Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
Like many of you here, I have been (for decades) contemplating to end prematurely all this suffering in life.
And I will certainly go through with it, sooner rather than later, so this thread is not intended to "change your mind".
But before we do check out, we should find out - why the hell were we here in the first place, and what to expect, if anything, after we die?

I have been searching for these answers for over 20 years.
I started my spiritual journey as an atheist, a skeptic by nature... and I still wish there was nothing afterwards, still wish for death to be the end of the road, the end of suffering.
However, all the evidence I have gathered over the years prove otherwise... so I have some good news and some bad news for all of us.

The bad news - death is not the end of existence.
The good news - what comes after death is better... more comforting, just like going home after school.
Because life is a form of a school for our souls. We evolve and learn, while suffering is an inevitable part of it.
For those of us who will end their lives, there won't be a Hell, no serious repercussions, other than a lot of counseling... just like failing a class.

To make a very long story short - there is a book you will have to read.
Actually, you won't even have to read, just listen... lay on your bed and learn in a few hours what it took our ancestors thousands of years to find out.
"Near Death Experiences" tell us what happens in only the first few minutes after the body dies.. while the process involved in this book, regression hypnosis, tells the entire story.
Thousands of people, from a variety of cultures and religions, all telling the same story...

What you will learn:
  • How it feels to die
  • What you see and feel right after death
  • The truth about "spiritual guides"
  • What happens to "disturbed" souls
  • Why you are assigned to certain soul groups in the spirit world and what you do there
  • How you choose another body to return to Earth
  • The different levels of souls: beginning, intermediate, and advanced
  • When and where you first learn to recognize soulmates on Earth
  • The purpose of life
So why read the book

It will remove the fear of death. The book explains that after Death you will go to a beautiful place where you are loved , nurtured , taken care of , healed and then you decide when and where to come back in a physical form. There is no hell , there is no boiling Cauldrons.

You will realize that the time you spend on Earth is a learning curve, you are sent here to work on your weakness and help your soul advance in its journey to immortality. A learning that there is a purpose for this life. You were born in a family and with a set of friends as per your choice to change yourself. Soulmates come at pre defined times to help you in the journey. They try to help you – but its up to you to decide whether you want to change or not. Some people adapt and change and progress – while others resist change and the journey for them is longer.

Before starting reading, let's hear the author and what he has to say:

And for those of us who still choose suicide, a glimpse of what awaits us:

Finally, the link for the book itself (part 1/2)

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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Anything like that is fictional to me, invented by people who were unable to come to terms with the true meaningless and insignificant nature of existence. There is no real evidence to suggest that such a thing exists, the idea of any kind of afterlife is just someone's personal belief. I very strongly believe that we just cease to exist after this and that thought comforts me.
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Dec 11, 2022
Anything like that is fictional to me, invented by people who were unable to come to terms with the true meaningless and insignificant nature of existence. There is no real evidence to suggest that such a thing exists, the idea of any kind of afterlife is just someone's personal belief. I very strongly believe that we just cease to exist after this and that thought comforts me.
Agree 100%
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Yeah I don't believe in this stuff. Any NDEs are just part of still being alive, not proof that there's something after death. I'm comfortable with the idea that there's nothing after life, and quite certain about it. Really very certain. All science has learned tells is that consciousness is not an entity that moves about from place to place. It's just a consequence of the arrangement of brain connections. It comes, then it goes. Thinking that there's something good after death could make people end their lives prematurely which would be a mistake. You only live once. And since dying is such a chore, you might as well try and make the most out of life if you can.
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Jan 23, 2021
Compelling proof for the theory of reincarnation
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
That's what I thought too.
But we are talking here about THOUSANDS of cases, all with the same story/memories.

I understand that for depressed people it is much easier to dismiss as nonsense than to actually listen for a couple of hours and then form an opinion.
I used to be a skeptic myself.
And this is not - religion... no Christianity, no Islam, no Budhism... rather, documented testimonies of people from all those religions, as well as atheists.

