Unsure and alone

It's a slow fade
Dec 10, 2023
I'm wanting help considering the consequences of admitting to a medical professional a little bit more how bad it really is .

Things are really bad .
I've come close to making a suicide attempt every day so far this week.

Reaching out is the only reason I'm still here through that .

I had been doing better with self harm for a bit .
Having a certain space to talk helped a lot
But right now
Well I'm running out of room unless I extend where I've got scars .

My task manager took a break and just almost completely broke for a few days .

I'm setting low goals for Today .
And seeing what happens.

Bottom line I know I've been running far to close to my limit.
And it's likely to get worse because I'm losing that space to talk soon.

So what would be the consequences of admitting to self harm to a medical professional ?

I can't run that risk without a better idea of what it would mean.

So all thoughts welcome.

I guess you should know I'm looking at this as a maybe get some help in the meantime.
See if there's some help as I drift closer to the end
Not as a I'm starting to recover.

I guess it's worth hoping someone would care to still reply to what looks ever more to me like a lost cause .


One day, ill be free
Apr 25, 2024
In my personal experience, Admitting to self harm isn't an issue. Most medical professionals will promptly advise you of its danger and risks and maybe give you alternatives, but if the self harm isn't life threatening, there usually isn't much they can do about it. You are not a lost cause. you are just struggling. I am in the same boat.
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Looking for the answer.
Jan 16, 2023
1. It depends on the medical professional.
2. It depends on your location.
3. It depends on how you bring it up.

It's not illegal in most places in the world to self harm.

A doctor/nurse might advise you against it and try and provide resources as their concern is primarily physical safety. Maybe provide treatment or suggest something for scarring if you have any.

A therapist/psychologist might try and address the root causes of your self harming and try and start off with a harm reduction model. Not directly try and stop it altogether right away but instead try and make it less harmful and then trying to get you to stop over time.

In general, in most places, most medical professionals have the ability to force you into inpatient treatment if they're under the belief you're at risk for your life or someone else's life.

To a therapist, I would only bring up the mental aspects of self harm at the start until you're comfortable with that medical professional. "I self harm when I'm depressed" might be better for you to start off with then graphic details of the act of self harm - They will ask you questions to try and gauge whether or you're at risk of your life, and then they might ask you if you use a knife or something else. You want to be honest but unless they ask I wouldn't go too much into the details at the start.

Most of the time they will simply ask if you're attempting to end your life or if it's a coping thing. If you say it's to end your life, they're allowed (in most areas) to send you to inpatient treatment without your consent. I would try to explain "I have no intentions of ending my life, but I sometimes use self harm when I'm depressed." or something.

It's not a self harm thing per se as much as it's a life thing. Most medical professionals will only help you in the way you want or request unless your life is at risk.
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Jul 30, 2020
I'm wanting help considering the consequences of admitting to a medical professional a little bit more how bad it really is .

Things are really bad .
I've come close to making a suicide attempt every day so far this week.

Reaching out is the only reason I'm still here through that .

I had been doing better with self harm for a bit .
Having a certain space to talk helped a lot
But right now
Well I'm running out of room unless I extend where I've got scars .

My task manager took a break and just almost completely broke for a few days .

I'm setting low goals for Today .
And seeing what happens.

Bottom line I know I've been running far to close to my limit.
And it's likely to get worse because I'm losing that space to talk soon.

So what would be the consequences of admitting to self harm to a medical professional ?

I can't run that risk without a better idea of what it would mean.

So all thoughts welcome.

I guess you should know I'm looking at this as a maybe get some help in the meantime.
See if there's some help as I drift closer to the end
Not as a I'm starting to recover.

I guess it's worth hoping someone would care to still reply to what looks ever more to me like a lost cause .
Can you afford to pay for a therapist who is completely separate from and independent of your normal people? Paying someone hard cash changes the nature of the relationship, and puts you in charge. If you tell them you don't want certain things to happen (such as you being thrown into a psych ward, or anything being reportd back to your usual people) they hav a strong incentive to comply. If it were to become known that they ignored such requests, they would soon lose all their (usually rich) patients, and they won't want that.


