
Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
So I've tried a number of things that obviously haven't worked. Which is part of the reason why I'm here. Like this is an option that most likely will be taken, and I need to make sure it is done right. And I'm asking this because I'm wondering how many are like me. But even more, maybe there is something I missed that might work.

(What I've done)
First off, for one to do something to make their life better. One must know or have a general idea what in their life is lacking. I'm autistic, I'm in my 30's, I never had a serious relationship, I never had a stable life, and I can name a number of other problems. I've tried getting in a stable relationship numerous times. But each time when I started a relationship I found the other person tends to flake out. A few times I've even tried oversea dating, and I found they quickly lose interest when they found I don't have wealth or much of a name. Even when it's evident that I'm trying. Both local and far away, it's evident that I can't have a stable serious relationship until life works out, or I have an extreme amount of luck. So it's obvious I need to have something that looks like a stable life before trying again.

When I got out of HS it was pretty much the time of the economic collapse in USA/world. So there was no jobs, and not even the military was really taking people in. I was trading in the stock market with my money. While it might sound impressive, I found this only shines a light how poor you really are. My ROI was around 23%. But even at a 10% ROI, if all you have is $100. The best you will get back is $10 on top of the $100 you put in before taxes and fees. And since the job I had at the time literally paid me some weeks $8 to clean dog shit, clean toilets, and so on. I can say I didn't have enough capital to do anything. Because of things, I figured I might as well get a degree and maybe that will open doors. My first degree is in aerospace. In short, it was one of those programs where NASA would let us out there and help train us in hopes that we would work out there as we kept our education up. During my graduation semester, man space flight went way and so did any job I had lined up. Then after getting out, I found out the entire aerospace market was virtually not there since the only ones who bought new planes was the gov. And since they stopped due to the economy. Because of things, I moved to a different state with my parents. I had to go into manufacturing. One of the companies that hired me only hired me for 1 day. Another only kept me on for 3 months while they were rotating people in and out. During those 3 months I thought of on many days just running my car into a tree at top speed going to work, and I was trying to figure out how to make it look like a freak event. Like I hated working in manufacturing that much. And because of things, I needed to get another AS to go for a BS. Because it was only 2 classes apart, I gotten 2 degrees. One in general computers and another in network tech which was a 2x2 with a local university. During this time, I've been in the news paper for making things for NASA and even being invited out to a location in hopes that I will eventually become an intern. After arriving, they said there was a hiring freeze and there is no openings. During these 2 degrees I started making YouTube videos in hopes of maybe turning that into a career. Yes it is silly, but my other options was that or working in fast food.
Anyways, for a while there things did look good until Youtube started messing with what people watched. For over half a decade I've only made around $100-$200 a month every month off of YouTube. So it's obvious this was a failure, but it is one I never dropped due to the lack of options I have.

After completing the 2 degrees, I was told by some of my former teachers to work at Cisco. I ignored it mostly because I knew there was a limit to how high I could get and I knew that would've been risky. I also know I can't work somewhere full time while going to school. I have tried it, and almost failed at both. So I decided to hold that off until after my 4th degree. Well during my 4th degree I started pushing the YouTube thing hard. On top of that, I tried app development, and I've gotten good enough at it where I started teaching some of the stuff. Due to this several companies asked me to apply, but virtually none replied back when I sent them my resume. I've even paid multiple companies to fix my resume. Eventually, I gotten into some freelance work. But the problems with that is places like India was out bidding me. Like it is a huge problem where people from 3rd world countries say they will do something for $5 that normally everyone else would charge $300. And then they just don't do the job. I've talked to others about this and some said some smart ass thing about they get what they pay for. But at the end of the day, legit people lose out since you have 30 people bidding $5 and $10 for building an entire application from nothing. So I stopped that since I wasn't getting enough money from it.
Eventually I started 3D printing and I figure maybe I can sell stuff and get close to a living wage. I only made close to $1k in a year doing that. I even talked to some local companies and neighbors that own businesses about helping. Some said some BS to blow smoke up my tail. But nothing came from it even after I made them sample key chains.
Because people in the past said I need to patent some of what I made, and I couldn't figure out how people afford $5k-$20k patents. I came across how people license product ideas to companies and collect royalties. I linked it for anyone else interested. Anyways, doing some research into this, I found this might be a possible method for me to start being able to afford a stable life. The only catch is it could take 2 years or more before any money comes in, and you have to get some companies to agree to the deal. I went through all the needed steps, survey the prototype and found people liked it, and did what I could to reach out to companies about this. The majority I haven't heard anything back from. Others, I have gotten a rejection letter. So that is looking like that is a flop too.
Anyways, going back to the last degree. During the last few classes someone who worked in IT in one of the areas that was near me. We made a deal about if they cheated off of me, then they would help me get a job at their place. After I graduated, they ghosted me. The only other place that hires for IT interviewed me for a networking admin job. They told my mom who use to work there they were really looking for a coder. And they only asked me database admin questions when I showed up for the interview.
I'm fresh out of ideas when it comes to getting enough money to get a stable life.

