

Aug 6, 2024
Some time ago, I had a conversation about the subject of ctb-ing with a co-worker. She strongly opposed my views on euthanasia, the meaning of life, etc and said that if I ever ctb-ed she would miss me SO MUCH.

Mind you, she never says hello to me, never stops by my booth to chat like she does with other people. I used to always be the first one to greet her and to start the chit-chat, I stopped doing it long time ago because I realized how one-sides this was.

And she isn't the first pro-lifer who clearly doesn't give a shit about me yet gets visibly upset when the subject comes up (not that I need her to give a shit, it's just the hypocrisy that kills me). People who never call me and never hang out with me say they will miss me so much. People who barely know me say they will miss me so much and that they love me so much lmao. Like, is there a new definition of missing and loving in the dictionary that I don't know of? What is wrong with all of them?

I think it's the pro-lifers that need help, not us.
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Apr 15, 2022
It's all fake BS to make themselves feel better and, most often, I believe, an easy way, perhaps the easiest by only having to convey words with no meaningful actions, so they can validate themselves as having "Christian" hearts (the Jesus myth supposedly told everyone to love all people).

Others who respond: Don't go on some tirade directed at me about religion, or anything of the like. I'm not going to partake in any of it. You have your views and I have mine, so leave it at that. You have the option of voicing your views in this thread, so just do that, if you like.

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Aug 6, 2024
It's all fake BS to make themselves feel better and, most often, I believe, an easy way, perhaps the easiest by only having to convey words with no meaningful actions, so they can validate themselves as having "Christian" hearts (the Jesus myth supposedly told everyone to love all people).

Others who respond: Don't go on some tirade directed at me about religion, or anything of the like. I'm not going to partake in any of it. You have your views and I have mine, so leave it at that. You have the option of voicing your views in this thread, so just do that, if you like.

Yes, that's for sure the case for all the religious folks I think. It's the non-religious folks I marvel the most about. Because they say that shit too. Maybe it's the combination of religion and these technology/head in your device times we're living in. So basically just something to say without getting deep..and then "scroll on" to the next person.

And hey, it's nice to see you - I haven't seen you around in a while, I always enjoy reading your comments :)
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Apr 15, 2022
Yes, that's for sure the case for all the religious folks I think. It's the non-religious folks I marvel the most about. Because they say that shit too. Maybe it's the combination of religion and these technology/head in your device times we're living in. So basically just something to say without getting deep..and then "scroll on" to the next person.

And hey, it's nice to see you - I haven't seen you around in a while, I always enjoy reading your comments :)
Hey, I'm non-religious and I don't say that shit. 😁

I did take a brief hiatus for almost a couple weeks. Yeah, still around for now. Good to see you, too.
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Aug 27, 2024
Yes, that's for sure the case for all the religious folks I think. It's the non-religious folks I marvel the most about. Because they say that shit too. Maybe it's the combination of religion and these technology/head in your device times we're living in. So basically just something to say without getting deep..and then "scroll on" to the next person.

And hey, it's nice to see you - I haven't seen you around in a while, I always enjoy reading your comments :)
You right, people say that regardless of religion or political views.

Perhaps it's a biological mechanism to prevent the shrinking of the tribe... Or it's just to feel that they did something
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Oct 17, 2023
They are ignorant people who are brainwashed by religion and their upbringing.
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Aug 24, 2024
I think it's the pro-lifers that need help, not us.
Exactly! You nailed it!

They can be pro-life about themselves all they want but need to stay the fuck out of my airspace. I have every right to end my life on my terms.
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Aug 25, 2024
I also feel religion plays a huge part in non-choicers (because they aren't pro life).

They "should" be a certain way because their religion tells them to be a certain way, so they act that way. They may even have it as a genuine core belief that they are doing good.

Telling someone else what they can or can't do with THEIR body is really an awful thing.

My general mantra is "Do whatever you want to do unless it's hurting somebody else (unless that's what THEY want"
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Aug 25, 2024
Fear. People are scared of the outrider. They're afraid of the humans that act counter to their taught beliefs. If you do something contrary to society you are seen as abnormal. People are scared of the difference. I'm thinking about people who do adrenaline sports, base jumping for example. People who push the envelope of human experience because they think and feel differently than the pack.

They fall in line like robots. Religion, politics, doesn't matter. They need a pack to follow.

Us? We're the outriders. We don't need to be told what to think. And that bloody scares them.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I agree with the above post that a suicide would upset their order in life. They'd find it disturbing.

They may also not like the idea of someone feeling like no one gives a shit about them. So, it's a quick and easy way to try and emotionally blackmail someone that other people do sort of care. They'd notice if they weren't there at least. Still- I agree with you. It's going to feel like empty words if they don't follow up with actions that demonstrate that they give a shit.

Sometimes, I wonder how people will react if I do CTB. I don't want them to be upset. Sometimes I think they may be angry though. Then, I start to have similar thoughts really. Like- I'm not sure you have the right to feel angry with me if you haven't really bothered to keep in touch for years. Like- how much can it really affect you if all we really bother with are a Christmas card and perhaps a couple of texts a year? Maybe it still can though. Part of it is guilt most likely that they weren't in touch. I suppose they get angry at being made to feel that guilt.
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Oct 31, 2021
It's because they believe what they're saying. The reality of the situation is that if they didn't know the person they were casually acquainted with was dead and just thought they moved away or something they would not care. It's the fact that death is such a shocking and disturbing thing to them. Knowing someone you personally knew, talked to and worked with died (let alone CTB'd) would be very emotionally trying, a person might even cry over someone they barely knew.
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Aug 6, 2024
I also feel religion plays a huge part in non-choicers (because they aren't pro life).
I think we should start calling them pro-suffering haha. Or pro-bullshit.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I would like to ask prolifers or anyone some questions.

Why do I have to live for what reason? No one can give me a reason why I have to live or do anything . Much less a reason that is objectively true.

You can say that life has meaning or that your morality is the one objective morality. Buy I'll never agree with that .

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Aug 6, 2024
I would like to ask prolifers or anyone some questions.

Why do I have to live for what reason? No one can give me a reason why I have to live or do anything . Much less a reason that is objectively true.
Oh trust me, they always have some lame answers for those questions. So lame that it just makes me want to ctb even more because their stupidity hurts my brain lol.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Oh trust me, they always have some lame answers for those questions. So lame that it just makes me want to ctb even more because their stupidity hurts my brain lol.
I've only asked that question here and in the nihilism subreddit . No one has answered me yet , "why do I have to live or do anything for what reason?".

I haven't challenged the normies in real life cause they can't handle the truth that nothing really matters. Plus it could lead to them retaliating against me . So I only talk about these topics where I can be anonymous.

And it's just not religious people. Imo seems like probably only less than 1% of humans might agree with me that life is meaningless suffering, nothing matters

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Aug 6, 2024
I've only asked that question here and in the nihilism subreddit . No one has answered me yet , "why do I have to live or do anything for what reason?".

I haven't challenged the normies in real life cause they can't handle the truth that nothing really matters. Plus it could lead to them retaliating against me . So I only talk about these topics where I can be anonymous
Well, that is exactly the point of nihilism - there is absolutely no reason. One of the solutions according to the nihilist philosophy is to ctb. There are other solutions too, for example deluding yourself into thinking there is a reason by being religious.
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