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Jun 27, 2019
If you can remember them.

Sorry if this has been asked a billion times before.


"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Worst nightmare was my mom coming to visit me after she died and I was mean to her because she tried to stop me ctb. It was almost ten years ago and I still cry thinking of it.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
Best dream: I was back in school, asked my crush out, and she agreed. And for this one small, brief moment, I felt that I wanted to live forever. I know how stupid it sounds, but it felt good to receive unconditional love, even if it was a fantasy that lasted less than an hour IRL.
Worst nightmare: I was trying to finish a project, and I kept failing. This was kinda a lucid dream, but not really. Every time I wanted to do something, it would work, but then something would go wrong somewhere. I remember a couple of moments. One where I wrote code that had no compilation errors, and ran properly, only for the program to crash at an edge case I hadn't thought of. Another was a point where I wanted to take a break. I picked up my phone, it fell, cracked its screen, and busted my laptop's charger (which due to my laptop's shitty battery meant that I would have to take a break from work). Eventually, I got kicked out of college.

EDIT: About that nightmare... I've abridged the events a bit. I didn't just wish for 'code that compiles', I wished for a lot of 'public int myfun(int x, string y, myType z) {... return output;}'. And the route to getting expelled was a similar series of one small thing leading to another.
Also, if any of you want nightmare fuel, just go through random stuff on the SCP Foundation's page. There's a lot of great writing there, some of which might be extremely relevant to the populace of this site.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
My best dream is a recurring one where I realize I'm in that house with all the hidden rooms. I think it's the closest I get to lucid dreams. Sometimes it's a flat, sometimes a house, or a hotel even, but that feeling when I realize "hey - this is the place!" and start finding the hidden rooms - I love that.

My worst involves hearing my horrible grandmother crying and begging me to take her place in hell. Ugh fu icky bah!
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Sep 28, 2018
I used to get this recurring dream . It started in my childhood .. and I get the same dream over and over again . the last time i got it before a year i think.
In that dream..i am in a small room built from wood.. and I am stuck in a hurricane, like the room that i was in getting blown away coz of the wind..I lay on the floor in prone position, I try to lift up my head..try to see .. but i can't see,everything is so blurry. I lay there for.. how long i don't know.

another recurring dream.. I used to get this in my childhood. Me and my father are on the railway tracks. I was asking my father where my mother is. He was not willing to say.. or something I don't remember. I used to cry and ask. this is what i remember.

I had other recurring dreams too.. which i have searched about and saw that it is something related to insecurity, fear, trustlessness.

these are some of my nightmares.
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Jun 27, 2019
Can't recall the best dream...but the worst nightmare is easy...I am still having it and hope I wake up soon and laugh about how "realistic" it was whilst making an appointment to have the dreaming neurons in my brain permanently burned away. I know they can't do that since they can't even get the simple stuff right, but one can dream...obviously...since they can't burn those neurons out.
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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
If you can remember them.

Sorry if this has been asked a billion times before.
I have bad nightmares cant remember most but what makes mine a little bit odd i am still awake i have wakeing dreams. Its down to lack of sleep lucky if I get 10 - 15 hrs of sleep a week best sum times i out in public when they hit . They can most look like i am having a fit in one way is good as i can pass it of as that . Bit of a bummer a LOL :D
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Lucid Dreamer
May 30, 2019
Best Dream: I was sitting on a small hill on a bright and breezy afternoon with one of my in-person friends. Below the hill was a stone bridge that arched over a laughably small river that we could have walked across instead of going on the bridge. The overall scenery had a slightly brighter contrast to take notice of but not enough to be fantastical. On the other side of the stone bridge was a dense forest, but we didn't cross the bridge or check out the forest. I was content on sitting on the hill and talking with my friend.

The sun was pleasantly warm on the skin, and the breeze was just enough that you could hear it, but it wasn't an overpowering gust, so I spent a good deal of my dream leaning back on my elbows and soaking up everything. It was the most peace I had in my entire life. Eventually I asked my friend if I had absolutely had to go back, and he said yeah. So I did what I always do when I have enough mental awareness in my dreams: I pulled out a gun and shot myself.

I never die in my dreams when I kill myself. I still have full awareness and just lay there with a reassuringly heavy body, but I was filled with that indescribable bliss and completion, with the sun and wind, on that nice grassy hill.

Worst Nightmare: I dreamt that I was in my bed in the pitch black, but I knew something was there at the bedside. Even though it was so dark I couldn't see in front of my hand, I saw a figure that was even darker. There was almost no sound in my dream, but what little there was had a muffled effect, like my ears were underwater. Instinctively I rolled to the side of the bed where the wall was and tried to squeeze myself between the gap where the wall met the bed, but I felt black bony fingers digging into my arm and trying to pull me out of the bed.

