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Mar 24, 2021
Near death experience is a condition described by people who have been close to death or clinically dead and then returned to life. The visions containes altered sensory impressions as strong light phenomena. These impressions are often interpreted as evidence of an afterlife, but can possibly be expained as lack of oxygen in the brain. For many, these experiences lead to a perception that death is not the end of life. Common is an affiliation with the universe and floating against a light tunnel. The person can meet relatives and friends. People have had out-of-body-experiences; they have been foating around the room and claim that they could see their bodies from above. And then the person is pulled back in the body and will wake up. In scientific medicine it is considered that near death experience depends on a change in the blood flow to the brain, which causes hallucinations. But scientific explanations can not explain observations that may have been made from a point outside the body - at least not yet. People who have had near death experiences claim that they have been in heaven or in hell and after that their lives have changed completely. For these people, here on earth, time has only one dimension, but in heaven, the time is three-dimensional and it is possible to experience the past, the present and the future at the same time. But most people experience only darkness when they have been dead, like dreamless sleep. I believe that death is the end of everything. But some people claim that they have seen themselves from above when they were dead. Do you believe in an afterlife? Nraddenupplevelse
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, some NDEs sound too fairy tale for me but who knows? Some of them might be right.

However, eternal nothingness makes more sense. You know, it'll be just like the time before we were born; we won't realize.
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Aug 24, 2020
I honestly hope that there is nothing, I don't wanna lose concioussness here to regain it somewhere else again, what would be the point of dying
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Apr 28, 2021
Me too. I don't want to have to deal with any other reality.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Personally, i dont believe there's any truth in those NDE's, of course some people may have actually seen those things that they've claimed to see, but theyre clinically dead, not actually dead beyond the point of no return, nobody living knows what that actually feels like or is.

Im 99% sure that what comes after death is just nothing, in fact, nothing might not be the best word for it because nothing is something you feel, after you die, you have no feelings, so it will be something lower than nothing, i have no idea what you would call that?

The only other plausible theory as to what happens after death, in my opinion, is reincarnation, but even that seems pretty far fetched, still more likely than heaven and hell though.
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Jun 28, 2020
Near death experience is a condition described by people who have been close to death or clinically dead and then returned to life. The visions containes altered sensory impressions as strong light phenomena. These impressions are often interpreted as evidence of an afterlife, but can possibly be expained as lack of oxygen in the brain. For many, these experiences lead to a perception that death is not the end of life. Common is an affiliation with the universe and floating against a light tunnel. The person can meet relatives and friends. People have had out-of-body-experiences; they have been foating around the room and claim that they could see their bodies from above. And then the person is pulled back in the body and will wake up. In scientific medicine it is considered that near death experience depends on a change in the blood flow to the brain, which causes hallucinations. But scientific explanations can not explain observations that may have been made from a point outside the body - at least not yet. People who have had near death experiences claim that they have been in heaven or in hell and after that their lives have changed completely. For these people, here on earth, time has only one dimension, but in heaven, the time is three-dimensional and it is possible to experience the past, the present and the future at the same time. But most people experience only darkness when they have been dead, like dreamless sleep. I believe that death is the end of everything. But some people claim that they have seen themselves from above when they were dead. Do you believe in an afterlife?View attachment 67863
Our molecules get recycled and we have warmed the universe in our lifetimes by an infinitesimally small amount. There is life after death; it is just that for those in the latter category, they are not among the living. That is all.
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
I'm in the state of mind that I don't even care anymore what's after death. I have already set my date when I will CTB, it will be when I'll be soon alone at home for a week or so. I think that anything after CTB will be better than this endless cycle of eat-neet-sleep, eat-neet-sleep, etc.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I hope there is just nothing. The thought of it gives me comfort. I think how before we were born time passed and we weren't aware of it. I think when we die we return to that nothingness. I'd rather not there be any sort of afterlife but I'm not afraid of it. It just fascinates me that there is another side to this life.
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Aug 14, 2020
Near death experience is a condition described by people who have been close to death or clinically dead and then returned to life. The visions containes altered sensory impressions as strong light phenomena. These impressions are often interpreted as evidence of an afterlife, but can possibly be expained as lack of oxygen in the brain. For many, these experiences lead to a perception that death is not the end of life. Common is an affiliation with the universe and floating against a light tunnel. The person can meet relatives and friends. People have had out-of-body-experiences; they have been foating around the room and claim that they could see their bodies from above. And then the person is pulled back in the body and will wake up. In scientific medicine it is considered that near death experience depends on a change in the blood flow to the brain, which causes hallucinations. But scientific explanations can not explain observations that may have been made from a point outside the body - at least not yet. People who have had near death experiences claim that they have been in heaven or in hell and after that their lives have changed completely. For these people, here on earth, time has only one dimension, but in heaven, the time is three-dimensional and it is possible to experience the past, the present and the future at the same time. But most people experience only darkness when they have been dead, like dreamless sleep. I believe that death is the end of everything. But some people claim that they have seen themselves from above when they were dead. Do you believe in an afterlife?View attachment 67863
Yes OP. But why would you spend your time and energy writing this afterlife topic in this mostly atheist forum?

