

Feb 20, 2020
It seems to have disappeared.

I wanted to say a couple of things, like asking where the best place to find smiley and hugs emojis is so I can send them instead.

Actually, now I'm posting this message I might as well say this. I think the reason I want to know whether she's really blocked my e-mail address so much is because it means so much to me to have relationships with people that are as good as possible. So it would be good if the line of communication with her is left open, just in case I want to contact her in the future, which is unlikely but not impossible. It would be good to have as close as possible to a half-decent relationship with her. Even though she despises me, I'm still willing to be friendly to her.

I'm not sure if I've explained that very well.
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Mar 19, 2022
You can't send death threats to people then be confused why they might have blocked you or expect them to keep an open line of communication for YOUR sake. Your needs don't matter at that point to her- you crossed a major (and potentially frightening) boundary and she's taking care of herself. It doesn't matter if you're still willing to be friendly to her. If she despises you as you stated, and blocked you, then that's all that matters. The communication is closed. Period. It's just as much her choice as it is yours. And only takes one to decide to end a relationship.

Just being real. You're better off moving onto the next great thing. And not sending death threats, regardless of whether you mean them or not… actions have consequences, friend. Good luck out there. Play nice and people will play nice back with you.
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Dec 1, 2021
It doesn't matter what you want now. Once you've done stuff like sending death threats whatever communitcation she is willing to have is up to her. She likely doesn't want open lines of communication with you in future should you want to contact her. Are you contacting her for you or for her? If it's for you it's just selfish.
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Feb 17, 2022
No one owes you an explanation of what they do. If she said don't contact me that's it. It might hurt, but there's nothing left to do. No means no. You can have all the love and kindness you'd want to share in the world, but when someone says don't contact me that's it. There is no other hidden motive from her. This is a direct no.

It doesn't matter if you want to check if she blocked you or not. If she said don't contact that's good enough to know that there's nothing you can do to repair this. It doesn't matter if you don't understand why she's doing this or if you feel it's unfair. Or if you feel you can redeem yourself.

I know it means a lot for you to connect with people. I am a very forgiving person, I forget and forgive everyone as awful as they can be. But when someone says they don't want to speak with me or have me contact them, it's a loss I can't do anything about. Any further advances from that point would only bring a deeper world of pain. Not only legally, but why would you want to keep speaking to someone who clearly doesn't want you? It's hurtful for yourself as well. Not everyone will like us in this world, and that is their choice that should be respected as much as it hurts.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
It seems to have disappeared.

You don't seem to understand yourself & other people terribly well. You really need professional help. I'm not saying that to mock & judge you.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I wanted to say a couple of things, like asking where the best place to find smiley and hugs emojis is so I can send them instead.

doesn't matter what you want now. Once you've done stuff like sending death threats whatever communitcation she is willing to have is up to her. S

after what you

You can't send death threats to people then be confused why they might have blocked you

Can someone show me where he said that he already sent that message when he actually implied that he hasnt?
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Can someone show me where he said that he already sent that message when he actually implied that he hasnt?

Goodness gracious! On reading the title and his post again, it becomes clearer. He may have only intended to send a death threat, but may not have actually sent it!

I thought he had already sent it. How stupid of me! 😱

@Marktheghost , please accept my sincere apologies as I misunderstood your post. I'm terribly sorry! 😫

I have deleted my earlier post.

@Life_and_Death , thank you so much for pointing this out! 🙏
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
As I recall it, the REASON for the "death threat" was to test whether or not the email was really blocked, and it was not intended as a true death threat. It was "just" an extremely scary, upsetting thing OP would inflict on someone to test their email and a thing that would likely have huge negative consequences for OP as well.
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Sep 29, 2021
She doesn't want to contact you and she blocked you. Contacting her against her wishes is a crime and you could end up in jail.

Relationships are not by force. No woman appreciates being forced into a friendship escpecially if the guy is a stalker
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Mar 26, 2022
I cannot list all the benefits of being single.
Not babysitting and succumbing to things like this and more pain is one of them.


Sep 16, 2021
If you can't see why sending a fake death threat is really bad that might explain why you can't see how you make some woman uncomfortable. Maybe look inside yourself a bit, engage in some introspection, and keep trying to get help if you truly want it.

I'm sorry you're going thru this dude but you often post threads like this but you never seem to look inside. There is one common denominator in all the situations you've described.

