It was my chosen method before switching to SN until I kept thinking of the potential unknowns that may happen. Now let me preface to say I'm not saying it doesn't work, I believe it does, it's just that I'm an over-thinker and worry more about the unforeseen risks given the examples I'm about to give.
For one, there isn't a lot of proof or any people I've encountered from on here that died with this method besides them saying it's their chosen method in their goodbye threads but that still doesn't give any evidence besides here say. @Kooz who made the megathread even mentioned in his last messages that he was still was planning with the NN method but there no proof so again it's just here say. Atleast with SN there's proof that it works.
And two, the real unknowns are when you pass out and you can't control your body movements. The ratchet strap could get loose and move up your neck when or if your body thrashes around since both of those pads that you're suppose to put on your carotid arteries gives an opening in the ratchet strap around your Adam's apple. Sometimes when I practiced this happened and since I did partial suspension instead of full I didn't even put my full weight on and the strap was already getting loose. Given this risk I absolutely hate the thought of failing and becoming a vegetable and knowing my luck it would happen.
And three, atleast for me I thought I could go through with this method but I couldn't deal with the pain no matter how hard I tried to numb myself the survival instinct always kicked in and I pussied out. Plus there aren't any places where I could attempt to hang myself without potentially traumatizing my family in my room or complete strangers at a park that's near me. I considered going to a national park and doing it but that's just too much trouble for me to follow through since I want my plan to be simple. Overall even with the risks I still think it can work since sometimes when I practiced I felt I was about to pass out in under 20-30 seconds and I believe it just depends on how desperate you are.