

Jun 26, 2020
I'm not a believer, but I find it totally plausible that this world was created. I've heard seemingly credible scientists speculate on whether we might be living in a "simulation", and I can't think of any reason that's not possible. And if it is possible, what are the chances that we're living in an "original", unsimulated reality?

So perhaps the reality we see around us was created, and perhaps that creation had some purpose. The question then arises: what purpose? That's what I have difficulty with.

When I look at the natural world, what I observe is an unending struggle of violence and competition. It's beautiful, but it's also horrific. The primary value seems to be evolution through elimination of those least adapted. And while a species may grow stronger or more adapted to their environment, each individual being is left to struggle, suffer, and die. The forms may grow more complex and more beautiful, but the struggle and suffering is never overcome.

This doesn't seem to match with what are taken to be ethical theistic values - compassion, mercy, the protection of the weak etc. Possibly it sits better with the more genocidal God of the old testament. A God who picks favourites and encourages them to eliminate the surrounding tribes.

It's also possible that whatever created this reality was not motivated by emotion - perhaps it was some kind of A.I., randomly generating universes with no ultimate purpose. But if we do infer an intention to life on this planet, what does that say about such a "God"?

I would suggest that it values us not as beings or experiencers of reality, but as experiments. Possibly God "loves" it's creation, in the same way an artist may love their painting. It may love us as things, as a child loves it's toy soldiers. But I can't see such a God actually caring for it's creation, in the same way you would care for another being. Perhaps God loves the competition, the violence, the suffering? Perhaps it just wants to see what happens. Perhaps it has motivations entirely unrelated to anything we could ever understand.

If this world was created, why should we assume that the creator's values accord in any way with our own, when we've been through millennia of communal living, cultural development, and actually having to experience this world? Why should we project our morality onto a being that would have nothing in common with us?

I've come across various attempts to explain "the problem of natural evil" over the years, but none have really attempted to step outside their own preconceptions. It seems to me far more plausible to discard the idea of a compassionate deity than to come up with elaborate excuses for why their creation doesn't reflect that compassion.

If we do assume that this world was created by a being that doesn't care for our individual experience, I'm not sure what ethically follows from that. It seems like a tall order to live opposed to the values of the reality you find yourself in. To refrain from the urges to compete and reproduce, to do violence and dominate others. Is there a version of a good existence that can be constructed while breaking the cycle of suffering? Could we somehow live in defiance of the "natural order"? Could we relieve the burden of suffering faced by animals in the wild?

Or is it that my moral perception is wrong, and the cycle of suffering and violence is in fact justified by some greater good?
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Dec 16, 2021
There are people who think there are aliens who feed off our sufferings and deliberately keep the world in a state of violence and strife, if there is a god I can see it being a similar situation where they are just a ginormous douche.

If god or any omnipotent being exists and lets the shit that goes on on this planet go on, then they are without a doubt evil.

Fuck the universe lmao.
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Jun 26, 2020
There are people who think there are aliens who feed off our sufferings and deliberately keep the world in a state of violence and strife, if there is a god I can see it being a similar situation where they are just a ginormous douche.

If god or any omnipotent being exists and lets the shit that goes on on this planet go on, then they are without a doubt evil.

Fuck the universe lmao.
If it were aliens I suppose you could at least imagine some kind of effort to defeat them. But it seems like the violence and strife are built in to the natural world. How do you fight against the nature of reality, and potentially it's creator?
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Dec 16, 2021
If it were aliens I suppose you could at least imagine some kind of effort to defeat them. But it seems like the violence and strife are built in to the natural world. How do you fight against the nature of reality, and potentially it's creator?

There's no way, it's all very depressing whether this occurred naturally or at the hands of some malevolent force.
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Sep 28, 2020
Well I'm an ateist and even if I wasn't, with all the evil in the world for centuries I would say he is def not good, to let children die and many more atrocities over the centuries.
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Feb 4, 2022
I find that most people who believe in God place him in the role of a grown-up imaginary friend that's perfect in every way, just like a child is apt to do.

They mustn't have read the Old Testament as there's some pretty whackado and cruel stuff in there, eg. God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, then goes 'prank, dude'!

Don't Satanists generally believe that Satan is the good one and God is the evil one?
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Jun 26, 2020
I find that most people who believe in God place him in the role of a grown-up imaginary friend that's perfect in every way, just like a child is apt to do.

They mustn't have read the Old Testament as there's some pretty whackado and cruel stuff in there, eg. God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, then goes 'prank, dude'!

Don't Satanists generally believe that Satan is the good one and God is the evil one?
True, but there are believers who have a more sophisticated idea of God - I just don't find their excuses quite add up. There are lots of ways to explain away or reconcile the stuff in the Old Testament, but again it just seems like a cope - trying to cover up the cracks in a story that doesn't make much sense. Like I suppose you could say that the Abraham sacrifice story is symbolic of a general move away from human sacrifice in religion or something. But it seems like a pretty complicated way to make that point.

