

so terribly lost
Jan 1, 2024
as per the title.

obviously everyone has their own reasons as to why/why not they would use a method, but I'm wondering what puts you off of jumping?

It's my #2 as I'm thinking that a better method would be one that I can't take back once it's done.
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What a load of baloney
Mar 17, 2023
Jumping was often a method I would come back to, I think for me there's 2 main factors that put me off of it.
One is the high risk factor- with both survival and potential complications if survived (I always had this thought of ending up paralysed and having to live the rest of my natural life without any freedom or choice to stb).
The second is the potential of witnesses, I've always been certain that when my time comes I will attempt to do it in a way that will impact as few people as possible. If the last thing I saw was the face of someone standing by as I fell, well, that would be a shit final sight!
I'm sure there's other things but those have always been the things that put me off jumping as a choice of method.
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May 19, 2024
There's a lot of issues with finding the exact place to safely do this method for me. You have to choose somewhere that you can access, but it also shouldn't have passerby. You don't want someone to see you and call the police, but you also don't want to injure anyone when you land. People have been killed by jumpers landing on them. It also has to be a sufficient height to work. There was a user here who lost their leg when they survived jumping. I also dislike the thought of someone randomly coming across my body & the trauma that would incur. There's a lot of logistics to make sure this method works & doesn't affect anyone else in the process
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
My main problem is that there is no suitable place in my area from which I could jump.

Fear is another matter, but this applies to all methods.
It would certainly be easier for me to jump than to hang myself.

Currently my plan A is SN.
Plan B is to jump, but I'd have to travel somewhere. This is a bit problematic.
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Jun 29, 2024
I was considering jumping but then somebody jumped in my city and it traumatized people who witnessed it. Don't want to traumatize anyone and probably be the factor if they decided to ctb because of that.
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Jun 28, 2024
To me is because I imagine the last seconds alive while falling down and i bet you can feel the floor impacting in your head not very nice, also you can always survive. This one requires lots of guts for me it's a no.
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Mar 12, 2024
the fear of failure and the chance of serious pain As desperate as I am to end it all, I don't think I could ever jump off a high building.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
My acrophobia would probably glue me to the ledge, the in-between feeling before hitting the ground, failure damage and paralysis, the gore look of the aftermath.
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Aug 31, 2022
It is my planned method. My main worry at the moment is how to land on my head. I saw some videos and most people either jump straight and land straight on their feet or jump forward and start rotating in the air uncontrollably. I think a good technique would be to lean forward a bit to gain some angular velocity, jump and hopefully land on my torso. I wanna jump from 125 ft and I read about someone who jumped from 100 ft but survived because they landed on their legs.

Another concern is that survival instinct is particularly bad for this method because it's such a primal instinct. In theory, I am a big fan of a method that kills me in 3 seconds but it's so damn scary. I am currently training to overcome survival instinct by going to the spot repeatedly. This I examined the spot, next week I wanna sit and stand there on the edge and in 2 weeks I wanna jump hopefully. Also just walking to the spot during the day to get more accustomed to it.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The feeling of falling. I don't even enjoy it on rollercoasters.

The fear of maiming myself rather than killing myself.

The fear of still being alive on impact- say into water and being in agony while I drown.

The distress it would cause other people to either witness it or collect my body.
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f/uk seeking partner to vanish with
Oct 1, 2023
Id love to jump, to fly for a moment.
But the trauma of the person/ppl who find me, no I couldnt put them through that, to live with that.
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All of these lies are not worth fighting for
Feb 18, 2024
The fact that people have survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge completely puts me off even considering jumping. Existing is bad enough i'd rather not exist with a serious injury that makes things more difficult.
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„We can olive together“
Apr 9, 2023
That I have to take a train for an hour or so to get there. I'd prefer a method I can do at home, but.
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Jun 25, 2024
I don't wanna be found in public. Also it's too risky, you need to balance and rotate what parts you are going to fall on.