Something to note is on top of all of this. I'm dealing with a drunken drug addict family members. You can read about a bit of it here, but there is a lot more that happened since I wrote that. I might update it sometime. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/sister-is-an-addict-scumbag-and-im-basically-at-a-lost.30924/
Most of my family hates me and has little to no contact with me. A lot of it has to deal with my sister, but I think there is other unknown reasons.

So to sum it up, I had a pain in the A time growing up. I never had a serious relationship. The job market was so bad that even the military wouldn't take me in when I got out of HS. After getting trained to work on rockets, my graduation semester the man space flight went in smoke and so did any job I could've gotten. The only place that would've hired me was in manufacturing. And between the people picking on me while I was there, how boring it was, and a few other reasons. I was maybe a month or so from figuring out how to make it look like a mechanical failure that killed me going to/from work since I was coming home after midnight. Then after I gotten done with my last degree I'm finding there is no jobs, all the side things I've tried pretty much failed, and I'm so desperate to have a stable life that I'm even trying things like licensing product ideas to some companies. Something that is well known to have about a 0.05% success rate for some.

(Sorry for the typos. As one of my teachers said when I was going for my aerospace degree. I majored in a bunch of stuff, but writing isn't one of those things. But seriously, I will try to fix it up later)
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Apr 10, 2019
Really sucks when you put that much effort in and still struggle to find a way in life... Such a shame when such drive and determination is still scuppered, with justice you should have seen some dues by now!
Sorry that it's such an upstream swim for you too :notsure:


Why the long face? Cause I don’t wanna live here.
May 19, 2020
Gone to doctors, therapists, psychiatrists. Tried going to college, tried to work, tried to make friends and get a girlfriend.


Apr 5, 2020
accept that its my tiem to go and try to enjoy but still cannot,just weed xanax and videgames to distract myself


Rummy odd-eyed cat
May 19, 2020
I'd dropped out of school when I was a teen, so I later spent a lot of money to finish secondary school, but in this country you can't get to uni unless you've got the best grades in maths (that goes even if you want to study art), and since I've got debilitating dyscalculia (people think I'm joking when I have to use fingers to calculate how much 8+6 is, but I really can't do it any other way), I was denied access to any uni. Even had I been accepted, the unis I was interested in don't give you a useful degree. The useful degrees are in maths, engineering, IT, and here I am useless. So I am unemployable. I tried to go back to school to become a hairdresser or something, but the prices for classes are exorbitant (3000 scholarship/year, not including 100 per exam, 4 years or more). So basically, I cannot get a useful job because I haven't got a useful education, but in order to get a useful education like hairdressing, I'd need a job to pay for it. It's a no-win situation. I am unemployable, the only jobs available are cleaning toilets, and I did not get at least some education to do that (I respect all who do, but I could not clean other people's shit). I did try really hard to finish school, and I did; I surpassed all my expectations (since I was told that I'm 'mentally slow', because if you're not a maths whizz, you're an idiot, apparently).

I found a job I enjoyed, and wanted to further that career, but I lost that job soon enough, and could not find another (as jobs here are available to you only, and only if you fuck important people, or if you know important people. Or if you're celebrity spawn), but I really did my best to be good at it. I learned languages (though I didn't continue due to hopeless depression), taught myself music on an arguably decent level so I could write songs.