That's an interesting idea, that the "creator God" is really the evil one and the rebellious subject is the good one. Maybe I should look into Satanism (I guess it has kind of a bad image.)
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Jun 14, 2019
If it were aliens I suppose you could at least imagine some kind of effort to defeat them. But it seems like the violence and strife are built in to the natural world. How do you fight against the nature of reality, and potentially it's creator?
You tap out and leave like Buddha. That's really sticking it to the man.
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Forever Dead

Mar 5, 2022
I absolutely do not believe in the god or gods of any of the man made religions. But I think there could be some possible truth in the gnostic bible that basically says that we are souls who have been imprisoned into these flesh suits called bodies by an evil imposter type god character. I find the whole question of the origins of our existence quite mindblowing, both deeply puzzling and frightening to say the least. I find it crazy that we even exist at all yet dont know anything of our true origins. Its like something out there is playing a game of cosmic mindfuckery with us. The annunaki theory seems quite plausable. But then again how can we ever prove it?
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
Have you watched DarkMatter2525? His channel delves into many of those questions in great detail, especially the idea of everything being a simulation
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Feb 25, 2022
God gave us free will to choose how to live our live. Adam and Eve chose to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge. That's when thing started to go to shit.

This a short video that explains it.


I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Yeah, yeah, God is great
What if God was one of us
Just a stranger, one of us
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
OMFG, if such a thing as God exists, it probably isn't good. I'm shocked out of my wits.

Ice T Whatever GIF


Mar 18, 2021
If there ever was a good god, his pity for us would've killed him a long long time ago.


Jun 26, 2020
God gave us free will to choose how to live our live. Adam and Eve chose to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge. That's when thing started to go to shit.

This a short video that explains it.

But animals were tearing each others to pieces millions of years before humans appeared (unless you're a creationist.) Did they have a choice? Can carnivores choose to become herbivores? And yet they all suffer, just the same. My conclusion is that it's not about "us", or our wellbeing.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
They said God made us in his image. Holy fuck, you know how many mental disorders humans have? God has the entire DSM-V manual stored in his body.
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Feb 25, 2022
But animals were tearing each others to pieces millions of years before humans appeared (unless you're a creationist.) Did they have a choice? Can carnivores choose to become herbivores? And yet they all suffer, just the same. My conclusion is that it's not about "us", or our wellbeing.
Is it possible God made the animals so we would have tasty meat to eat? Maybe God tinkered around a bit. Maybe God was a alien that seeded the human race. Maybe God lead us here from Mars or Venus. Maybe it was dumb luck and humans evolved from single cell organisms. Maybe we live in the battery that powers Ricks spaceship. I have a lot of questions but no answers.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
If there was a God, the promised land would be called Holy-wood and Adam and Eve would be carpenters doing their jobs and the snake would have buzzed off and not bother them with stupid apples.

Apples are the only reason we suffer for anything on this planet.
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Your friendly neighborhood agent
Feb 21, 2022
Perhaps God loves the competition, the violence, the suffering? Perhaps it just wants to see what happens.

I write stories sometimes and something writers do is put characters through horrible shit so you have a story to tell.
If God made us in his image, then God must be as like us as we are like Him. Ergo, God is a writer and we are all just very unfortunate characters in his big-ass book (or game).

He might also just be a dick.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
There are people who think there are aliens who feed off our sufferings and deliberately keep the world in a state of violence and strife, if there is a god I can see it being a similar situation where they are just a ginormous douche.
I remember reading a novel about two years back that touched on this theory a bit, it was a story about these two people that kept on replaying their lives, and each "replay" their life span got shorter. On one of the replays they found out that a psychopathic child killer was a "replayer" and when they went to question him he said that people like him and other major serial killer did what they did on each "replay" to appease the alien gods or else they would shut off the simulation (life).

For real though, if there is a God then they're an absolute ass.


Your friendly neighborhood agent
Feb 21, 2022
I remember reading a novel about two years back that touched on this theory a bit, it was a story about these two people that kept on replaying their lives, and each "replay" their life span got shorter. On one of the replays they found out that a psychopathic child killer was a "replayer" and when they went to question him he said that people like him and other major serial killer did what they did on each "replay" to appease the alien gods or else they would shut off the simulation (life).

For real though, if there is a God then they're an absolute ass.
What's that book called?
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
What's that book called?
Just did some googling and found it. It's "Replay" by Ken Grimwood. It should be easy to find a PDF of it somewhere, and there was an audio reading of it by some lady on Youtube. I will warn you though, despite the interesting premise of the book, the second half of the story and especially the ending was really underwhelming and the alien god theory thing I talked about in my comment is only a small portion in the book.
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Sep 16, 2020
I think it's most likely there are archons (a term for entities that aren't even entities, we have no word in language can possibly describe)

Humans, most of us are farmed for our suffering, a few are given good lives scattered around to give the others hope, false hope, which creates much more suffering than necessary.
Humanity is an evil joke I don't find funny. Most of us are simply food, sadly most don't accept it until they are rotting unable to die riddled with painful dementia comprehending if their life was worth it.

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