really quickly fucked up my life real badly. Got into a real depressive episode and decided that I wanted to sell my house for some stupid reason, was coerced through it all with a realtor that convinced me to go through with it when I was having doubts, then I started freaking the hell out and couldn't sleep for weeks, my job got so goddamn overwhelming at the same time. Relationship started falling apart and she was going to lose her job. One night took her gun and put it in my mouth. Couldn't do it. Told her the next day I was struggling and I put it in my mouth, and that I was sorry and she didn't deserve that.
She got so fucking mad at me like she never had before. Our relationship was always perfect, and she never got so mad at me. Told me she was leaving.
So in my state of no Sleep, feeling absolutely horrible and terrified of my future, I made a shit attempt at hanging myself and fucked up my spine in my neck.
Now, my girlfriend decided to stay with me. Only she thinks I'm fine, but my spine is fucked and I know I can't get that functionality back. Some of it's pretty bad, my legs and feet will go completely numb. But the worst part is honestly the fact that I'm barely functional sex-wise. I know I'll never be able to satisfy her ever again in that way now. Or anyone for that matter if she decides to leave due to that. Honestly, I'm just broken. And I struggle enough with life before as it is. Before all of this. Before I fucked myself up. Now I spend all day beating myself up and hating what I did for no fucking reason. So I'm ready.