It's a shame that this topic will go down the list and become forgotten history for all members who miss it today.
And it's really a life-changing knowledge... I've researched the topic of life after death for millions of hours online, and this is the only written material which tells the whole story that actually makes some sense.
NDE's, religious preachings... they all only glimpse at it. Here, the entire process of creation is explained, how, why, etc.

Too bad the internet has diminished our attention spans to a few minutes, if not seconds.
Listening or reading an actual book seems like an insurmountable deed.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Compelling proof for the theory of reincarnation

Reincarnation from what origin? Because it is clear that if the year I was born, in 1978, there were 4,290,000,000 inhabitants in the world and now there are 8,000,000,000 million, the majority would not come from human beings. And if we consider the 3,000,000,000 in 1960, we could say that only a third of the current world population has a human lineage extended over time.

Where would these souls come from? I suppose they will say that of other living beings, but then what would be the point of working on a soul that is not ultimately adapted to a specific species.

These are questions that have come to my mind. Although I don't really believe that we have the ability to decide absolutely anything in life, which leads me to the conclusion that there is no practical purpose to reincarnation if all we can choose is before we are born and after we die.

But... do you think people really have any kind of decision about their lives?


La reencarnació desde quin origen? Perqué és clar que si l'any que vaig néixer, el 1978, hi havien al món d'habitants i ara hi han milions, la majoría no vindrien pas d'éssers humans. I si ens posem en els del 1960 podriém dir que només un terç de la població mundial actual te un llinatge humà perllongat en el temps.

D'on surtirien aquestes ànimes? Suposo que diràn que d'altres éssers vius, però llavors quin sentit tindría treballar una ànima que no s'adapta finalment a una espècie específica.

Són preguntes que m'han vingut al cap. Tot i que en realitat no crec que tinguem capacitat per decidir absolutament res en vida, amb el qual arribo a la conclusió que no hi ha cap finalitat pràctica per la reencarnació si tot el que podem escollir sería abans de néixer i després de morir.

Però... creus que les persones tenen realment cap tipus de decisió sobre les seves vides?
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
BUT, regardless of all this, finding out the actual purpose of life... I still want to CTB.
Yes, life on Earth may be a way for our souls to evolve and learn its lessons, but I don't want to come back here ever again.

Some other places, with less suffering, OK... but HERE - no, thank you.
And I come from a relatively developed country, with all the benefits of a modern life.
I can only imagine how it is for homeless people in India, or in the favelas in Brazil, Africa, Siberia...
Or how it is for people with serious disabilities their entire life.

Never again.
They will have to torture me to send me back to this planet.
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Mixing pills with potions under the smoke alas
Jan 2, 2022
Sounds Essentially like the buddhist view doesnt it? their hope is to reach enlightenment, dissolve the ego thereby end the life's "learning curve" and end their reincarnation cycle,

Learning about buddhism made me so much more scared of death, the idea of reincarnation in general, coming back to this life is a thought thats plaguing my brain like cancer
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Jan 23, 2021
Reincarnation from what origin? Because it is clear that if the year I was born, in 1978, there were 4,290,000,000 inhabitants in the world and now there are 8,000,000,000 million, the majority would not come from human beings. And if we consider the 3,000,000,000 in 1960, we could say that only a third of the current world population has a human lineage extended over time.

Where would these souls come from? I suppose they will say that of other living beings, but then what would be the point of working on a soul that is not ultimately adapted to a specific species.

These are questions that have come to my mind. Although I don't really believe that we have the ability to decide absolutely anything in life, which leads me to the conclusion that there is no practical purpose to reincarnation if all we can choose is before we are born and after we die.

But... do you think people really have any kind of decision about their lives?


La reencarnació desde quin origen? Perqué és clar que si l'any que vaig néixer, el 1978, hi havien al món d'habitants i ara hi han milions, la majoría no vindrien pas d'éssers humans. I si ens posem en els del 1960 podriém dir que només un terç de la població mundial actual te un llinatge humà perllongat en el temps.