I have begun to work out, but again, depression says no, and weight returns. I have tried to read a lot, become more educated, well-spoken, etc.

I've done a lot to try and improve my life; I really had believed things change if you are proactive, but nothing's changed, and I realised the more I better myself, the worse I know how much I don't belong here among the stupid people who never pick up a book again after school. So why bother? Why bother becoming sophisticated and intelligent just to stand out even more and realise there is nobody sophisticated and intelligent to talk to? I might as well watch the Kardashians and kill what's left of my brain-cells and not waste time on improving myself when I've nowhere to channel these skills.
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Dec 28, 2019
Joined a gym. Worked hard with a positive attitude in the workplace. Generally stayed positive and believed things can be done in life in general, took chances.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Really sucks when you put that much effort in and still struggle to find a way in life... Such a shame when such drive and determination is still scuppered, with justice you should have seen some dues by now!
Sorry that it's such an upstream swim for you too :notsure:

Ya I even now am trying, but it feels like I'm highly highly highly unlucky. Like I didn't include things like how one of the directors of one of my prior degrees ghosted me after I asked their help. How I showed my neighbor who owns a company some of what I make, and they mostly ghosted me. Another that was actually trying to help they moved because their wife took their house in some divorce just to screw with him. Like she divorced him because he wouldn't move to a small apartment in DC, and she hates it around here. And there is a ton more.

I blame myself since life is a gamble and I made bad choices based on my knowledge at the time. But I'm pretty much to the end of my rope. I've mostly decided that since I don't have any kids or spouse. If I have to take a job I hate, if I have to go homeless, or my parents die and I can't see my life being much better now that they are gone. I will off myself immediately.


Jun 15, 2020
I got a dog. Then another dog. They are my life
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Never play cards with a magician.
Apr 19, 2020
I've 'beaten' my anorexia, done weekly therapy, found some faith. Positivity isn't my strong point, but I've tried. I'd be lying if I said these things didn't help, because they do, but you also need lots of things to go your way to make things better, and most of those are out of our control. For me, atleast.
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Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Abstained from alcohol for over a year and I'm more depressed than ever.


I'm all about coffee and cigarettes
Jul 24, 2019
I got really fit, quit smoking for five years, started experimenting with dating. That was in the glory days of my twenties. I felt true momentum taking place.

A few psychotic breaks later, and I feel like anything I could try would only feel as cruel, arduous expenditure of valuable energy.

I really enjoy this site, because I feel like it's the only place on the internet I can be my doomer self without sticking out like a raging weirdo.
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Reactions: Klee


Mar 10, 2020
So I've tried a number of things that obviously haven't worked. Which is part of the reason why I'm here. Like this is an option that most likely will be taken, and I need to make sure it is done right. And I'm asking this because I'm wondering how many are like me. But even more, maybe there is something I missed that might work.

(What I've done)
First off, for one to do something to make their life better. One must know or have a general idea what in their life is lacking. I'm autistic, I'm in my 30's, I never had a serious relationship, I never had a stable life, and I can name a number of other problems. I've tried getting in a stable relationship numerous times. But each time when I started a relationship I found the other person tends to flake out. A few times I've even tried oversea dating, and I found they quickly lose interest when they found I don't have wealth or much of a name. Even when it's evident that I'm trying. Both local and far away, it's evident that I can't have a stable serious relationship until life works out, or I have an extreme amount of luck. So it's obvious I need to have something that looks like a stable life before trying again.

