

May 17, 2024
I don't get it, why are people so oppressive in their ways? Society seems to advocate for life alone, completely ignoring that there are people SUFFERING out there, and it won't just get better for them. To me this seems cruel, when you cannot take your own life peacefully, but are forced to stay and live it out. Yet, SASU is called the cruel one. I don't get it. What is wrong with people, can't they see that we have a right to stay or go?
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Jul 19, 2024
Não entendo, por que as pessoas são tão opressivas em seus modos? A sociedade parece defender a vida sozinha, ignorando completamente que há pessoas SOFRENDO lá fora, e não vai melhorar para elas. Para mim, isso parece cruel, quando você não pode tirar sua própria vida pacificamente, mas é forçado a ficar e vivê-la. No entanto, SASU é chamado de cruel. Não entendo. O que há de errado com as pessoas, elas não conseguem ver que temos o direito de ficar ou
It's because for the state/system, suicide is bad because it worsens the economy, it's good to have slaves supporting the bourgeoisie, apart from religion, but the economy is the main thing.
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May 12, 2024
because most people are scared of death, cannot understand true suicidality (though many have wished to die, but not in earnest), and death deeply saddens them.
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bokura wa inochi ni kirawarete iru
Mar 27, 2023
from a government standpoint, suicide is bad because less workers therefore worse economy. from a social standpoint, it's just because they view death as an inherently bad thing and do anything to avoid it, not realizing that there are some people who simply don't want to live.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Suicide gives people yucky feelings, and we can't have that.
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Addled and Rattled

Addled and Rattled

Mar 15, 2023
I think that a lot of people struggle with accepting that death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. And if we accept that clause then it means that there must be an incentive for people to want to stick around. Massive change and reform would have to take place, and they simply don't want to do that. We'd actually have to value the individual. Sure they could decide that you have a choice, you can die. What would happen when living situations only get worse though? Would a mass exodus occur? Would the ill and outcast simply decide to die? Would there even be need for reform and activism if those who cannot fit the mold can just.. leave?
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
People also commonly attribute ideation to mental illness which they associate with being mentally incompetent. Additionally, they seem to believe that all problems, including mental illnesses are fixable. So- I suppose in their eyes, we are simply a bunch of misguided people whom- under the right circumstances would all live fulfiling, joyful lives. So- to end it short seems like a tragedy to them and something that needs to be prevented, so we can be 'fixed'. That's my guess anyway.

They seem to utterly ignore the fact that plenty of people struggle to find meaningful solutions to what they are dealing with- that's most likely why they're suicidal in the first place! Because everything they can conceive of to do and have tried, hasn't worked. They also totally ignore how inadequate things like mental health services can be in some areas. And, if they do actually concede those things, we're still not off the hook because they'll insist that suffering is a natural part of life that we all have to put up with. They do (to some degree,) so, why shouldn't we? Some just seem to view suicide as something you don't do under any circumstances.

They may just about get their heads around terminal or chronic illness. Someone bedbound with doctors confirming they will never be able to leave that bed and there's nothing more they can do for them. Under those circumstances, maybe they would relent. Maybe not the die hard religious folk though- who will then argue they need to hold on like that in order to save their soul! I expect for some, it isn't acceptable under any circumstances. But, they'll frame it as if they're doing it for our sake. When we're 'better', we'll thank them, type of thing.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Society and the government wants as many wage slaves as possible. Additionally, people are actually pro suffering (excluding for those who have terminal conditions) and want people to suffer as much as possible. That's why they preach about challenges and resilience and hardship and all of that pro life bullcrap
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
loss of money (to the system).

and probably saving face and easy to look good. its easy to pretend people really care about life. ultimately im not really sure people actually care about all life that much. seeing the war, and everything.

imo, people want an easy way to look good, and being against suicide is one of the laziest ways of doing it.
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Dec 14, 2023
As stated above, there is this idea that people who choose to end their own lives are mentally ill and therefore not able to be intellectually aware of the consequences of such a decision. There's also this narrative being spread that people who choose to CTB aren't getting or seeking help and that if they did, they wouldn't CTB. Which in many cases seems to be the exact opposite. I read somewhere that the vast majority of people who CTB have seen a healthcare provider at least a month before the attempt.
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Feb 8, 2024
We cannot change others but damn itd be nice to have assisted suicide


Aug 29, 2024
It's because death is an extreme solution. They hope that people will try to find a better solution to their problems. While it's true that some people do have problems they know will only get worse (like a chronic illness that their doctor tells them has no cure,) most problems don't fall into that category.
The majority of suicides are impulsive .Most people who survive an attempt say that they regret it. They tell you themselves that their problems were temporary.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
It's ridiculous that people are ok with the government taking away your and everyone's rights to move away from pain or suffering in an instant painless guaranteed easy way. Furthermore to take away everyone's right to escape this hell and right to individual autonomy and to choose

Many people are suffering extremely and want to suicide to escape their torture but can't . And everybody is under threat of landing in the same trap

Everyone at least over 18 should be able to purchase nembutal, sarco, cyanide capsules , assisting with suicide instantly without having to beg another primate to let them move away from pain

The technology is there like nembutal . The only reason everyone can't easily move away from suffering is because they made all these guaranteed methods crimes. Thus they turned this evil world into a worse prison and an extreme suicide prohibition state

there are reasons on top of reasons why this suicide prohibition world is evil and upside down. These reasons stand alone each but they have to be summed up on top of each other because they all apply.