D'on surtirien aquestes ànimes? Suposo que diràn que d'altres éssers vius, però llavors quin sentit tindría treballar una ànima que no s'adapta finalment a una espècie específica.

Són preguntes que m'han vingut al cap. Tot i que en realitat no crec que tinguem capacitat per decidir absolutament res en vida, amb el qual arribo a la conclusió que no hi ha cap finalitat pràctica per la reencarnació si tot el que podem escollir sería abans de néixer i després de morir.

Però... creus que les persones tenen realment cap tipus de decisió sobre les seves vides?
It's about the evolution of consciousness every tree, bird and rock will ultimately be born as a human being . You have the decision on how you will respond to the situation in your life and can u be just a witness or will you become completely identified
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
Reincarnation from what origin? Because it is clear that if the year I was born, in 1978, there were 4,290,000,000 inhabitants in the world and now there are 8,000,000,000 million, the majority would not come from human beings. And if we consider the 3,000,000,000 in 1960, we could say that only a third of the current world population has a human lineage extended over time.

Where would these souls come from? I suppose they will say that of other living beings, but then what would be the point of working on a soul that is not ultimately adapted to a specific species.

These are questions that have come to my mind. Although I don't really believe that we have the ability to decide absolutely anything in life, which leads me to the conclusion that there is no practical purpose to reincarnation if all we can choose is before we are born and after we die.

But... do you think people really have any kind of decision about their lives?

There is an answer to this in the book, as this was one of my "counter-arguments" as well.
There are supposedly billions of souls as well, more than there are people on Earth.
Earth is just one of multiple locations where souls get sent to evolve... and it is the most difficult one, with the most suffering and pain
There are less dense virtual reality worlds, and each of us may choose for some time to go to such less demanding "schools".

Souls also get born, or created, constantly.
And also, only a portion of one soul's energy is allocated to a single incarnation... which means that a single soul may be living in more than one body at a time.
Sounds "too much", I know... but that's how supposedly it works.

If it was up to me, I wouldn't have bothered at all.
I cannot imagine that I willingly chose to live here, although my initially "dealt cards" were not that bad.

But as for your question, there is not a deficit of souls.
They get created, and I guess "die", or get advanced (graduate from the school), all the time.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
If I'm honest- I'm really on the fence with regards to spirituality, God etc. I am falling more on the side of there being nothing the older I get.

You may be right. I hope you won't find this too confrontational- but if you are right- if we do indeed choose to come here- why do you suppose you did? What did you need to change, or overcome? Did you succeed? If you haven't yet- does that put you off CTB until you have succeeded?

My Mum was desperate to have children. My parents were actually told it was a 'medical impossibility.' The ONLY reason I can think that I agreed to come here was to make her happy. Then, she died when I was 3. Perhaps I was supposed to be there for my Dad after that. I don't know. I'm just sick of this game or lesson or whatever else it is supposed to be. Do we even get a choice if we want to participate? What is it we're supposed to be aiming for in the end? To become perfect? Then what? We get to live in heaven? Why?

Sorry- some or all of that may have been explained in the links. It's just not something that appeals to me anymore to be honest. I'm sorry to grill you so hard. I'm actually pleased for people who have a definite belief. I wish you all the best with this life and all the future ones. If I get the choice though- I hope the power that be lets me rest oblivious to the fact any of this has happened.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
What I know for sure, I mean it is not a belief, is that living does not mean deciding. I don't believe in free will neither in actions nor in thoughts... but of course, let's consider what the POST says, that the capacity of decision is real before taking possession of the body and after losing it... this would explain many things, but then it is a learning by exposure and... excuse me but I find it very cruel, as cruel as an exam where you can't even consciously choose the answers to the questions.

The truth is that I live my life in two very different ways, one in which I am responsible for each of my decisions and I was born by my pure will to be born and another way in which I can not choose anything at all, not even put an end to my life even if it seems to be my decision despite getting it in the future.
The realistic side is the second one, I am a determinist and it makes me very sad..