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Can you afford to pay for a therapist who is completely separate from and independent of your normal people? Paying someone hard cash changes the nature of the relationship, and puts you in charge. If you tell them you don't want certain things to happen (such as you being thrown into a psych ward, or anything being reportd back to your usual people) they hav a strong incentive to comply. If it were to become known that they ignored such requests, they would soon lose all their (usually rich) patients, and they won't want that.
People don't typically get sent to the psych ward for self harm alone. Medical professionals generally have little incentive to send those who self-harm to the psych ward. It's only when you admit to being suicidal that they may admit you to it, otherwise they just send you home.
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Unsure and alone

It's a slow fade
Dec 10, 2023
Can you afford to pay for a therapist who is completely separate from and independent of your normal people? Paying someone hard cash changes the nature of the relationship, and puts you in charge. If you tell them you don't want certain things to happen (such as you being thrown into a psych ward, or anything being reportd back to your usual people) they hav a strong incentive to comply. If it were to become known that they ignored such requests, they would soon lose all their (usually rich) patients, and they won't want that.
No,I can't.
If I start therapy it would have to be through insurance .

At least it wouldn't have to involve family or friends though.
1. It depends on the medical professional.
2. It depends on your location.
3. It depends on how you bring it up.

It's not illegal in most places in the world to self harm.

A doctor/nurse might advise you against it and try and provide resources as their concern is primarily physical safety. Maybe provide treatment or suggest something for scarring if you have any.

A therapist/psychologist might try and address the root causes of your self harming and try and start off with a harm reduction model. Not directly try and stop it altogether right away but instead try and make it less harmful and then trying to get you to stop over time.

In general, in most places, most medical professionals have the ability to force you into inpatient treatment if they're under the belief you're at risk for your life or someone else's life.

To a therapist, I would only bring up the mental aspects of self harm at the start until you're comfortable with that medical professional. "I self harm when I'm depressed" might be better for you to start off with then graphic details of the act of self harm - They will ask you questions to try and gauge whether or you're at risk of your life, and then they might ask you if you use a knife or something else. You want to be honest but unless they ask I wouldn't go too much into the details at the start.

Most of the time they will simply ask if you're attempting to end your life or if it's a coping thing. If you say it's to end your life, they're allowed (in most areas) to send you to inpatient treatment without your consent. I would try to explain "I have no intentions of ending my life, but I sometimes use self harm when I'm depressed." or something.

It's not a self harm thing per se as much as it's a life thing. Most medical professionals will only help you in the way you want or request unless your life is at risk.

How do you figure out what is likely in your case ?

I know this area sometimes just doesn't care .

At an ER once they actually sent someone home when that person had said if you send me home I promise I will kill myself.

Guess they were just overcrowded and didn't care.
The person tried getting help again and did get it .

I'm so tired
For so long I've masked it well enough
I worry about others taking things out of my control.

I wonder about what are the affects of admitting to self harm and almost certainly won't but I do want to know suicidal ideation ?

Or definitely won't not right now
The suicide attempts.

I wonder how do you figure out if it's safe ?

How do you keep yourself safe from medical and get help ?

This hiding all but the depression so far isn't working.

Maybe because I seem to be functioning much better than I am most of the time.

It takes a lot of energy but I get the bare minimum
And I survive
Or I did ...

I'm so very tired now of the fight
I think Today was different
It put future stuff into more perspective
I feel so exhausted by it all
I feel angry because I feel the weight of the financial problems for the others if I die .
I mostly stopped believing I matter enough to have an emotional effect on them .

Except for my pets .
Little heart breaker's anytime I think of how they would feel about this.

And I don't want to be strong for somebody else
Not again

I'm just so very tired of the fight

I never wanted it to be like this
I never wanted to think death might be the only way to end the pain .

But I'm so tired and it keeps asking to just let go
To end the suffering.
I don't have much fight left in me

That keeps coming up this hell week .
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Unsure and alone

It's a slow fade
Dec 10, 2023
Well small update
I almost risked being more honest with the psychiatrist.

I said I never told you how bad it actually is.

Well her response ruined that .

At least she ruined it before I admitted to either thoughts of self harm or self harm .

I ended up being frustrated while acting the part expected of me.

Ended up not admitting to anything more .

Also I feel like crap and may do something stupid Tonight

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