When I got out of HS it was pretty much the time of the economic collapse in USA/world. So there was no jobs, and not even the military was really taking people in. I was trading in the stock market with my money. While it might sound impressive, I found this only shines a light how poor you really are. My ROI was around 23%. But even at a 10% ROI, if all you have is $100. The best you will get back is $10 on top of the $100 you put in before taxes and fees. And since the job I had at the time literally paid me some weeks $8 to clean dog shit, clean toilets, and so on. I can say I didn't have enough capital to do anything. Because of things, I figured I might as well get a degree and maybe that will open doors. My first degree is in aerospace. In short, it was one of those programs where NASA would let us out there and help train us in hopes that we would work out there as we kept our education up. During my graduation semester, man space flight went way and so did any job I had lined up. Then after getting out, I found out the entire aerospace market was virtually not there since the only ones who bought new planes was the gov. And since they stopped due to the economy. Because of things, I moved to a different state with my parents. I had to go into manufacturing. One of the companies that hired me only hired me for 1 day. Another only kept me on for 3 months while they were rotating people in and out. During those 3 months I thought of on many days just running my car into a tree at top speed going to work, and I was trying to figure out how to make it look like a freak event. Like I hated working in manufacturing that much. And because of things, I needed to get another AS to go for a BS. Because it was only 2 classes apart, I gotten 2 degrees. One in general computers and another in network tech which was a 2x2 with a local university. During this time, I've been in the news paper for making things for NASA and even being invited out to a location in hopes that I will eventually become an intern. After arriving, they said there was a hiring freeze and there is no openings. During these 2 degrees I started making YouTube videos in hopes of maybe turning that into a career. Yes it is silly, but my other options was that or working in fast food.
Anyways, for a while there things did look good until Youtube started messing with what people watched. For over half a decade I've only made around $100-$200 a month every month off of YouTube. So it's obvious this was a failure, but it is one I never dropped due to the lack of options I have.

After completing the 2 degrees, I was told by some of my former teachers to work at Cisco. I ignored it mostly because I knew there was a limit to how high I could get and I knew that would've been risky. I also know I can't work somewhere full time while going to school. I have tried it, and almost failed at both. So I decided to hold that off until after my 4th degree. Well during my 4th degree I started pushing the YouTube thing hard. On top of that, I tried app development, and I've gotten good enough at it where I started teaching some of the stuff. Due to this several companies asked me to apply, but virtually none replied back when I sent them my resume. I've even paid multiple companies to fix my resume. Eventually, I gotten into some freelance work. But the problems with that is places like India was out bidding me. Like it is a huge problem where people from 3rd world countries say they will do something for $5 that normally everyone else would charge $300. And then they just don't do the job. I've talked to others about this and some said some smart ass thing about they get what they pay for. But at the end of the day, legit people lose out since you have 30 people bidding $5 and $10 for building an entire application from nothing. So I stopped that since I wasn't getting enough money from it.
Eventually I started 3D printing and I figure maybe I can sell stuff and get close to a living wage. I only made close to $1k in a year doing that. I even talked to some local companies and neighbors that own businesses about helping. Some said some BS to blow smoke up my tail. But nothing came from it even after I made them sample key chains.
Because people in the past said I need to patent some of what I made, and I couldn't figure out how people afford $5k-$20k patents. I came across how people license product ideas to companies and collect royalties. I linked it for anyone else interested. Anyways, doing some research into this, I found this might be a possible method for me to start being able to afford a stable life. The only catch is it could take 2 years or more before any money comes in, and you have to get some companies to agree to the deal. I went through all the needed steps, survey the prototype and found people liked it, and did what I could to reach out to companies about this. The majority I haven't heard anything back from. Others, I have gotten a rejection letter. So that is looking like that is a flop too.
Anyways, going back to the last degree. During the last few classes someone who worked in IT in one of the areas that was near me. We made a deal about if they cheated off of me, then they would help me get a job at their place. After I graduated, they ghosted me. The only other place that hires for IT interviewed me for a networking admin job. They told my mom who use to work there they were really looking for a coder. And they only asked me database admin questions when I showed up for the interview.
I'm fresh out of ideas when it comes to getting enough money to get a stable life.

Something to note is on top of all of this. I'm dealing with a drunken drug addict family members. You can read about a bit of it here, but there is a lot more that happened since I wrote that. I might update it sometime. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/sister-is-an-addict-scumbag-and-im-basically-at-a-lost.30924/
Most of my family hates me and has little to no contact with me. A lot of it has to deal with my sister, but I think there is other unknown reasons.