It managed to drag me out far enough that my legs were hanging off the bed, and then that's when it silently climbed on top of me. This is the part of the dream where I have to disclose that I hate having my neck touched. In real life and in dreams. But in dreams, the sensation is 10x worse. So the monster gripped my neck, and my neck felt like that thing where you're aware of your nose and it gets that indescribable throbbing sensation, and you mix that with an uncomfortable tingle. I pinned the fingers down with my face and shoulder and told myself that it was all a dream and that I needed to wake up. After a few times saying this, I did.
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If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
I get bad evil dreams every night
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Apr 16, 2019
Best dream: i was in a sort of bookstore and while i was browsing, a person approached me from behind. The person's face started shapeshifting so i figured i'm in a dream. So i started roaming about and somehow, i knew i could float and phase through solid objects, so i did.

It's the only lucid dream i could remember. My regret is i did not attempt to test the limits of my control over the dream, like maybe warp reality around me.
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Jun 27, 2019
To answer my own question: I can't really remember having a good dream. Pretty much all my dreams are nightmares. My worst nightmare happened a few months ago. It started as I was running from somebody through the suburbs I used to live in a while back. I remember breaking into homes and seeing this person and their gang going from window to window shining flashlights in looking for me (it was night-time). Then when I thought I got away from them whilst hiding in a house I looked out the window and saw them. They turned their heads towards me and started coming after me. I tried running but I was going extremely slowly like I was stuck in quicksand. I woke up in a massive sweat and didn't move for a good 15 minutes. I remember that nightmare extremely vividly. I've had more messed up dreams than that, but that one was particularly terrifying.
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Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
I've had a reoccurring dream since I was young. I'm walking around an old abandoned catholic(?) school, it's fall, and the grounds are beautiful with maple and willows. I wander to an adjacent cemetery, where there is a large fountain within a deep pool. I walk around the pool, balancing on the brick, when out of nowhere, several school children push me into the pool, and hold my head underwater, until I drown. End dream.
The dream never varies, and I always wake up afterwards. It use to freak me out, but now it's just normal. I probably have the dream every couple of months.
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Can't wait to be another statistic
Feb 6, 2019
My worst nightmare was pretty fucking strange ... It had a trailer and everything if that makes sense.

I was aware I was watching a movie style trailer of my dream. Where the sides of my face were being peeled off by razor blades from each side. Slowly coming off towards the centre.

The actual dream didn't make any sense and it's not worth recounting (and it would take too long to type out on my phone). But it was fucking weird that I had a 'preview' to my nightmare. If anyone is actually interested how the rest of it went I can type it out when I get home. But it's very long.
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Jun 9, 2019
Had a dream where my ex forgave me and I got to kiss her again and she wanted to know how I was doing

A mix of my best and worst
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Can't wait to be another statistic
Feb 6, 2019
Had a dream where my ex forgave me and I got to kiss her again and she wanted to know how I was doing

A mix of my best and worst
They're great ... Until you wake up. Then you wish you never did.


May 5, 2019
Best dream was this afternoon. I was in this canyon, but the sand was purple. ( I know what you are thinking with the purple sand, but it was a regular dream...no drugs involved at all). I jumped off a cliff into the abyss of the canyon. I was a bit scared but after I made the jump I was floating blissfully to my death. An overwhelming sensation of peace came over me. Then I woke up and realized I am still alive. And felt very sad and very frustrated. (Especially since I am in the hospital after a failed attempt)

Biggest nightmare...aside from my life, you mean? I had this really vivid one a few months ago. I was working late at the office and all of a sudden the lights went out and this demon grabbed me and I said "who's there" and it said "you know who this is" . I didn't know the demons name but I felt like I recognized its presence. When I woke up I swear I could still feel its bony demon arms wrapped around me. So creepy.....
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
I keep having a bizarre recurring nightmare at least once per month. In the nightmare, I'm climbing a street with great difficulty because said after said street there is some place I want to go, then all of a sudden the street starts becoming steeper and steeper, until I just can't climb it anymore and I start falling back in a neverending fall until I wake up. It is so scary and realistic that it makes me panic at sight of steep streets. I have no idea of what my brain is trying to say with that. Maybe that I should just give up and let myself fall to my death?
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Sep 28, 2018
How good would it be if we can know the exact meaning of those dreams and what our soul wants to tell us..
we could have found solutions to many problems and get out of this crap.
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