

The eternal awaits
Oct 23, 2023
Maybe our deepest convictions about existence are not truths but manufactured constructs imposed by societal forces. This chilling notion challenges the very core of our understanding, suggesting that our entire worldview might be a mass-deception. It's a haunting prospect; living lives dictated by an elaborate lie.

What if our societal conditioning has flipped the truth: could death actually offer liberation while life carries negativity? What if our perception of life as positive and choosing to CTB as negative is just a construct?

Nowhere in the cosmic design is it etched that life must be revered as positive and choosing to exit it deemed negative. It's a construct we've woven, possibly denying the potential positivity in departure while glorifying existence and life.
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Jul 23, 2022
I'm not buying it. If life were truly so universally terrible then I doubt any kind of delusions, no matter where they stemmed from, would be potent enough to hold up in the face of that terribleness.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Maybe our deepest convictions about existence are not truths but manufactured constructs imposed by societal forces. This chilling notion challenges the very core of our understanding, suggesting that our entire worldview might be a mass-deception. It's a haunting prospect; living lives dictated by an elaborate lie.

What if our societal conditioning has flipped the truth: could death actually offer liberation while life carries negativity? What if our perception of life as positive and choosing to CTB as negative is just a construct?

Nowhere in the cosmic design is it etched that life must be revered as positive and choosing to exit it deemed negative. It's a construct we've woven, possibly denying the potential positivity in departure while glorifying existence and life.
I agree . Life is bad . but we constantly see the glorification of life. the odds are something horrible will happen to any human or other sentient creature. 40% lifetime chance of cancer . and that is just one hell out of 1000's . There is no guarantee something horrible won't happen to a human any day.

I hadn't seen any this i'm writing here anywhere so i had to figure it out for myself and have posted these same things 4 years ago on this site.

Nothing is worth going through the worst torture , suffering or pain imaginable.

I could expound on this in a 1000 page book giving examples of the worst things that have happened to people.

How bad pain or suffering can get , how bad old age is for most,that we all die anyway is hardly or never talked about at least i haven't seen it anywhere.....

For example i haven't seen this anywhere although it is the most indisputable truth : Every human alive now all 8 bilion will be dead in 150 years.

life, the brain, consciuosness are the only things in the universe that cause extreme pain , extreme suffering and extreme torture.

all this and much more is never mentioned

life , the brain , concsiousness are constantly glorified everywhere .

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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I agree, to me it truly is absurd how death is seen as the most terrible thing, yet life is viewed as positive by so many despite the fact that it just causes harm and is the ultimate source of all suffering.

To worship life certainly is so incredibly delusional, it's just so wrong how suicide is always seen as worse than suffering so unnecessarily in this hellish reality by so many.

I hate how there is so much brainwashing in this society to try and make people believe that suicide is "irrational" despite the fact that it's the only escape from having the ability to suffer in this cruel and futile existence where there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented.
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Congratulations, you've cracked the code.

Sure, life may be good for other people, but the societal conditioning is 100% real especially when you are talking about mental health and suicide.

Personally? I feel life and death are equally void of meaning and that the conditioning is not convincing us that a bad thing is good, but rather that a pointless thing is purposeful.

Good and bad are too subjective to be real.
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Defective Personel
Jan 20, 2023
Life/death being "good" or "bad" is honestly circumstantial, personal, and subjective. Preserving all life 100%, always, no matter what doesn't make sense.
What about terminally ill, chronically suffering, and veggies? Why don't we reduce humanity into immortal happy vegetables. Why don't we utterly control and lock people up if it "saves just 1 life"? Isn't it immoral to force people to live? It's all impractical, and most would admit it, but when it comes to suicide, suddenly people revert to this low-IQ basis.

This "conditioning" is really those in power finding it beneficial to have worker-drones not ctb'ing, and society rejecting outright that someone could choose death, instead of actually dealing with it or even accepting it.
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Jul 29, 2021
life might be seen as a virus infecting the perfect organism of death.
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The eternal awaits
Oct 23, 2023
I love the multitude of viewpoints on this thread. Thank you all for your input.

life might be seen as a virus infecting the perfect organism of death.
This is a really interesting way of putting it. Life's inherent bias blinds us to the harsh reality that our existence doesn't automatically confer value. In our self-absorbed folly, we cling to the notion that being alive is inherently superior, conveniently ignoring the brutal truth that a human life is no more intrinsically valuable than a lifeless rock lying forgotten on the cold ground.

And also, if Earth could speak, it might label us a parasitic scourge. Our actions aren't just a blight; they're a festering wound on Earth's surface.

And if animals could decipher our deeds and discern right from wrong, they'd likely crown us as the masters of malevolence, the architects of unparalleled ecological havoc.

Life/death being "good" or "bad" is honestly circumstantial, personal, and subjective.

This "conditioning" is really those in power finding it beneficial to have worker-drones not ctb'ing, and society rejecting outright that someone could choose death, instead of actually dealing with it or even accepting it.
I agree, it's 100% subjective and circumstantial. Even if the majority of people say life is good, that does not make it true.

It's certainly an interesting theory that the elite have a vested interest in keeping the downtrodden alive and kicking. Why? Because dead bodies don't fill factories or toil in menial jobs to line their pockets. They spin this grotesque narrative that life is some grand prize while demonizing any thought of choosing to exit the misery.
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