

Oct 12, 2023
For me, it would be, mainly, having a better professional and sentimental life. The rest I would try to improve over time.
But I know this has a 1% chance of happening, so... I'll CTB.

I found a method that has the same result as Nembutal, and i have 2 ingredients, one of them is very expensive, but it is the least important, so it''s ok. It's in this thread:



On overtime in life
Oct 19, 2023
That's is exactly what I struggle with.
I can't think of anything that I want to change.
Everything that I think I still reach to the same conclusion: Doesn't worth living.
I had what I thought were what I needed. I had friends, a GF, the job of my dreams, living on my own.
And I were still sad, I don't know if there's something that can be done to make me feel that worth it.

I wish you get what you need to not CTB. That's not that impossible to happen as it may feel.
Take care!


Waiting to step off in front of an audience
Sep 9, 2023
I am not sure if there is anything that would change me. I've been program to self destruct at some point and that has always been a 'fact' I've lived with.

It's just not if but when.
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Mar 20, 2023
Money and love are the two areas in my life lacking substantially. If I can't have both, I'd have money because I'm tired of eating ramen.

Ironically money is also keeping me from being able to afford to ctb…


In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
Physical health, healthy spine.


Oct 17, 2023

Everything would have to change.

From my depression, to my scumbag parents, to society in general.

Even if we look at it from a neutral perspective, why would anybody want to live in a world where:

1.Power hungry and corrupt people are the ones in charge.

2.Everything gets more and more expensive.

3.You're forced to go to school and worked for the rest of your life until you die of old age.

4.People kill each other over religion (ancient fairy tales).

5.Many children starve and grow up into malnourished adults due to being born into poor families.

6.Many people get abused and/or killed.

Is suffering for many decades worth it, just to experience rare moments of happiness that last mere seconds? In my eyes, hell no.

People collect things, have children and/or pets, etc, just to distract themselves from the fact of how utterly pointless and painful life on this planet is.
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Oct 22, 2023
For me, it would be, mainly, having a better professional and sentimental life. The rest I would try to improve over time.
But I know this has a 1% chance of happening, so... I'll CTB.

I found a method that has the same result as Nembutal, and i have 2 ingredients, one of them is very expensive, but it is the least important, so it''s ok. It's in this thread:

getting out of this town, having a strong sense of who my real friends are, having a grip over my emotions and who i am as a person, none of those are happening though.


Nov 5, 2022
It is a bit concerning to me that I don't know what it would take to make life bearable at this point. I feel like I've sought solutions from many different angles and have found no relief. One thing after another I have tried thinking, "Oh, maybe this will be what I need to feel better," yet I still struggle to a very burdensome extent. So yes, I have no clue what it would take to make me not want to be done with life once and for all.

Everything that I once saw as a solution couldn't put a dent in my inner turmoil.


Oct 22, 2023
My brain to work properly. Even my psychiatrist says that my problem won't go away, and that all I can do is develop techniques to suffer through it better. No thanks.


Global Mod // will i wiN my recovery arc
Nov 28, 2022
In the immediate term my partner would have to intervene to make sure I don't become homeless. Then I'd have to figure out insurance and other income.

In the long term, I would need to be loved enough to allow me the safety and stability to heal.

However, I still plan to die by suicide when I am older, a la peaceful exit.


Oct 13, 2023
I plan to ctb within in the next few weeks and i dont know what could change maybe my love life coming back or money? But honestly i cant see what could help


Oct 13, 2023
I don't want to live this horrible existence
I just want to die as soon as possible
Thinking if using tourniquet but it's doesn't seem much effective
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Sep 24, 2023
Immortality, the pointlessness of living a life that will end is what bothers me the most. Death takes all, so why does it matter?


2024/2025 Livestream
May 29, 2023
For me, it would be, mainly, having a better professional and sentimental life. The rest I would try to improve over time.
But I know this has a 1% chance of happening, so... I'll CTB.

I found a method that has the same result as Nembutal, and i have 2 ingredients, one of them is very expensive, but it is the least important, so it''s ok. It's in this thread:

Maybe if I had more social skills, confidence, self love and I didn't suffer from mental health issues, had better parents, a normal life where I wasn't forced to be perfect at everything, and a partner that can accept that I may look like a female but I'm still intersex. and I can't change nun Abt that


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
In my case I'd prefer to cease existing on my own terms regardless of the circumstances, wishing for nothingness is all that feels rational. It's the most terrible unnecessary curse having the ability to exist as a conscious being who is capable of suffering so extremely.

Only eternal nothingness is perfection and I see suicide as self care as it's the prevention of all harm in this futile existence that is just a torturous process of decaying from age and waiting to die anyway.

The thought of sleeping eternally comforts me so much, I only wish for a dreamless, permanent sleep, I don't get why anyone would wish for existence when one cannot suffer from the absence of everything.

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