
Aug 18, 2020
I think I got internet access roundabout 2007. I was quite young to that time. I think I urged my parents to buy us internet so that I could play video games online. Especially Pokemon. I always was fascinated about the US and Japan. And I was really excited to talk or play against people from abroad. The exchange/communication was limited at first.

I think the first websites I was on were news websites. My parents are very stupid. I adopted most of their media consumption habits. I often visited yellow press websites. That fostered my interest in politics. I did not visit adult websites when I was very young. My parents told me they were dangerous and prohibited it. And I followed that rule in the first years. Though the yellow press webistes sometimes had adult content.

When we first had internet access we had no flatrate. We were told to use it no that often so that the costs were lower. Tbh this was such a stupid deal but damn I was a child and my parents are morons.

I also was very very late concerning smartphones. I know I got an expensive phone to the the time everyone wanted touch-screens. And I bought an expensive one without. Some people called me stupid for that. I was not well educated to that time. However I just adopted the behavior of my parents. Moreover touch-screen phones were even way more expensive.

I resisted many new trends. Like social media. I disliked messengers at first. I was severely bullied at school and I feared cyber-bullying a lot.

The whole thing is kind of ironic. I am still not a fan of many new trends. For example TikTok, metaverse, most gacha-games etc. But I am without a doubt an internet addict. It improved my life quality a lot. I use it as a tool to educate me. I am a slow reader. I ruminate a lot while reading. I think if I only could learn new things by reading I was way way less educated. I use apps that read out loud content. And youtube is an amazing place to learn new things.

I usually avoid a long time period without internet access. Internet is a good way to cope with my pain. Though I am very disciplined when I want to be productive I can also resist the urge to leanr about the newest updates.

The great thing about the internet is the following in my opinion. We all can contribute to the content. This can be a danger for fake news but it is great having the feeling of being heard. Moreover there are so many niches on the internet. Cable TV could not cover all these niches. And the niches we are interested in differentiate us from the usual crowd. We can connect to people that we relate to.
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Sep 3, 2022
Porn. Lots of porn. And the more I looked at the more I went down the rabbit hole in chase of newer, kinkier, darker stuff.

I'm pretty sure it caused a lot of my mental health issues, I still watch lots today.

There should be better regulations to save children like I was.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
My first experience with the internet involved playing flash games on a dial up connection. I still remember listening to the dial up sounds while it was connecting and then when I found the games I wanted to play, I discovered that I could open them in their own separate tabs in the browser and keep playing them after disconnecting from the internet to keep the phone bill from going up. Once those tabs were closed, I had to connect all over again if I wanted to play those games again.

I think for me it was 2004-2005 when I first used it at home. Before then, I may have used it at school a handful of times. I can still remember the first time I tried to watch videos on Youtube with dial up. Needless to say, it didn't work very well. :pfff:

I still use it to research different things, but it's difficult sometimes to differentiate between misinformation and good information, especially when some people don't realize that the information they're putting out there is incorrect or harmful. When they are aware of the fact that they're misinforming people, it only makes things worse.
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Mar 9, 2022
Pretty innocent. I used to play lots of dress up games and other things on Disney/Nickelodeon. Feel bad for the kids growing up these days, as I don't think those things exist much anymore.

They're all on TikTok and similar apps, they're forced to grow up a lot faster.
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Jul 15, 2022
Watching content that ruined my mind


Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
This is an interesting question. I don't remember exactly when my parents first got internet, although I only starting using it around 2002 or so, mostly for schoolwork and basic things like email. I did stumble on one or two "adult" sites, but I just thought they were confusing and kind of gross. My family was very religious, and they eventually installed a monitoring system onto my computer that blocked "bad" sites, including YouTube. I wasn't savvy or interested enough to find a workaround. I didn't have free access to the web until the early 2010s. I don't feel too bad about it now, since I think I could have wasted a lot of time online as a kid, as I do now. I also feel addicted to the endless stream of information and entertainment.


Dec 15, 2021
I think I got internet access roundabout 2007. I was quite young to that time. I think I urged my parents to buy us internet so that I could play video games online. Especially Pokemon. I always was fascinated about the US and Japan. And I was really excited to talk or play against people from abroad. The exchange/communication was limited at first.

I think the first websites I was on were news websites. My parents are very stupid. I adopted most of their media consumption habits. I often visited yellow press websites. That fostered my interest in politics. I did not visit adult websites when I was very young. My parents told me they were dangerous and prohibited it. And I followed that rule in the first years. Though the yellow press webistes sometimes had adult content.

When we first had internet access we had no flatrate. We were told to use it no that often so that the costs were lower. Tbh this was such a stupid deal but damn I was a child and my parents are morons.

I also was very very late concerning smartphones. I know I got an expensive phone to the the time everyone wanted touch-screens. And I bought an expensive one without. Some people called me stupid for that. I was not well educated to that time. However I just adopted the behavior of my parents. Moreover touch-screen phones were even way more expensive.

