks to the camera and all. Reminds me of a Swedish guy who hang himself and he put on a Nike's "just do it" shirt for it when he took the video. This guy is also either Swedish, Norwegian or Danish, I would guess Swedish but I dont distinct them too well to be honest

Damn, even lighting himself on fire / launching that bomb? Crazy stuff... Couldn't do that myself, hanging/shooting would probably be as violent as possible for me. I would prefer drug overdose, exit bag and sodium nitrite nowadays

Video got my heart pumping like hell, I hate when that happens, I get pretty uncomfortable among the death videos and such, even after watching many of them I dont seem to get too desentized overtime

He's a Norwegian videographer. The video is just a comedy skit and not real. Here's his youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/lassegg/videos

It's hard to believe that video was posted in 2008 (when I originally saw it) and I'm still here contemplating suicide.
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Psychotic King

Psychotic King

Apr 18, 2019
He's a Norwegian videographer. The video is just a comedy skit and not real. Here's his youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/lassegg/videos

It's hard to believe that video was posted in 2008 (when I originally saw it) and I'm still here contemplating suicide.

I have embarrassed myself, but one thing that got me there was the quality, usually in gore videos and such you can see shitty quality videos and all, of course some videos are older and taken from poorer countries so I guess it is pretty understandable


Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
I have embarrassed myself, but one thing that got me there was the quality, usually in gore videos and such you can see shitty quality videos and all, of course some videos are older and taken from poorer countries so I guess it is pretty understandable

It's alright I'm sure there were many people who saw it and thought it was real. Along with the quality of the video (like you mentioned), the editing is also a give away.

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