Recently I (disguised as Jean Stan) also asked this guy Richard Martini on Quora:

Hello Richard. This is a serious question: How would you convince those hard-core skeptics and atheists that there's definitely something greater beyond this physical world?

and his answer (copy pasted from the link above):

"You can't. Why bother?

It's like asking "How can we convince someone that spaghetti carbonara is the best pasta in Rome?"

First; does it matter? To whom? Why?

Skeptics can argue spaghetti comes from China. There is no "Rome." That their Uncle Pete in Yonkers makes the best. That there's no objective evidence when it comes to pasta. How was it tested? Was there a lab involved? No university with peer reviewed scolars has observed it. Blah blah blabety blah.

Meanwhile their pasta gets cold.

Experience is reflexive. If one hasn't experienced bypassing the filters on the brain they cannot conceive or comprehend an experience of doing so.

People who have had an experience of bypassing the filters have a knowledge of doing so. During an NDE, OBE, LSD, Ketamine therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, people can and do experience bypassing the filters.

Those results can be objectively studied.

That is a subjective, anecdotal experience can be objectively studied through data. Dr. Bruce Greyson's "After" is an example. Author of over 100 peer reviewed studies of NDEs objectively examines the thousands of clinical case reports. Notes the similarities, cross references consciousness studies, refers to case histories throughout human history.

One doesn't have to examine the results. That's a choice. But not liking results doesn't change the data.

Same goes for flipside research. Whether data is gathered through eyewitness reports from hypnotherapy, mediumship or meditation the results are relatively the same. The thousands of clinical cases from Dr Wambach, Dr Weiss or Michael Newton and the Newton Institute become data.

I've filmed 100 people accessing the same information, half without hypnotherapy. Its not my opinion theory or belief they report the same things the clinical case studies report, it's on film.

Whats my motivation?

If people report that incarnation is an option, it means we can choose to return here. And then leaving fresh air water and earth becomes a priority. Not just for our children, but to prevent the selfish, egocentric humans from destroying this planet.

Reportedly earth is not the only choice.

Over 30% of the Newton Institute reports come from people with off world memories. So lets just say that i hope those people who don't like it here, don't want to return here, don't care about others, take it up with their guides, teachers or classmates and not raise their hands when asked for volunteers.

I've never been interested in proving something to anyone.

It reminds me of the tourist i saw on the Spanish Steps of Rome. The seller said "I dont understand you" in Italian. The buyer waved a US twenty in front of his face and spoke loudly and slower. "This.. is… American.. money… I want.. to.. make.. a deal." Italian shrugged and said in italian "Friend, I don't speak your language. Talking slower and shouting is not going to help me understand you."

People choose lifetimes. They choose livea that include strong filters on the brain. Maybe that choice helps them cure cancer because if they knew their loved ones were okay, they wouldn't try so hard. That was why they chose their lifetime. To not be aware of something outside their perception.

If someone wants scientific evidence, i recommend three books that came out of UVA this past month. "After" by Dr. Greyson, "Before" by Dr Tucker, and "Consciousness Unbound " by Ed Kelly PhD. Scientists using objective data to demonstrate consciousness lives on.

For those who may have an inkling, i recommend Dr. Wambach's "Reliving Past Lives." Michael Newton's "Journey of Souls." Dr Weiss "Many Lives Many Masters." all report conversations with the flipside.

If they get that far, then there's my 8 books. A tad more irreverent.

Because i dont care to convince someone of something i already know: carbonara is the king of all pastas in Rome. La Tana dei Noantri in Trastevere cimes to mind, as just saying it brings the memory of friends, sitting outside in the warm summer evening, laughing while dining.

My advice is, if someone saya "I dont buy it" i reply. "Great. I'm not selling." If someone says "I dont believe it " i quote Harry Dean Stanton, an old pal I interviewed a week after his passing and a week prior to his memorial. I asked what he wanted me to say at his memorial.

Famous for his skepticism and atheism he replied (via a medium who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide) "Tell people to believe in an afterlife." I laughed.

"Harry, all your friends are skeptics. None will believe I spoke to you." He gave me three private messages to give his closest pals. Each were flabbergasted as it was information only he could know from the flipside. Personal health issues no one knows.

I repeated what he said, "Tell people to believe in the possibility of an afterlife so they won't waste another minute of their life arguing about it like I did."

Wise words.

Tell them to believe in "the possibility" which opens the door they've kept locked their entire lives. If they can't allow for possibility, then there's no point in conversing. My two cents."
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Mar 24, 2021
Personally, i dont believe there's any truth in those NDE's, of course some people may have actually seen those things that they've claimed to see, but theyre clinically dead, not actually dead beyond the point of no return, nobody living knows what that actually feels like or is.

