

If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
I was reading a thread in a forum about the child actor Jonathan Brandis who commited suicide in 2003 , and this guy on there had this to say :

" Suicide is the pussy way out. The only excuse is for members in the military who are carrying vital top secret information, and those with a terminal illness from which there is no possible recovery. Otherwise anyone who kills themselves is a piece of shit in my book. Be a man, suck it up and deal with your problems, everyone else's does, so why cant you? Do people consider the pain that they will be putting their loved ones through when they decide to kill themselves? Suicide doesn't cure all of your problems, think of the people that you leave behind that have to try to figure out why you chose to do it. Mothers and fathers wondering if they mad a mistake raising their kid, or if they didn't give them enough attention. Suicide has many more repercussions than you could ever imagine.

And on another note, if you're going to try to kill yourself do it right the first time, and if your going to blow your head off, do it outside so nobody has to clean that crap up. I've been in a house where someone tasted the barrel of a shotgun, and the cleanup was a nightmare "

What do you guys think ?
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
If you're going to get annoyed at every idiot spouting complete and utter nonsense out of a lack of empathy/basic intelligence I think you're going to spend the better part of your waking life annoyed.

Most people are idiots: can we really blame idiots for acting like idiots? Are they to blame for being idiots?
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I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
It sounds like he is speaking about his own life if he committed suicide.

There are people on here who's "loved ones" have done horrible things to them. It's also very easy to say "suck it up" when you don't have any real problems. That's what I tell myself to reassure me in my plan to CTB lol. I think I am dealing with my problems and being a man.
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Jun 13, 2019
I am totally agree.

About this text, especially:

Suicide doesn't cure all of your problems, think of the people that you leave behind that have to try to figure out why you chose to do it. Mothers and fathers wondering if they mad a mistake raising their kid, or if they didn't give them enough attention. Suicide has many more repercussions than you could ever imagine.


Aug 27, 2018
An argument that will always be valid is "No one asked to be born so everyone should have the right to die"

And on another note, if you're going to try to kill yourself do it right the first time, and if your going to blow your head off, do it outside so nobody has to clean that crap up. I've been in a house where someone tasted the barrel of a shotgun, and the cleanup was a nightmare "
I often think about this too because out in nature it would be easy to cleanup but a counter argument to this is we live in a tyrannical world where we will be punished for not obeying our oppressors will so if I took a gun outside my home and put it to my head and couldn´t pull the trigger people would report me if they saw it and I would be punished where as if I did it in my apartment I have all the privacy in the world so again it´s society´s fault.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
An argument that will always be valid is "No one asked to be born so everyone should have the right to die"

Amen to that. Aslong as the selfishness of procreation isn't recognised as such no-one should have the right to bitch about the supposed selfishness of suicides. This whole society worships selfishness as the highest virtue (capitalism, individualism, hedonism) yet when it comes to this they demand utter altruism....

The longer I live the more I realize most people really are idiots: it's rare to read or hear about an opinion that is actually thought through, logically valid and based on the facts. If stupidity would be punishable by death the masses uttering such empty phrases would be gone and life might actually become worthwhile for those who had to suffer their stupidity/arrogance/indecency.
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Nobody exists on purpose. Come ctb
Apr 19, 2019
If you're going to get annoyed at every idiot spouting complete and utter nonsense out of a lack of empathy/basic intelligence I think you're going to spend the better part of your waking life annoyed.

Most people are idiots: can we really blame idiots for acting like idiots? Are they to blame for being idiots?
Idiocy and stupidity should be considered sins in my opinion.
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Aug 27, 2018
This whole society worships selfishness as the highest virtue (capitalism, individualism, hedonism) yet when it comes to this they demand utter altruism....
This is so fucking true.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
He says "and those with a terminal illness from which there is no possible recovery."

I would say that "aging" is a terminal illness from which there is no possible recovery that we are all suffering from.

Also he's wrong when he says "Suicide doesn't cure all of your problems,"

I would say that suicide instantly cures all of one's earthly problems.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I would say that suicide instantly cures all of one's earthly problems.

True: he should be asked how in satan's name it would be possible to have problems without a working brain capable of sustaining consciousness and complex neural networks.

The guy again shows himself a complete dunce by the redundancy of explaining the word 'terminal'. As if there are terminal illnesses where medical intervention could still save the day. In the medical literature there are (rare) instances of miraculous recoveries even in supposedly terminal cases so by this guy's 'logic' we should all suffer to the very end for who knows there might be an extremely small chance our illness will all of a sudden dissapear. I bet he would be the first to beg for increasingly higher doses of morphine to ease his pain even when it's clear this will cause death at some point.
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Aug 28, 2018
I'm pretty numb to this type of thinking.
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Nov 18, 2018
His opinion works for him. Personally, I think his opinion is utter ⚾⚽
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
True: he should be asked how in satan's name it would be possible to have problems without a working brain capable of sustaining consciousness and complex neural networks.

