

🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Could modern people really find meaning in pure, pointless, neverending drudgery? It seems like we're all currently Sissyphus with a VR headset. Take away the headset and you've entered a bleak hell.
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all is well
Feb 1, 2023
We're in a spiritual crisis! But once we stop ignoring the inner, we'll rediscover the Spirit that we've seemingly lost ever since outgrowing religion. Now that we've evolved from the pre-rational to the rational, it's time to take the next leap toward the post-rational.

When we slow down and pay attention to the wonders happening around us 24/7, there will be much less of a desire to escape it, especially when we stop stigmatizing the sacred medicines that have been used by mankind since time immemorial for journeying within to explore our transcendent identity and consciousness.

Contrary to popular opinion, we're much less advanced than we like to believe. Technology isn't our savior, we don't need any saving, we're all pure divine gods and goddesses! How about sitting quietly and finding the savior within before destroying the whole biosphere of the planet trying to the answer outside ourselves? We need Less doing, and more being. But we're so stuck in our heads that in most places, saying that will get you nominated for village idiot these days, very advanced...

Being able to manipulate reality for our own benefit and understanding and being in harmony with it are two very different things, we have much to learn.
Let's not fool ourselves by laughing at "the dark ages", we're still in the darker-than-dark ages, and all that's left is the gross material realms, but none will ever truly fulfill. All desire is a longing for the fullness of being, in other words, all longing is longing for your true Self, and looking outside yourself won't cut it, ever.

So, do we keep grasping at empty shadows and mirages continuing to lead spiritually-empty lives, or will we finally admit our ignorance and turn towards the Lightsource? Our choice, much love. 🙏✨


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
We're in a spiritual crisis! But once we stop ignoring the inner, we'll rediscover the Spirit that we've seemingly lost ever since outgrowing religion. Now that we've evolved from the pre-rational to the rational, it's time to take the next leap toward the post-rational.

When we slow down and pay attention to the wonders happening around us 24/7, there will be much less of a desire to escape it, especially when we stop stigmatizing the sacred medicines that have been used by mankind since time immemorial for journeying within to explore our transcendent identity and consciousness.

Contrary to popular opinion, we're much less advanced than we like to believe. Technology isn't our savior, we don't need any saving, we're all pure divine gods and goddesses! How about sitting quietly and finding the savior within before destroying the whole biosphere of the planet trying to the answer outside ourselves? We need Less doing, and more being. But we're so stuck in our heads that in most places, saying that will get you nominated for village idiot these days, very advanced...

Being able to manipulate reality for our own benefit and understanding and being in harmony with it are two very different things, we have much to learn.
Let's not fool ourselves by laughing at "the dark ages", we're still in the darker-than-dark ages, and all that's left is the gross material realms, but none will ever truly fulfill. All desire is a longing for the fullness of being, in other words, all longing is longing for your true Self, and looking outside yourself won't cut it, ever.

So, do we keep grasping at empty shadows and mirages continuing to lead spiritually-empty lives, or will we finally admit our ignorance and turn towards the Lightsource? Our choice, much love. 🙏✨
So we should just meditate?


all is well
Feb 1, 2023
So we should just meditate?
That would be an enormous step in the right direction, but see, how often have you been marketed the importance of sitting in silence for at least 20min daily?
I promise you that that alone would transform your entire life if you built that habit, I wouldn't be here anymore if it hadn't been for meditation for example.
But it took a long and confusing process of questioning cultural assumptions and programming to come to grips with the fact that there's so much we're leaving out!
It's up to us as individuals to educate ourselves about how to live The Good Life, don't expect people to spoonfeed you that, what you get marketed in today's society is mostly designed to medicate and distract you. I was totally hooked on video games, junk food, and stimulation of any kind too, but luckily I stumbled on personal development and self-actualization content on YouTube and elsewhere at ~ 17, which helped with unhooking from that and investing in my development and consciousness instead, very counter-intuitive stuff. The benefits and transformations that such a simple habit as meditation has brought about over those 8 years since are indescribable with words, it's exponential growth. We don't even realize how much unnecessary suffering our minds create on a moment-to-moment basis, but that's only one thing to do, what's needed more broadly is a whole change in attitude toward life, a totally new perspective on what life and reality are, so that our behavior and values automatically change with it.