So to sum it up, I had a pain in the A time growing up. I never had a serious relationship. The job market was so bad that even the military wouldn't take me in when I got out of HS. After getting trained to work on rockets, my graduation semester the man space flight went in smoke and so did any job I could've gotten. The only place that would've hired me was in manufacturing. And between the people picking on me while I was there, how boring it was, and a few other reasons. I was maybe a month or so from figuring out how to make it look like a mechanical failure that killed me going to/from work since I was coming home after midnight. Then after I gotten done with my last degree I'm finding there is no jobs, all the side things I've tried pretty much failed, and I'm so desperate to have a stable life that I'm even trying things like licensing product ideas to some companies. Something that is well known to have about a 0.05% success rate for some.

(Sorry for the typos. As one of my teachers said when I was going for my aerospace degree. I majored in a bunch of stuff, but writing isn't one of those things. But seriously, I will try to fix it up later)

Wow, I never thought there was a sister worse than mine, but wow. I'm so glad my sister didn't have kids. I'm soooo thankful. I lived most of my life worrying about my sister, I've lost count how many times my parents stayed up all night waiting for her to come home when she was a teenager and took off to go drink and have sex with guys. My parents aren't innocent either, my mom is extremely emotionally abusive and filled with so much hate and vitriol (she hates misbehaved children and people), and my dad is an a drug addict alcoholic pedophile (except nowadays he doesn't drink and do drugs and he's old and sick, so I have a good relationship with him, but he still talks to young guys (aged 18+) and spends money on them).

My sister has destroyed my life. I can also write pages and pages about her. She's 4 years older than me, when we were young, I looked up to her and I loved her so much. I wanted to be just like her...we're so close in age that she dragged me down with her, but I already had my own trauma and mental health issues, I'm sure if my sister didn't exist, I'd have had a better outcome. When I was in highschool, she had a horrible reputation of being a whore (back when slut shaming was in style), and so of course I got the same reputation even though I was still a virgin. When she was 16, she told us that she had been raped repeatedly by our older male cousins when she was just 5 years old. My mom has never believed her, me and my dad do and still do. My sister still cries about it to this day and it's been 20 years since she told us. My mom still lets her abusers come to our house to visit my grandma. My sister cries at the thought of telling anyone, I want to go and tell everyone in the family, especially their wives, but she breaks down. So I think it's true, and it has made her into such an evil scumbag.

Me and my sister both got addicted to heroin 11 years ago, we both used to binge on cocaine and alcohol, and clubbing, and spend days just using drugs and hanging out with gangsters. My sister always always had a boyfriend, at one point she was dating 3 guys at once and lying to all of them. She got pregnant many times and had abortions, she even didn't know who the father was a few times but she had an abortion anyway. It's really easy to get abortions here in Canada thank god!!! When I was a teenager like 15 years old, I had recently attempted suicide at 14 and I was in a lot of emotional pain, my mom was too busy trying to keep us afloat after the divorce, and she had my younger sister to worry about (10 years younger than me). My older sister let me come out with her and do drugs and drink and smoke etc, she used to say "I'd rather have my younger sister do it with me first if she's gonna do it, instead of other people". I still did it with other people though. But at home my sister and my mom would get into HUGE yelling wars, it was so traumatizing, there was no way I could concentrate or study or be at peace. I just ended up dropping out of school and kept using drugs, kept partying with my sister, sleeping around with random guys etc. We were always hanging out with criminals, drug dealers, known gangsters, people who kill people, I've seen some scary illegal shit when I was a young 16 year old. When we both got addicted to heroin, she was dating a big time drug dealer, and she knows how to manipulate men, I don't know how she does it, but she made this guy support her entire drug habit for 11 fucking years, and got him doing it too. He was snorting oxy pills and started smoking heroin just like us soon after, and he said to her "I'll never let you be dope sick and without drugs", and he kept his promise, for 11 years and still going.