The guy again shows himself a complete dunce by the redundancy of explaining the word 'terminal'. As if there are terminal illnesses where medical intervention could still save the day. In the medical literature there are (rare) instances of miraculous recoveries even in supposedly terminal cases so by this guy's 'logic' we should all suffer to the very end for who knows there might be an extremely small chance our illness will all of a sudden dissapear. I bet he would be the first to beg for increasingly higher doses of morphine to ease his pain even when it's clear this will cause death at some point.
Like all pro lifers when he uses the word "terminal" he's only talking about "physical" pain that people suffer from. They don't think mental, emotional, financial, or social pain is anything to kill oneself over.
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Feb 23, 2019
It's an opinion and everyone is entitled to one. You don't have to agree and how you respond to it is up to you. Personally speaking, I wouldn't worry about it. You'll only waste your own valuable energy trying to make them see another perspective. You really do have better things to do.
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shining of stars calls me home
Jul 4, 2019
There are people good, bad, stupid, weird, suicidal, etc. all these people have a reason why they are like that (e.g. genes, environment influence). There is no point in discussing and condemning in absentia (if only to get rid of excessive irritation) because it will not change their thoughts, as well as their judgments will not change our thoughts. Thinking about it, I feel less and less annoyed, it just doesn't make sense, it's a waste of time and emotions, I could for example listen to some good songs during this time or devote time to my cat.

Sorry for my English, I can not learn a non-native language, so use the program for translation
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Jun 1, 2019
Judgemental hat on time :wink:

Take a fool. add a ijit and throw in a bit of a tosser and you get the type of people who make posts like that. So not worth the time or effort it takes to read their responses.

Judgemental hat off time :wink:


Cloak and Dagger
May 21, 2019
You have to just ignore asshats that act like that. He does not have even the slightest idea about how complex suicide is. Unless we are absolutely oblivious to reality then yeah, most of us are and already have considered what our loved ones will go through. And for us the torture of going on living(at least for me)far outweighs the pain they will go through. Of course people will be hurt by our choice. But you can't please everyone. And if life is so painful to continue living then we have every right to make our own choice, regardless of the implication. Having a couple mental health issues like bipolar, paranoid personality disorder, borderline personality, it pisses me off when people are like "can't you just decide to feel better?" no motherfucker, I can't. Not any more than you can just wish yourself to teleport across the world. People who don't have the slightest clue about how mental illness works like that guy are just stupid on a whole different level and just need to be ignored. They will get theirs eventually.
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My soul is awakened... and I’m f*cked
May 29, 2019
I was reading a thread in a forum about the child actor Jonathan Brandis who commited suicide in 2003 , and this guy on there had this to say :

" Suicide is the pussy way out. The only excuse is for members in the military who are carrying vital top secret information, and those with a terminal illness from which there is no possible recovery. Otherwise anyone who kills themselves is a piece of shit in my book. Be a man, suck it up and deal with your problems, everyone else's does, so why cant you? Do people consider the pain that they will be putting their loved ones through when they decide to kill themselves? Suicide doesn't cure all of your problems, think of the people that you leave behind that have to try to figure out why you chose to do it. Mothers and fathers wondering if they mad a mistake raising their kid, or if they didn't give them enough attention. Suicide has many more repercussions than you could ever imagine.

And on another note, if you're going to try to kill yourself do it right the first time, and if your going to blow your head off, do it outside so nobody has to clean that crap up. I've been in a house where someone tasted the barrel of a shotgun, and the cleanup was a nightmare "

What do you guys think ?
Well, clean up for that CTB motion is a nightmare... skull pieces go everywhere.

But all in all, everyone has a damn opinion... I just choose not to put any energy into hearing/watching/seeing it. They don't recognize the pain I'm in, so I refuse to recognize theirs.

Delete and move on. No use in getting all pissed off about it. They don't understand.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
And on another forum someone is ripping into pro choice and someones decision on why it's NOT selfish. Where one opinion is there will be a polar opposite on another forum,
Everyone in life is different, if we all had the same views it would be a pretty fucking shit world, Ignore the ones you don't agree with unless there is a healthy debate in it, but normally people like the one in the OP are just c**ts and not worth type time


This too shall pass
May 18, 2019
Honestly, I'm inclined to agree with most of what he said. Although he does sound like a real asshole. This is just his opinion and everyone is allowed one.

Reading this just makes me what to ctb even more.
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