Jo el que se del cert, vull dir que no és pas cap creença, es que viure no vol dir pas decidir. No crec en el lliure albir ni d'accions ni de pensaments.. pero esclar, plantegem el que diu el POST, que la capacitat de decisió és real abans de prendre possessió del cos i després de perdre'l.. això explicaría moltes coses, però llavors és un aprenantge per exposició i.. perdoneu però ho trobo molt cruel, tan cruel com ho pugui ser un exàmen on no pots ni triar conscientement les respostes a les preguntes.

La veritat es que visc la meva vida en dues vessants ben diferents, una en la qual sóc responsable de cadascuna de les meves decisions i vaig néixer per la meva pura voluntat de néixer i una altre vessant en la que no puc triar res de res, ni tan sols posar fí a la meva vida encara que sembli que sigui decisió meva tot i conseguir-ho en un futur.
La vessant realista és la segona, sóc determinista i em fa molta llàstima.


Jul 29, 2021
people here are closed minded i do hope that death is the end for all time but my intuition tells me that i came into existence from nothing and i return to being to be nothing whats to say it can't happen again, there should just be nothing anyway the fact that there is something in the first place and all these atoms just means that theres a chance that death is not the end for all time.
but rebrith means you take the risk of being born anywhere in the universe you could have a wrose life than you have now, or better it all just depends on luck of where you are born the universe is a mystery there is no god no creator, anyone who cliams to know for certain what happens to us after death is wrong you can be certain of it
The adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds (1,300-1,400 g).
The adult human brain is about 2% of the total body weight.
The average human brain is 140 mm wide. 140,000000
The average human brain is 167 mm long. 167,000000
The average human brain is 140 mm height. 140,000000

3,273,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 nm in the human brain

there are 8 billion pepole in the world thats
26,185,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms
atoms that make up the earth

How many atoms are in a human?
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
The thing that makes it hard to believe for me is that Newton supposedly put all the subjects under hypnosis, but they could have said anything while under it. We have no way of knowing what was really said in each case. The wording used by this patients is also suspiciously similar in each instance, not to mention the fact that Dolores Cannon wrote virtually the same book.

I'm fairly open to theories on the afterlife, I think it's all pretty interesting, but I just can't quite go for it.
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I see the bus...I can almost see it
Aug 19, 2022
I know this book. Its very interesting.
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
It's about the evolution of consciousness every tree, bird and rock will ultimately be born as a human being . You have the decision on how you will respond to the situation in your life and can u be just a witness or will you become completely identified
I believe in reincarnation too, but not really as an evolution of souls. More like the atoms of energy that form us disperse and unite with other atoms and form something else. Like a game of lego - you dissemble the castle, and form a tree, or an elephant. Using the same pieces or adding others more. When enough "pieces" / atoms that formed a person are still together to form a new being, that new person might remember its previous life. My theory. Don't laugh.
"Energy can never be created or destroyed" it just forms something else.
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
If I'm honest- I'm really on the fence with regards to spirituality, God etc. I am falling more on the side of there being nothing the older I get.

You may be right. I hope you won't find this too confrontational- but if you are right- if we do indeed choose to come here- why do you suppose you did? What did you need to change, or overcome? Did you succeed? If you haven't yet- does that put you off CTB until you have succeeded?

In my case, it is the opposite - the older I got, the more spiritual I became.
I started of as a skeptic, I dismissed Christianity as pure nonsense, and as every teenager - I thought I knew it all.
Of course, I didn't have a clue about anything.
In time, one finds out how perfectly tuned in everything around us is... it is absolutely impossible for such a perfect fine order to come out of nothing.

Why did I choose to come here?
I have no idea. I still cannot believe I willingly came.
But it must have been some lesson I had to learn.
Maybe it was to find out how it is to be bisexual (maybe I have mistreated or even killed gays in my previous incarnations).
Or how it feels to be a drug addict... or how to overcome this urge to go after physical gratification (we all go through this to various extents).
Or how it is to get a chronic illness.
Or perhaps all of the above.
Or... even, what it takes and how it feels to take one's own life.
Although this last one may very well be my wishful thinking, since suicide in the spiritual world is not taken lightly, but rather as an escape from responsibility.
But since I have been suicidal for almost my entire life, it must be a part of my life lesson in some way.
I have decided to CTB anyhow, aware of the intensive counseling I will have to go through as a consequence of this act.