May 6, 2024
Jumping is my preferred method by far. I hear that everyone who survives a jump says they wished they had not jumped after they take the step, But the thing to me about it is that once you start the plunge you can't back up. That to me is a good thing. I would be able to simply continue down a few seconds. I think that the registration of the pain would be only enough to realize there was pain if the height is enough and the ground is solid. Impact, organs tear apart and you are instantly unconscious and likely with severed nerves though out the spinal column and then no registration of anything. The key to me is the pain is so incredibly fast. It would be like those poor people killed in the unconventional billionaire submarine when the thing imploded. The time for them to register there was a problem with their brain was shorter than the time that their bodies took to liquefy and compress to a tiny size. They didn't register pain or even the realization something was wrong. I think the impact would be like that.
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Mar 7, 2024
Honestly the thought of jumping is just horrifying to me. I couldn't go through with it
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Jun 17, 2024
Idk it just seems like alot of adrenaline is required and you have to be super brave and also do it fast enough that no one could see you and stop you/call the police.

I have a place in West Va i was looking at but its just such a long way down. Im afraid i wouldnt have the guts to actually pull it off.

also i can imagine on the way down you would have alot of time to think, regret the choice, wish you didnt do it. Or maybe you wouldnt who knows :notsure:
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Jun 26, 2024
I don't want a public method—I want to minimize the harm done to others by my own decision to CTB. Also the fear of severe complications if it were to fail
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Jun 5, 2024
Mostly, I'm afraid of the feeling of free falling and I think in however long it takes me to reach the ground I'd be terrified. Transport there would also be difficult due to having no car.

However, its up there in methods im considering. If I have access to a good spot and can't achieve any other method, I am willing to overcome my fear and resort to it.
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Not A Fan

Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
what puts you off of jumping?

The idea that, depending on how you land, you might not die immediately. I don't know if there are any statistics about this, or it would be possible to collect such information, but I feel like there's could always be a chance you might land in such a way that death is not immediate upon impact.

And even if it is instant, the last few moments are spent in absolute terror. I could see if I were in a particularly desperate and time-sensitive situation, but I would have to be thoroughly sedated first, that would be the only way.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
I did a bungee jump years ago. Once the elastic caught me and I started bouncing, it was amazing. But the free fall seemed to last for hours and as it took place in the centre of town and I was the last to go at the end of the afternoon, a very large crowd had gathered and I'm afraid my swearing echoed for miles around and a lot of children went home asking "what does x, y and z (and the rest of the alphabet) mean?"

I had to jump on 2 not 3 because I knew I'd wimp out (did I mention the crowd?)

It's not the landing that bothers me (assuming it's high enough).

But the thought of the fall.......... 🤮
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Tommen Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

Dec 26, 2023
I've read survivors stories about their jump. Some of them talked about what they thought right after jumping:

'OMG I don't want to to this.'

I imagine it's a long way down from then on.

That's what keeps me off (and my fear of heights).
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May 12, 2024
Getting there. And without suspicion. Not having the freedom and time to grow accustomed to the idea.

My absolute fear of falling, I've never been brave in that regard. Having no medication available to me to take some of the edge off. Also the more rigid you are when you fall the more likely of life-threatening injury/death.

The chaplaincy team

The idea of landing on a ledge and surviving with life-altering injury. Not being able to be sure of this.

Knowing I'd hesitate and I had a lot more of a chance going through with it when I last visited the spot. However traumatizing.


An angel who wants to go home..
May 29, 2024
The falling. I don't wanna be in a free fall, able to think , able to count the seconds till I hit the ground.
Not A Fan

Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024
I did a bungee jump years ago. Once the elastic caught me and I started bouncing, it was amazing. But the free fall seemed to last for hours and as it took place in the centre of town and I was the last to go at the end of the afternoon, a very large crowd had gathered and I'm afraid my swearing echoed for miles around and a lot of children went home asking "what does x, y and z (and the rest of the alphabet) mean?"

I had to jump on 2 not 3 because I knew I'd wimp out (did I mention the crowd?)

It's not the landing that bothers me (assuming it's high enough).

But the thought of the fall.......... 🤮
You know what... this totally reminds me of a dream I used to have during childhood, which involved free-falling to certain death (I'm sure many people have this dream.)

Once I recall falling out of an airplane, passing through the clouds as I approached the ground. Another one I remember was being launched to a great height by a malfunctioned rollercoaster car. A common variation was a car backing off a cliff of some sort.

The thing that struck me the most about these dreams was the hypnotic sense of peace, warmth and calm which accompanied the experience of falling.