I resisted many new trends. Like social media. I disliked messengers at first. I was severely bullied at school and I feared cyber-bullying a lot.

The whole thing is kind of ironic. I am still not a fan of many new trends. For example TikTok, metaverse, most gacha-games etc. But I am without a doubt an internet addict. It improved my life quality a lot. I use it as a tool to educate me. I am a slow reader. I ruminate a lot while reading. I think if I only could learn new things by reading I was way way less educated. I use apps that read out loud content. And youtube is an amazing place to learn new things.

I usually avoid a long time period without internet access. Internet is a good way to cope with my pain. Though I am very disciplined when I want to be productive I can also resist the urge to leanr about the newest updates.

The great thing about the internet is the following in my opinion. We all can contribute to the content. This can be a danger for fake news but it is great having the feeling of being heard. Moreover there are so many niches on the internet. Cable TV could not cover all these niches. And the niches we are interested in differentiate us from the usual crowd. We can connect to people that we relate to.

My family got a dial-up Internet connection back in 1998, with a speed of about 2, 3 kB/s. At that time, I used to download files for video games. I once downloaded a map for a video game, which took up about 20 MB, and it took about 2 hours to download it :smiling:

It was also popular to search for information using Altavista or Yahoo, since Google's search engine didn't exist.


Aug 29, 2022
Good question. It was dial up, 14k I think. I was in mid school I think so around 1992. First experience was with WWW and then newsgroups. Well I was a teen so I also discovered porn. At the time it was just pictures and very basic if compared with you can find nowadays. Was really a fun time. I learned HTML, made some websites for friends and small shops around my place. It was a time when it took rally not too much to have a prefessional site. Oh well and animated GIFs :D


Aug 3, 2022
Early 1990s on a 14.4k modem here. I was just into my teens and big into composing music at the time so I spent a lot of time downloading and creating MOD and S3M files, if anybody remembers those. They were sample-based music formats popularized by the Amiga computer.


404: Reason to live not found
Jul 17, 2022
Not internet, per sƩ, but I had access to a 2400 baud modem in 1992. You typed in a phone number not an address. And, people complain about their internet speeds today. *Laughs in Gen X* I could make myself a bowl of ramen noodles in the microwave before anything loaded. If the Bulletin Board Service was at capacity, I'd have to start the process again, waiting until someone left the chatroom.

My stepfather's IBM compatible (computer) had a barrel lock which I would pick with a paperclip. My stepsister, who loved to dob me in to the parents at every turn but was busy fking her boyfriend in her room when the parents weren't home, would stand in the loungeroom doorway being all jealous that I knew how to use a computer and she didn't. I'd offer to show her, but she was too busy hating me and would - less than politely - turn down my offer, enjoying tell the parents that I'd been on the computer again. I really wanted to get into coding and maybe even cybersecurity (possibly white hat or grey hat), but my mother told me that 'computers are for boys' and thought computers were a waste of time.

I wouldn't go on until very late at night when people were unlikely to call so I wasn't tying up the phone line. I'd chat with others, send emails, share files, etc. We had regular meets and parties. Before BBSing, there was the CB Radio community. Imma geek.

šŸ‘‹Waving at anyone else who was into BBSing back in the day. šŸ‘‹Waving at anyone who has heard of Cafe Chrome or Crossroads.
š–£“ nadia š–£“

š–£“ nadia š–£“

Dec 15, 2021
I think it was the early 2000's when I first used it, I'd play games on Nick.com and Disney, there was a Tarzan game I sucked at but I didn't let that stop me, and some 'My Scene' makeover games.

But that's about it, I didn't spend that much time in front of a computer. I preferred playing outside with the other kids in my area, riding our bikes, dancing, collecting snails, playing knock down ginger, using old discarded mattresses as bouncy castles etc.
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Sep 19, 2022
Around 2006-2008 I mostly played those flash makeover games with my friends. In 2009-2010 I remember searching youtube to watch Winx Club and Bratz which were a big thing for my generation. 2011 and onwards I used it for forums and anime. I've never felt safe around social media so I just had Facebook.


Aug 31, 2020
I remember the aol dial connections, that was the big thing, aside from that playing flash games. Clarences big chance, epic war, mardek, epic battle fantasy money seize etc. Fancy pants adventures 2 is still the most magical experience I had in terms of flash games. Playing through it allowed you to find trophies that took you to other creators stuff. Finding this,
and discovering Bitey Castle for the first time online, was probably one of the best times of my life overall.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
At the end of the 90's I sneaked into the University and with the user of my sister (her present) entered in order to find the answers to the questions of a contest of a famous Spanish video game magazine.
The 1st prize was about 6000 euros... I didn't win at all.


A finals del 90 em vaig colar a la Universitat i amb l'usuari de ma germana (ella present) vaig entrar-hi per tal de trobar les respostes a les preguntes d'un concurs d'una famosa revista de videojocs espaƱola.
El 1er premi era d'uns 6000 euros... no vaig guanyar pas.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Not good. It's the reason I want to kill myself. I can't even read through other peoples answers
  • Aww..
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