I on the other hand had to resort to more desperate measures like prostitution. I was doing it close to home out of my basement, and my sister found out, and her bf, and they started lending me drugs, and making me pay them back. It came to a point where they started scamming me and were living off the money I sold my body for. My sister was trafficking me, she was abusing me emotionally, forcing me to "work work work, just do it, take any amount, 50 dollars, just do it, work harder, see more clients, you have to pay me back! or I'm gonna tell mom everything". For years they did this to me. Finally I had enough and I got on methadone, and I moved downstairs closer to my sister and her bf so I could keep the basement and work easier, at the same time, her bf found new ways to get a constant stream of money daily, so now I stopped working, and they support me now in exchange for chores and favors (like babysitting the cat or cleaning something or helping with my grandma). I told her I do not want to do sex work anymore, and if I hear a peep from her again, I'm going to tell her that she is trafficking me. She absolutely HATES being shown in a bad light, she's always the one who "does the right thing" according to her, she's always the smartest, the prettiest the most sane person in the whole world, that's how she acts our entire lives, a true narcissist. Every other girl is ugly and a bitch, and she's the best, every guy she ever went out with she was his best. She always claims to be fair, and selfless, and works so hard (she only started "working" 3 years ago taking care of my grandma, before that she was doing nothing except driving my younger sister to school, she used to have jobs way before that but for so many years she was living in pure bliss smoking heroin and not having to worry about getting withdrawal sickness). She's almost 36 and she wants to have a baby someday. I am trying hard to stop her and tell her not to, but she says "what else am I gonna do? I want to be clean and have a kid so I have someone to take care of me when I'm old". She's NEVER been suicidal, she tells me "go kill yourself already, if you're gonna do it you would have done it already, people who kill themselves just do it, they don't talk about it". So now I never tell a soul about my thoughts. She claims she's saving up money for rehab, she thinks one stint in rehab after 11 years nonstop is going to do it for her. She expects to live til old age, she wants to freeze her eggs or get invitro. I already feel so bad for her future kids, they're going to have a manipulative, sick sociopath for a mother.

She's also a HUGE hoarder, she has filled up 4 entire bedrooms in a 4000+ sq ft house, PLUS an entire staircase so there's not much space to go up the stairs from the basement, and she screams at my mom saying "I have NO ROOM OF MY OWN, they get their own rooms but I HAVE NO SPACE FOR MY STUFF". Nobody knows what to say to that because it's just plain insanity. She keeps buying cheap shitty chinese crap online, she's scammed paypal and ebay and amazon sellers for refunds, maxed out my mom and dad's credit cards, spent thousands. Now her BF is hoarding to get back at her, because he barely has any space for himself to freely move around, there is boxes and boxes and boxes of SHIT, useless worthless shit everywhere, and she says she's not well enough to even think about organizing it or getting rid of it. She says "my stuff is brand new it's not hoarding, hoarders hoard garbage, my stuff is brand new in the box". Now her bf is hoarding in MY space that I pay my mom rent for, oh she doesn't pay my mom any rent, nor does her bf, they spend all their money on USELESS shit and it's piling up. I spent years wishing for an art studio, I finally made a beautiful art nook in my new place, and her boyfriend completely blocked it with expensive tools and machinery that he doesnt even know how to use. He'll never use the tools he bought, he says they're just for show because it looks nice. 20 grand in dewalt and other brands of tools, tools that professionals use, he's a scumbag drug dealer pimp. So now I have no access to my pride and joy, I'm just giving it all up all together.