It was like, once I became aware that I was falling to certain death, in the absence of any opportunity for struggle, it would fill my entire being with euphoric tranquility. Completely the opposite of the panic you would expect. Having sampled many different kinds of psychoactive drugs, I can tell you this was better "high" than any of them. I wish I could do a better job describing it qualitatively. Maybe similar to the sense of "welcoming" some people report during their near-death-experience.

As one might expect, the moment I "made impact," the dream would immediately end and I would abruptly wake up. Regardless of the setting of the dream, it was the most incredible feeling of peace and wellbeing I have ever experienced, always triggered by a ridiculously long, fatal fall.

Eh sorry for kinda trailing off. I wonder if anyone else ever had these dreams, though....?

Clearly the feeling of falling in reality would be one of unbearable terror.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
You know what... this totally reminds me of a dream I used to have during childhood, which involved free-falling to certain death (I'm sure many people have this dream.)

Once I recall falling out of an airplane, passing through the clouds as I approached the ground. Another one I remember was being launched to a great height by a malfunctioned rollercoaster car. A common variation was a car backing off a cliff of some sort.

The thing that struck me the most about these dreams was the hypnotic sense of peace, warmth and calm which accompanied the experience of falling.

It was like, once I became aware that I was falling to certain death, in the absence of any opportunity for struggle, it would fill my entire being with euphoric tranquility. Completely the opposite of the panic you would expect. Having sampled many different kinds of psychoactive drugs, I can tell you this was better "high" than any of them. I wish I could do a better job describing it qualitatively. Maybe similar to the sense of "welcoming" some people report during their near-death-experience.

As one might expect, the moment I "made impact," the dream would immediately end and I would abruptly wake up. Regardless of the setting of the dream, it was the most incredible feeling of peace and wellbeing I have ever experienced, always triggered by a ridiculously long, fatal fall.

Eh sorry for kinda trailing off. I wonder if anyone else ever had these dreams, though....?

Clearly the feeling of falling in reality would be one of unbearable terror.
I used to have those regularly. It's something to do with your blood pressure dropping as you fall asleep and your brain misinterpreting the messages your body is desperately sending it. It only lasts a few seconds until part of your brain finally gets the message and jolts you awake but knowing that doesn't stop the heart racing and sweat dripping! (For me it was usually falling out of a Wright Brothers style plane or an old fashioned hot air balloon 🤷)
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
How are you all's falling dreams like this? Mine are quite terrifying and unsettling. And what does this difference even mean? Low key jealous tbh.
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Not A Fan

Not A Fan

don't avoid the void
Jun 22, 2024

I used to have those regularly. It's something to do with your blood pressure dropping as you fall asleep and your brain misinterpreting the messages your body is desperately sending it. It only lasts a few seconds until part of your brain finally gets the message and jolts you awake but knowing that doesn't stop the heart racing and sweat dripping! (For me it was usually falling out of a Wright Brothers style plane or an old fashioned hot air balloon 🤷)
Did you ever get it where you feel a state absolute bliss once you start to fall? That was always hard for me understand. As soon I hit the ground I would be startled awake, but as I was falling it the most peaceful sensation I have ever felt.
How are you all's falling dreams like this? Mine are quite terrifying and unsettling. And what does this difference even mean? Low key jealous tbh.
I don't know! I wish I could understand this. I haven't had these kind of dreams since I was very young, maybe between 4 - 7 years old. I had unusually vivid dream recollection around that time. Sadly not so much anymore, although lucid dreaming sounds really interesting to explore, I am just so undisciplined, I never keep up with all the practices you have to do.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
No, it's been decades so I honestly don't remember. I can remember one blissful dream experience which is hideously embarrassing. I think I must have been 13 or 14 and was dreaming about toilets and then experienced a moment of bliss. And then woke up to find out I had pissed the bed as I'd obviously fallen asleep before going to the toilet and my bladder had been trying to nag me awake. Luckily I had my parents' old double bed by this point so I stripped the sheets, scrubbed the mattress, blamed one of the dogs who was getting on a bit when they inevitably woke up and slept on the dry side of the mattress. That poor dog was under scrutiny for months and I felt hideously guilty but I've finally unburdened myself. Sorry, Dog. 🐾
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Simply SI when i watch down😰
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