
Aug 9, 2020
So...my life was never really good to begin with, but my childhood was definitely better than my life today.

I was always bullied because I'm autistic and people quickly caught on that I was different from most other kids.

However...I was at least a little bit talented as a kid. I was always pretty good at math and English/writing. I was okay at science, and pretty shitty at anything history.

It stayed like this throughout most of elementary school. But then...middle school started. 6th grade, I was 12. I suddenly started to struggle a bunch. Everything was so much harder. My English/writing skills went from pretty good to just okay, my okay science skills went from okay to shitty, I stayed shitty at history, and all of a sudden, math was my worst subject of all. Especially when I began algebra 1 honors in 7th grade when I was 13. Like oh god...I barely passed that shit. I got a D year to date. A low D too.

Then high school started...and things got even harder. I was honestly pretty shit in basically every subject. The only subject I did good in was chorus/choir, because the teacher basically just gave you points just for being there and participating, and you had to put in very little effort.

My grades looked something like this...my one A in choir...really low B's in a few subjects, like we're talking 79.50%...A LOT of C's and D's...and a few F's, but I worked hard to raise those up to a low D, or else I wouldn't get the class credit.

These days, I'm 19. Just turned 19 on May 15. And I just finished high school, 12th grade. I started elementary school at age 6, while I was supposed to start at age 5...but my parents though I was too "mentally disabled" to start school at age 5. And I don't blame them, cuz...at 5 I still wore a diaper cuz I kept pissing and shitting myself in public.

But I finished high school...and I struggled A LOT with it...and people say high school is supposed to be EASY. People say it gets WORSE from here on out.

I'm definitely not going to college anytime soon. If I do, it'll only be when I'm a lot older and more mature, like 25-30.

I plan to do some sort of trade, but I don't really know what I wanna do. I kind of want to help out mentally ill people, but I'm not 100% sure of what exactly I wanna do.

For now...I just plan to start somewhere easy like Publix, Target, or Walmart. But with COVID, it's gonna take a while for me to find anything.

And on top of all these issues...I was feeling depressed and suicidal a lot of the time, too. It started when I was 13 in 7th grade, and only got worse.

At this very moment my depression and suicidal thoughts have mellowed out a little bit, but I don't know when they're gonna come back full force, if they do.

For the record...I don't think I could ever kill myself. I mean I've definitely thought about ending it, but I'm a complete pussy when it comes to physical pain. I can barely handle stubbing my toe, so how would I handle real, life ending pain?

I don't think I ever plan to kill myself either for the record. Imagining the world without me just feels so empty and weird...because I've been a part of so many people's lives. And I'm kind of famous in a way.

But if there were an 100% painless way to die, like a new technology, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

And not only that, but I'm 19...if I'm like my other family members, I'll live till like 75-80. Won't life get even duller than it already is in those 60 years? What will I even do? Just be in a retirement home with other people who are also dying soon? Like what the fuck.

And just...I don't know. Life is just so complicated and unfair, and seems to be going backwards instead of forwards. What's the point of living if life keeps getting tougher, but I'm not getting any more skilled or smarter?
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Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Catch the bus?
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Aug 2, 2020
You can live a good fulfilling life if you play your cards right. You're at a critical stage in life but it's not too late for you. Take up a trade if you like working with your hands, it can be a very rewarding career for people that like to build/fix shit.

Don't get into drugs, and don't burn bridges with your family and get in with the wrong crowd. It's not too late for you.

Also there are lots of programs and services to help autistic folks along their way these days. You don't need to be here yet!!

Getting older definitely sucks though, make no mistake, there is nothing better than being a kid.
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Aug 9, 2020
Catch the bus?
Hmm...I'm not sure that's the best option in my situation. Because my life isn't even that bad to be fair. I've just been performing more and more pathetic as I've gotten older, and haven't been "progressing" like I've hoped.
You can live a good fulfilling life if you play your cards right. You're at a critical stage in life but it's not too late for you. Take up a trade if you like working with your hands, it can be a very rewarding career for people that like to build/fix shit.

Don't get into drugs, and don't burn bridges with your family and get in with the wrong crowd. It's not too late for you.

Also there are lots of programs and services to help autistic folks along their way these days. You don't need to be here yet!!

Getting older definitely sucks though, make no mistake, there is nothing better than being a kid.
Hmm...the real question is HOW to play your cards right. Yeah, it's a critical stage for sure, but not too late as I have around 60 more years. I don't mind working with my hands. Better than sitting down and doing paperwork like I did for 13 fucking years, kindergarten to 12th grade.

Yeah...drugs are almost never a good idea. And I have no reason to burn bridges with my family, because their life would be so empty without me. And yeah, you gotta pick your crowd, really.

And hmm...I haven't seen those programs, but perhaps I should do my research.

And yes, getting older does suck. I realized this even in elementary school. 5th grade was a pain compared to kindergarten, and I knew it. And I wasn't even in middle school yet, for fuck's sake.
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Is it over yet?
Aug 18, 2020
Congratulations on graduating high school! I think taking a break to figure out what you want to do is a great idea. I thought I knew what I wanted in life when I started college, but that changed several times throughout the process and now I'm stuck paying for a degree that serves me no purpose. I know this doesn't help, but I also think you have so much time left for things to get better in your life. Your frontal cortex hasn't even fully developed yet :heart:
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Aug 8, 2020
This is why I don't want to reach 30 years old. I am a fuck up.
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Jan 20, 2020
School isn't for everyone. Maybe look into trade collages and see if they offer something that interests you. Specialized trades can make a living salary too, and you might find something that you enjoy doing.
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No kill like overkill
Jul 30, 2020
No reason to bad mouth doing school later in life. I knew a guy who took almost 20 years finishing his bachelor's. Degree in hand in his mid 30s, all employers are checking is that he has it.


Can´t wait to find Neverland!
Aug 12, 2020
You're only 19, give yourself a chance! U still can change a lot of things.


Jul 19, 2020
I'm sorry if this sounds like a clichéd response, but I think that at your age there are still many opportunities for you to discover the right path. I wouldn't subscribe to despair yet. I wanted to kill myself at 19 and I had many wonderful things happen after that. Things for me in the end didn't turn out for the better, but that doesn't mean that's everyone's story. I had many great experiences along the way.

I think your plans sound great. Let life lead you for a while, would be my suggestion. You might discover a zeal and appreciation for it. If the time comes when you know there are no paths to happiness, then the choice is always yours.


Dec 26, 2022
You're only 19! A lot can happen in the next few years. Please give yourself a chance before making any rash decisions ❤️
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Leaving not grieving
Dec 19, 2022
You're only 19! A lot can happen in the next few years. Please give yourself a chance before making any rash decisions ❤️
Over 2 yrs ago...hasn't been on since Sep 2020.
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