She's constantly emotionally and verbally abusing me, about food, about every resource, she acts like I'm some stranger and she and her boyfriend deserve everything my mom has, she constantly yells "why is she still here, why isn't she paying for anything, why does my boyfriend have to pay rent when SHE (me) doesn't have to", my mom says "because she's my daughter, you're my daughter, but HE'S NOT MY SON, so he has to pay". And she's like, "he's paying for ME". She tells me "you can't eat that, you're gonna have to pay for it if you eat it, next time you should buy your own, why don't you save any for anyone else? there isn't enough for you, what about mom and sister and grandma etc?", If I accidentally touch her things or eat something of hers because it was in the shared kitchen or fridge, she screams her head off so loud and goes "YOU HAVE TO PAY ME BACK, YOU BETTER PAY ME BACK FOR THAT!!!", or if I try to eat something my mom makes she says "what about everyone else? mom made it for tomorrow's dinner, so don't eat it all", my mom has to repeatedly tell her to stop doing that because I have every right to the food in the house too, I pay rent unlike her. And with health problems, I get emotionally abused by both my mom and my sister, because I don't "work" or have an education or have a job or bring in money, if I get sick, or feel tired, they're both like "why are you sick? how do you get sick and tired? you don't even do anything?". Or if I have a little health problem and I'm just explaining to her, she's instantly like "go to a doctor, go to a doctor" constantly, and if I do and I come back with a diagnosis, she's like "go to another doctor, you have to go to a lot of doctors". But when she's always constantly in pain, sick, tired, dying from back pain or something, or coughing up mucuos and phlegm, she's allowed to complain about it all day long and never go to the doctor about it. She says I'm selfish, but she picks a fight with everyone, she abuses my mom, she's hit her before many times, she screams SO LOUD, SOOO LOUD, as if you had killed someone, over little things. Both her and my mom both do that, she learned it from my mom, and my mom's hilarious she's like "I hate it when she screeeeeaaammss, oh my god, how does she scream like that?" In my mind I'm thinking, she learned it from you mom. My younger sister and I just stay the hell out of it, we avoid drama, they thrive on it. It's like they can't go a single day without being hateful, filled with rage and screaming their head off and saying ugly nasty horrible things to someone else, demeaning and degrading someone else (my sister does it to everyone including her boyfriend). There is a lot more to it but this is already so long as it is. This is just the quick version, and the best I can do with my limited typing and writing skills (thanks to drugs).

I'm like you, I'm stuck, the only option is either death, or homelessness, I don't even have credentials or education, and even if I did, I'm just like you, I have zero social skills, I have zero coping skills, I LOATHE working, I hate it, I wish I could win the lottery or something that's the ONLY way I can gain freedom and not think about CTB for a very long time. I have it pretty good here, we live in a big newer house in a very nice quiet neighborhood close to nature, I have my own entire space, my own bedroom and bathroom, my own computer, my own expensive smartphone, my own internet, a lot of privacy and peace, my own garden, no one to tell me what to do, no one to force me to do anything, no one can fuck with my life anymore now especially now that I'm in my 30's and everyone knows about my mental illness issues, everyone leaves me be. I would never want to be homeless and leave all of this, I pay dearly for all of it, I pay for it by getting abused by everyone who lives here. It's totally worth it to me, the only way out for me is death, it's THE ONLY WAY, or of course winning 50 million in the lottery but that's not likely, death is probably more likely. If I call the cops on them (which I have done in the past because my sister chased me with a taser and pointed a gun at me), I end up homeless because my sister manipulates my mom. My mom hates having to deal with legal issues and bail so she gets mad at me and tells me to go away, and I was only able to come back after making up with my sister. My sister has hated me for being born, she's angry because she didn't get the attention she wanted, she hates both me and my younger sister for being born. The way she talks about my younger sister is disgusting, she's 15 years older than her and talks shit about her. I do believe her when she says she was raped at 5, because I can't think of another reason of how someone can be so disgusting. I would listen to your sister if she says she was sexually abused, she probably was...what else can make a person be like this? It's narcissistic abuse.
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  • Aww..
Reactions: WearyWanderer


Jun 22, 2020
- Began using a spending tracker and using it religiously to keep control of my budget.
- Ensuring I am always eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and minimal junk.
- Ensuring I get daily exercise and have a gentle lifting regime.
- Studying courses online, most recently cybersecurity, project management and Cs (simple stuff)
- Talking to some people online
- Watching shows I genuinely like instead of random shit
- Using a day plan, setting and completing goals
- Being more active with music production
- Getting a job in finance.. But I don't know when it will start... Fucking corona.


Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
Oh too many things to fully explain.:

Be Honest about my emotions
Take High School serious
Hold down a decent job and gone to college

And my biggest one: Accept criticisms and work on improving instead of being spiteful and ignoring my obvious flaws.


Oct 26, 2018
Therapy, hospital stays, but really I'm just sabotaging myself
Theresa Riot

Theresa Riot

Apr 5, 2020
Got a degree, gone to therapy, lots of meds, moved, tried to eat better, found a job I loved. But the depression and physical disability doesn't care about any of that. Seems like every time I try to make things better it backfires.

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