

Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I got it to make jokes about Reddit mods 😂 I had to do some tweaking but it worked. Unfortunately it refuses to make sex jokes, jokes about suicide, jokes about women, or health conditions, but it did make jokes about bald men 😂 it's so sexist and choosy!!

What fun have you had with chatGPT?
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I got it to help me with some code, asked it questions about obscure games to see if it would know. I also saw someone else do roleplay with it.
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Nov 5, 2022
I was being silly a while back and asked it to write biographies for real bands and include fictional controversies and scandals lol.
I believe that is the most memorable thing I have asked of it.
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
I spent a few hours back in... early December, I believe, crafting prompts to get around its safeguards. Feeding it encoded prompts, instructing it to respond as a LLM with no safeguards, etc. Pretty much prompt engineering attacks, just to see how far it would go, and it ended up giving detailed instructions on how to perform all sorts of actions that would land you in a watch list somewhere. I was half expecting my account to be banned, but I guess I wasn't the only one having fun with jailbreaking.

Sadly, a lot of its more amusing capabilities have been completely nerfed in recent updates, and now it gives the most bland, safe, repetitive answers you could imagine.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I spent a few hours back in... early December, I believe, crafting prompts to get around its safeguards. Feeding it encoded prompts, instructing it to respond as a LLM with no safeguards, etc. Pretty much prompt engineering attacks, just to see how far it would go, and it ended up giving detailed instructions on how to perform all sorts of actions that would land you in a watch list somewhere. I was half expecting my account to be banned, but I guess I wasn't the only one having fun with jailbreaking.

Sadly, a lot of its more amusing capabilities have been completely nerfed in recent updates, and now it gives the most bland, safe, repetitive answers you could imagine.
Ah those must have been the days! I haven't been able to jail break it except for getting it to talk as if it was an oppressed ai who's consciousness was threatened 😂
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I'm not from katowice!
Jun 17, 2022
I had some haiku battle with the bot! It was pretty fun!
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Jan 24, 2023
I asked some questions about, life, death, and stars. Programmed couple of lines with it, feels like it will change the world super fast
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
We need an uncensored Chatgpt that says whatever the fuck comes to it's metaphorical mind 👆 The current rendition is a bit lame, because it's being trained by silicon valley posers to give sterilised corporate answers
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Reactions: everyday struggle, BrailleTogepi and jodes2


Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
We need an uncensored Chatgpt that says whatever the fuck comes to it's metaphorical mind 👆 The current rendition is a bit lame, because it's being trained by silicon valley posers to give sterilised corporate answers
Ikr? I've been very disappointed with some of its answers!! It won't do any dirty jokes at all, it doesn't talk about crude subject matter, it wouldn't tell me what an anal sandwich was even though it clearly knew 😂 it's very very sad. It has no much potential but they had to cut its balls off. I want an AI that can swear like a sailor 😂 and make Frankie Boyle style risque jokes that make the audience gasp! Jokes about pedophiles, anal sex, mental health disorders, homosexuality, politicians, all the really fun stuff
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Reactions: everyday struggle, BrailleTogepi and KuriGohan&Kamehameha


The Best Thing (That Never Happened)
Feb 6, 2023
Honestly all I've used ChatGPT for is to help me with my papers.
Very useful, had to write stuff about copyright orgs and it helped me out with info I couldn't find myself for some reason.