Im 99% sure that what comes after death is just nothing, in fact, nothing might not be the best word for it because nothing is something you feel, after you die, you have no feelings, so it will be something lower than nothing, i have no idea what you would call that?

The only other plausible theory as to what happens after death, in my opinion, is reincarnation, but even that seems pretty far fetched, still more likely than heaven and hell though.
The most likely is that nothing comes after death. The brain can function for several hours after death, so maybee that can explain these near death experiences.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
The perfect dream happens. Endless, dreamless sleep.
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Oct 11, 2019
Well, some NDEs sound too fairy tale for me but who knows? Some of them might be right.

However, eternal nothingness makes more sense. You know, it'll be just like the time before we were born; we won't realize.
I've read plenty of NDE where they say there's fuck all as well which I'm more inclined to believe. Pretty sure the brain releases some sort of chemical before death so could explain the more outlandish claims from NDE.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Speculate all you like, there's really only one way to know for sure.
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Fear is the mind killer
Aug 3, 2020
The atheist in me will only allow me to answer it completely truthfully. I personally will become a medical cadaver and then be sold after they are done to pharma research companies. How ever we go death is an end. There is no reincarnation and no good or bad place. The soul is a boogie man lie to keep you n line when you are alive and nothing more. I wish more people could allow the truth of things to set them free from the stinking teachings of false religions. It would be a happier world
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Oct 8, 2020
I've read a few books about NDEs and watched a ton of testimonials on Youtube. I think there is definitely some truth to them.

I think we're sort of in a simulation, our consciousness is currently tied to our body but our brain is not producing our consciousness.

I think the people who have NDEs are the ones whose consciousness detaches from their body 'early' for some reason. The people who just experience darkness are the ones whose consciousness stays tied to their shutdown brain. At some point they would probably have an NDE once it detached.

I think there are non physical beings that are conscious but don't have a body, and if they exist, why wouldn't we also just carry on being conscious after our body dies.

I think the big illusion of reality is that we are just a body. It makes everything in our current lives seem so important and dying scary. The problem is that it's a pretty convincing illusion and even with all these beliefs I am still scared of the whole dying process.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
There are so many stories and a lot of eyewitness accounts of Ghosts, NDE's, Rebirths/Reincarnation, I also had a strange encounter when I was a child but that could have been a dream but nothing similar happened again in 40 years. I have had the same reoccurring nightmare where I was hiding from a gang and they were just about to find me and I woke up.

But we will all find out sooner or later it's nothing to be frightened of, even if there is nothing it's our destiny, :smiling:


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May 29, 2020
nobody knows...
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Jan 31, 2020

Avin Ash - How does it feel to die
he has various videos about death, it is pretty calming


soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
I recently read a pretty crazy theory that may seem far-fetched but possible, the black tunnel would in fact be the orifice (the vagina) with the light at the end through which we go out for a new life, crying because we would have forgotten everything from the previous one. then we meet in this place people who are dear to us (mum and dad).
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Reincarnation is a worse option than hell. When I look at world history, I see limitless human stupidity. I don't see it as a gain to have experienced this nonsense. Too absurd to be the product of an analytical mind. It is a win-lose game based on simple wild rules. If I could beat my stupid SI I would have finished when I was 20. If life is really part of a higher reality, all this human drama and screams must be very pleasing to the ears of our followers. I wouldn't watch this. If anyone chooses to follow us, we're in trouble.
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Mar 24, 2021
Will death only be black emptiness or will I see myself from above when I am dead? How can people experience the same thing in such different ways?


Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
I recently read a pretty crazy theory that may seem far-fetched but possible, the black tunnel would in fact be the orifice (the vagina) with the light at the end through which we go out for a new life, crying because we would have forgotten everything from the previous one. then we meet in this place people who are dear to us (mum and dad).
That's interesting what if it's just our first memory of everything before we become self aware and conscious?
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
Death is the unknown. I have been thinking about near-death-experiences and an afterlife. Death is perceived as more intense than life for some people who have been declared dead and come back to life while others only experienced dreamless sleep. Science claims that there are scientific explanations for these near-death-experiences. However, science may not be able to explain everything. Eben Alexander dismisses attempts at hitherto medical explanations: "The height and breadth of the physical universe is nothing compared to the spiritual world from which it has arisen - the world of consciousness, that some might call the life force." - - - "I believe that the kingdom of heaven makes us human, that without knowing that this is where we come from and where we are going - that it is our true home - we find no meaning in life."
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spotty with being online. chronically online tbh
Dec 17, 2023
I hope when you die you get to choose, like if you want to just fall into the void of nothing, or if you want to live out in paradise. probably not what's going to happen, but it keeps me hopeful for peace after i die
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