Don't send death threats, even if you don't mean them.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I think the reason I want to know whether she's really blocked my e-mail address so much is because it means so much to me to have relationships with people that are as good as possible
OP: "I want to make a death threat because good relationships are important to me."
  • Yay!
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
It seems to have disappeared.

I wanted to say a couple of things, like asking where the best place to find smiley and hugs emojis is so I can send them instead.

Actually, now I'm posting this message I might as well say this. I think the reason I want to know whether she's really blocked my e-mail address so much is because it means so much to me to have relationships with people that are as good as possible. So it would be good if the line of communication with her is left open, just in case I want to contact her in the future, which is unlikely but not impossible. It would be good to have as close as possible to a half-decent relationship with her. Even though she despises me, I'm still willing to be friendly to her.

I'm not sure if I've explained that very well.
Idk l suspect the thread was deleted because it did not reflect well on the site as a whole to have such an obviously bad thread running loose yet you are still allowed to continue to post with a laundered reputation, it's probably wise to accept that graciously rather than continue with this seriously uncomfortable output.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
There is no good outcome to sending death threats to someone, particularly a woman, and posting about it. You shouldn't:

1. Send death threats to anyone.

2. If you do, you shouldn't post about it, you should just be really ashamed and seldom speak about it.

3. If you DO write about it, and people react like it's expected, don't make a second thread about it. Duh.
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Oct 19, 2021
Posting a thread about considering violence or threats of violence is really not a good thing to do here. It is true that some people who are suicidal do end up committing violence because they end up hating the whole world for not helping them enough- sadly, for a lot of active shooters it starts this way. So it is especially important that this site not support this- any type of violence or threat of violence that a person is considering doing, because this can cause more more pressure against the site which can run the core mission of a person having a right to discuss ctb and whether this is the way to end their pain.
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Feb 20, 2020
Where do I find professional help? The NHS and social services aren't interested in helping me.

Why has this been moved to off-topic?

Anyway, just to reassure everybody: I've decided I definitely won't send the death threat.


Oct 19, 2021
Where do I find professional help? The NHS and social services aren't interested in helping me.

Why has this been moved to off-topic?

Anyway, just to reassure everybody: I've decided I definitely won't send the death threat.
Do you have insuirance? They should be able to refer you for professional help, but a professional is likely required to report if they determine that you are a threat to others, so working on your own thoughts and changing your own thoughts away from violent thoughts is something that at least to some extent you would need to do on your own most likely. A suicide hotline might be able to help but if you call them and say that you are considering harming others there is a high risk the police will take you to a hospital for an involuntary hospitalization- maybe this would help or maybe not. One excellent resource is youtube- if you search by "how to eliminate violent thoughts" there are a lot of videos that are posted here, and from the looks of it these are mainly posted by therapists- I would review as many of these videos as possible and take them very seriously. Mots people work for hours perfecting a ten minute video to get it the best that they can to get the most views possible, so youtube is possibly the best resource you can find to help with this.

The reason that this has been moved to "Offtopic" is because this topic is not about Suicide Discussion"- it may be related in some way but it is not directly a thread on suicide discussion. You might say well I am suicidal because of this problem, but that's not enough to make the thread a thread that is truly about suicide. There needs to be order on this site for the topics, so unless it is directly about suicide a thread gets moved to Offtopic. I'm pretty sure I've seen other threads that you have posted that you have had the same question about, and it's the same situation- unless a thread is directly about suicide it will be moved to Offtopic.


Feb 18, 2022
Posting a thread about considering violence or threats of violence is really not a good thing to do here. It is true that some people who are suicidal do end up committing violence because they end up hating the whole world for not helping them enough- sadly, for a lot of active shooters it starts this way. So it is especially important that this site not support this- any type of violence or threat of violence that a person is considering doing, because this can cause more more pressure against the site which can run the core mission of a person having a right to discuss ctb and whether this is the way to end their pain.
Seems about right. When I was in a bad mood I tested the waters by making a thread about wanting to hurt certain people. Got deleted quickly and honestly I think it will save you some embarassment if you keep that stuff to yourself. I've had flare-ups where I sincerely thought I was doing good by telling people I thought were awful to hurt themselves, but once I was over the mood it quickly seemed like a bad idea and I deleted it. idk where i'm going with this now just rambling
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