The thing is - we are born with a total amnesia, without knowing any of our plans or goals.
That is the problem. How can we learn if we don't have a clue about the lesson(s)?

This knowledge should be more widespread. Michael Newton published this book in the mid 90's.
No wonder Dolores Cannon wrote a similar book... I am surprised that so little is known about the true nature of life and death.
It has a lot to do with religion and the people in power.
Those institutions of power are inclined to keep people as ignorant and as powerless as possible.
The less we know, the easier it is for them to keep us - down, on our knees.
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Feb 21, 2022
Personally I subscribe to the idea that this place is a prison/hell controlled by archons, but as far as the afterlife, not sure.

I think the problem with many NDE's is while they do provide valuable data, they are difficult to discern because those experiences are still part of the matrix.

But they are interesting nonetheless; psychedelic experiences, too.

I just wouldn't want anyone being too sure that there's nothing, only to be bombarded with the "love bomb", tunnel of light, and get sent right back to this fuck hole.

Just keep your mind open and be vigilant.
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don't want it

Dec 14, 2022
Your words are beautiful, but there is actually no evidence of the soul, and I see it as nonsense
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Sep 19, 2022
Interesting, I'll be sure to check those videos. I had a really profound trip on 6 grams of mushrooms in the dark with no external stimuli once. Without going into too much detail, it felt like I died and experienced the afterlife. My surroundings slowly faded to black and I lost all sense of my identity, I had no memory or concept of anything, not who or even what I was, or that I was alive and on earth. I like to think that something similar happens when we pass. I later found out that some countries give terminally ill patients mushrooms to help them cope with death which makes sense to me now.

don't want it

Dec 14, 2022
I was born in Somalia, I experienced poverty and died of hunger, I was born in Germany, I died because of my loved who shocked me, I was born in Sudan and died because of the war, if there is a person responsible for all this, I will spit in his face, and I will commit suicide in every life
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Oct 28, 2018
1. Brett's description of the other side from his remote viewing session shared by others

2. David Icke's take on reincarnation trap, the white light, higher hierarchy, the purpose of pain and suffering and AI. Ignore the ad in the beginning and jump to 40 minute mark. I would suggest listening to entire session anyway.

3. Interesting take from someone on Reddit on prison planet and soul farm. Maybe worth reading his original post mentioned there first

Prerequisites: open mindedness and curiosity
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Jan 25, 2023
Yeah I don't believe in this stuff. Any NDEs are just part of still being alive, not proof that there's something after death. I'm comfortable with the idea that there's nothing after life, and quite certain about it. Really very certain. All science has learned tells is that consciousness is not an entity that moves about from place to place. It's just a consequence of the arrangement of brain connections. It comes, then it goes. Thinking that there's something good after death could make people end their lives prematurely which would be a mistake. You only live once. And since dying is such a chore, you might as well try and make the most out of life if you can.
I agree. NDEs are still an effect of having a live brain. I'd love to be able to see proof of other dimensions ala String Theory and the like, but....imo, not likely.
Yeah I don't believe in this stuff. Any NDEs are just part of still being alive, not proof that there's something after death. I'm comfortable with the idea that there's nothing after life, and quite certain about it. Really very certain. All science has learned tells is that consciousness is not an entity that moves about from place to place. It's just a consequence of the arrangement of brain connections. It comes, then it goes. Thinking that there's something good after death could make people end their lives prematurely which would be a mistake. You only live once. And since dying is such a chore, you might as well try and make the most out of life if you can.
I agree. NDEs are still an effect of having a live brain. I'd love to be able to see proof of other dimensions ala String Theory and the like, but....imo, not likely.
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