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
That would be an enormous step in the right direction, but see, how often have you been marketed the importance of sitting in silence for at least 20min daily?
I promise you that that alone would transform your entire life if you built that habit, I wouldn't be here anymore if it hadn't been for meditation for example.
But it took a long and confusing process of questioning cultural assumptions and programming to come to grips with the fact that there's so much we're leaving out!
It's up to us as individuals to educate ourselves about how to live The Good Life, don't expect people to spoonfeed you that, what you get marketed in today's society is mostly designed to medicate and distract you. I was totally hooked on video games, junk food, and stimulation of any kind too, but luckily I stumbled on personal development and self-actualization content on YouTube and elsewhere at ~ 17, which helped with unhooking from that and investing in my development and consciousness instead, very counter-intuitive stuff. The benefits and transformations that such a simple habit as meditation has brought about over those 8 years since are indescribable with words, it's exponential growth. We don't even realize how much unnecessary suffering our minds create on a moment-to-moment basis, but that's only one thing to do, what's needed more broadly is a whole change in attitude toward life, a totally new perspective on what life and reality are, so that our behavior and values automatically change with it.
But I hate life. What kind of meditation?
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
There was always some form of entertainment. In earlier centuries, instead of movies and tv series , video games and internet, there were dancing balls and social dinners, opera going, theatre...entertainment involved more socializing, compared to nowadays more solitaire escapism.
There were always books, reading and writing, instruments playing, horses race or even more brutal sports like corrida or gladiator fights.

I read a lot of historical fiction and while I would like to do a quick jump into the 15th century, at some king's court, I think modern time's entertainment is better.


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
There was always some form of entertainment. In earlier centuries, instead of movies and tv series , video games and internet, there were dancing balls and social dinners, opera going, theatre...entertainment involved more socializing, compared to nowadays more solitaire escapism.
There were always books, reading and writing, instruments playing, horses race or even more brutal sports like corrida or gladiator fights.

I read a lot of historical fiction and while I would like to do a quick jump into the 15th century, at some king's court, I think modern time's entertainment is better.
Do you think our problems would persist even if transported to another time?
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Do you think our problems would persist even if transported to another time?
It depends on the person, and on the problem.

I know my issues would be worse in earlier centuries. I may want to visit it briefly - if time travel was a thing - but not to stay there. I am not social enough, not conformist enough, to survive in those times. Plus, my spiritual beliefs and practices and irreverence toward religion would get me burnt at stake as a witch in no time. :))
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
It depends on the person, and on the problem.

I know my issues would be worse in earlier centuries. I may want to visit it briefly - if time travel was a thing - but not to stay there. I am not social enough, not conformist enough, to survive in those times. Plus, my spiritual beliefs and practices and irreverence toward religion would get me burnt at stake as a witch in no time. :))
How would a person with ocd be treated in the past? Would I be deified? 🫅
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
How would a person with ocd be treated in the past? Would I be deified? 🫅
I'm not familiar with OCD, but I don't think you would be deified. Most likely criticized...unless you were in a position of power. Society was even less lenient towards the ones that didn't follow the norms. If you were different in any way, woe would be you :)) even worse than in present times


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
I'm not familiar with OCD, but I don't think you would be deified. Most likely criticized...unless you were in a position of power. Society was even less lenient towards the ones that didn't follow the norms. If you were different in any way, woe would be you :)) even worse than in present times
I read somewhere that the mentally ill were chained to walls and openly mocked in the town square.
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
I read somewhere that the mentally ill were chained to walls and openly mocked in the town square.
They were. There was a lot of cruelty toward the neurodivergent. People were always cruel to each other. It just changed forms...


"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
I think media is very important to people's livelihoods. Nothing wrong with that, imo. Sometimes it's the best way to express yourself where other avenues can't.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess people would just go back to reading books, telling stories, going to watch plays, listening to music. Entertainment has probably lasted for as long as humankind has had free time. God- I'd miss the internet though...


all is well
Feb 1, 2023
But I hate life.
Who is the one that hates life? How can that even be? Aren't you life itself? Where is the exact boundary between that supposed "you" and life?
We get out of life what we put into it, and we're totally free to do nothing about it, but that's the choice, to see nothing as a miracle or to see everything as a miracle. If this present moment is recognized for the wonder that it truly is then feeling moved to honor it follows naturally.

What kind of meditation?
Nothing complex, just simple yet effective noticing of the breath for 10 min. straight is already enough. (may need to work up to it, but stick to it daily!)
Lots of thoughts and feelings will come up, but you the watcher will always remain as you are, aware. How? The proof is in the pudding, do it right now for one minute, simply notice how your breath rises and falls automatically and all the sensations that come with that. Relax any tensions by simply noticing them and watch them melt away. From this calm state of aware Presence anchored in the here and now it becomes much easier to live life well, to see its majesty and beauty. Even the most intrusive thoughts will be met with compassion once you've developed sufficient mindfulness skills, you'll know that they aren't you, that You are untouchable.

Why meditate?


You might find yourself more joyful.
You might have Philosophical Epiphanies.
You could begin to understand the nature of your mental patterns.
You may have sudden realizations about the nature of consciousness.
In some cases, perhaps mystical experiences


Continuous Peace of Mind
Uninterrupted Joy


Nothing, better said, NO-thing.

Your IMAGINARY self (who you think you are) disappears and YOU remain.

Confused? Don't worry, to understand nothing takes time. ;)

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