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Jul 29, 2021
when young people go to public schools they will not learn to grow rich they learn how to be poor
I'll give you an example you live in capitalism
but they don't teach you how to become financially independent
how to invest how to produce they don't teach you to be producers
they teach you to be consumers they don't teach what money is
who creates money who creates inflation the reserve banks they don't teach you how politics really works
or how lobbying works you won't learn it in school finally they don't teach you how to organizes yourself and others
they want sheep not wolfs they want followers not leaders
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Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
If we're talking about the US, I'd say what they don't teach you in school is "anything useful at all." You leave 12 years of education with essentially no skills. It's just conformity brainwashing and day care.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
I went to university for a while (but dropped out before I got a degree) after finishing high school. Very few, if any of the classes actually taught information that was applicable to real life. I didn't know why I was there anymore so I dropped out and currently I'm working a blue collar job.

I also went through EMT training but didn't pursue EMS as a career (long story). Just having the guidelines drilled into your head is not enough. I've seen some people get preoccupied with memorizing all the medical stuff and forgetting about the patient care part. It's not really their fault though. It's the program that needs a lot of improvement.

Later this year I'm going back to school to get a full degree. I don't necessarily want to, but I can't see myself being a blue collar worker for my entire career because of how physically demanding it can be. I unfortunately have no choice but to play the game.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Fuck the education system. It's just mind-numbing and (even worse) leads to circle jerking imo. I know people who have passed up huge opportunities just to go broke paying for school and it's like shit, if you only knew what to do with that money instead. In some cases they could have been pushing millionaire level. People's ego and self importance shoots through the roof based on this garbage too. But it's still not impressive because any half-intelligent person can achieve the same. Drop that cash in an investment account instead and you'd be amazed what your numbers look like in a decade or so.

A lot of the time people don't even get to operate in their chosen field properly, upon completion. You realize too that many are using education as a placeholder for life because they're not comfortable in the workforce as they've been brainwashed into believing they're not competent enough without x or y piece of paper. Never mind the fact that all they usually need is some on practical, on the job training. I'm not saying a good degree won't ever pay off, but it should be treated as a risky business proposition rather than the gold standard required to get anywhere in life.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I was a student teacher and can confirm. Education is just about producing useful little worker drones not indendent and creative free thinkers.

I would recommend this TED talk

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May 5, 2024
...they want sheep not wolfs they want followers not leaders
Let me present some arguments for why this is the right thing to do. I shared your views 10 years ago, and learnt quite a bit since. I've looked very hard for more compelling alternatives, but as far as I can tell, this is the cold hard truth.

There are simply not enough resources for everyone to be rich. If you successfully taught this to everyone, you would simply increase competition.
Production requires an army of workers. Teaching people to be leaders would leave most dissatisfied, when they're inevitably forced to become workers.

Investing is not relevant for most people. Good investors make 10% return per year, while most amateurs lose money. Unless you have a lot of money, or you're thinking very long term, investment won't change your life. Investment help is readily available for those who are interested.

Successful companies are funded with money and people. Pursuing this without prerequisite capital and social circles, means you have to obtain those as part of creating the company. This is extremely hard for most people.

Politics, inflation, and lobbying is yet another level, that's simply irrelevant to most people. Before you're in a position for this to be relevant, you'll have expert advisors.

Public schooling teaches people to read and write. It teaches basic geography and science. It teaches conformity, religion and common values - how to fit in with the ruling culture and system. Those are important skills.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
They also don't tell you that all your hard work can just as easily go unrewarded. That life isn't fair. That there are many factors in play when trying to find jobs. Some of which we will have no control over whatsoever.

Still- I suppose they can't really tell us all that stuff. It may crush our hopes before we even try and you do at least need to try to have any chance of success.


-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I feel like no one I knew ever told me to stop and have a peace of mind. It was always about rush, conflicts, groups, hierarchies, materialism, controlling the environment. No one told me clinging brings restlessness and pain. They told me it's what I need to be "happy".
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Apr 5, 2024
George Carlin, somehow always relevant.



May 29, 2024
Yeah, I hate how their main purpose more than anything is to teach people from a young age how to be a wage slave and the way they pile tons and tons of work on you to do after school so you can already expect little to no free time when you do actually get a job.
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