1. The most important rights are to be able to move away from pain or suffering in a guaranteed quick painless easy way. Also the right to individual autonomy. They stole those rights by making Nembutal , others helping with suicide, cyanide capsules into crimes.

2. every human or other sentient animal has to work every day just to stay alive for example get groceries eat 3 times a day , shelter , sleep keep safe from diseases accidents etc . that's a lot of work and suffering every day for no reason and nobody asked to be here. life was imposed.

2. on top of those reasons you have to work so hard every day a job , chores , to do lists etc just to exist suffer and risk something extremely horrible that can happen. i saw a thread here someone asked do you have one of the 10,000 worst lives on the planet and almost everyone here said no. what this means is that people here are suffering enough to want to suicide.but they realize there are those suffering even much worse. but what no one is thinking about : anyone on Earth can move into that 10,000 worse lives on the planet or even worse in the top 10 (imagine the horror). it can happen to anyone. we are all made of the same cells .so they want to keep everyone in danger under threat of extreme torture for no objective reason. and if i say i'd like to leave that state of danger and extreme torture and i don't want to work every day so hard just to be under such threats. i don't want to work or do anything or live anyway because life is meaningless. but they'll say you have to stay you can't leave which is totally evil oppression. why does a stranger or anyone have a right to tell me i can't leave this hell when i want to also knowing we all will die anyway ?

3. every human will die anyway . so it shouldn't matter to a stranger when a stranger decides to leave this prison hell torture.

4. life is meaningless . so risking extreme torture, work every day suffer every day for no reason. no one can convince me there is a reason why i have to live another day or why i have to want to live or do anything at all. there is no objective reason. nothing matters. the only things that matter to me is avoiding unbearable pain and my suicide asap

5. many horrible things diseases, scams, accidents, old age, cancer, kidnapping torture, lies , boredom, work, chores, disabilities can get any human

6. Everyone had the right to escape this hell when they wanted to as Nembutal , cyanide capsules, sarco , others helping with suicide has been in the world for decades. but they purposefully made all these into crimes to make this world a prison. so then people suffering extreme torture have to do brutal methods to escape their torture like train, jump, hanging. they made this world an oppressive prison which is another reason why i want to ctb asap.

I don't care what others do if others want to work, chores , suffer get old , get diseases, risk extreme torture for no reason then go ahead . It doesn't matter to me. Why does it matter so much to these monsters if I want to kill these monstrous cells I'm trapped now instead of dying later anyway?

Plus me a human is just cells and a brain that can suffer unending constant unbearable pain .

These are general reasons that apply imo to every human and other animal . so any personal hells and other horrible things i didn't cover for now are on top of these.

It's all about control taking away the escape to make people slaves and prisoners .

There's more i'm just touching on this
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Jul 14, 2024
The "suicide prevention efforts are designed to benefit the economy" argument is so childishly naïve that I can hardly believe that people keep parroting it. On a simple level, intensive suicide prevention without treating the underlying cause of suicidality is a "drain" on the economy, that is funded because of the moral obligation. Anyone who isn't employed (or engaging in unpaid work that would otherwise require someone to be paid to do it, like caring for a vulnerable loved on) is, in purely financial terms, a drain upon the state, and a hypothetical hyper-rational bean-counter would not want to prevent them from killing themselves. Suicide prevention is motivated by altruism. It might not be wanted, but that's still the motive of the performer.

That said, there is economic benefit (as well as social/personal benefit!) to programmes aimed at treating mental illness, which also indirectly prevents a lot of suicide. There are also costs associated with suicide other than the loss of one life - for instance, delays to trains, or the impact on witnesses or the bereaved.

The reason people try and prevent suicide is that suicide is broadly seen as a tragedy. It is often an impulsive response, rather than a rational one. Most people who survive attempting suicide do not attempt again.
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rawr xP
Oct 9, 2024
I don't get it, why are people so oppressive in their ways? Society seems to advocate for life alone, completely ignoring that there are people SUFFERING out there, and it won't just get better for them. To me this seems cruel, when you cannot take your own life peacefully, but are forced to stay and live it out. Yet, SASU is called the cruel one. I don't get it. What is wrong with people, can't they see that we have a right to stay or go?
everyojes mentioning economy but. its because suicide is so frightening to people who do not understand it, most suicidal people are very understanding of feelings to want to ctb, but, death is very scary, and no one wants anyone to die, even if they they know theyd be in a more peaceful place :( we cannot remove that function of the brain either, its our instinct to protect and survive, humans are in technicality pack animals, no wolf would just let its other counterpart get torn to shreds, its gonna go help the other, its all about fear and survival, if someone tells you theyre gonna ctb, automatically your brain goes "oh no".


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I understand, personally it brings me so much pain how I cannot just die peacefully, non-existence truly is all I hope and wish for in my case. I'd never wish to suffer in this cruel, torturous existence I never would have chosen just to be tormented by old age, I find it terrifying how a human can exist for so long, all I wish for is peace from all the suffering.


Dec 19, 2021
Your question could take a long answer...I like this short from Arthur Schopenhauer.

Might it not be that the voluntary giving up of life is a poor compliment to him who said (And God saw} every thing that he had made and behold it was very good". - Genesis 1:31

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