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Feb 1, 2025
I guess I'm at a point in my life where I genuinely don't know what happens after I die.

I think the most likely possibility is that nothing happens, just like before you were born. Being a trans person If one of the religions are right then I'm screwed, religious people always told me that god still loves me but I'd probably end up going to hell. I feel like it's not very likely though. Something that always interested me was "the egg" story (kurzgesagt made a really interesting video on it). I mean as far as theories go it makes the most sense to me, if there is something after death. I do however think nothingness is more likely.

The one thing that always fascinated me with death was that there was no way to tell what happens with a 100% certainty. Whatever happens I'm kind of glad that I can leave this life behind at least. If there's a next one after death or not.
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Jul 29, 2021
When we die, we will no longer exist, it is factual. But can we really think that from non-existence nothing is possible anymore? In this case, if we think that then how to explain that from the inexistence we ended up existing at our birth?
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Richard Langford

An ordinary older guy.
Jan 10, 2025
A few of us here have had quite pointed 'experiences or occurrences' in our lives that makes us think there's something more going on that we don't comprehend and understand. These experiences could be put down to pure chance but some were so pointed and the timing so particular that it's extremely difficult to believe that.

That being the case, it has made some of us think there's someone or something orchestrating things for us (when we need them) and hence something 'more'. All that said, such isn't popular thinking on here for obvious reasons.
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May 18, 2020
I believe there's nothing. It's your functioning organism that creates your consciousness; once it's no longer functional there's nothing to receive stimuli and process it in any way.

Now, if there's any other way to create consciousness without a physical body, we'll never know. Though I doubt such being has to be necessarily attached in any way to your former self, but even if that were the case, whatever it gets to experience be it pleasure, pain, joy or sorrow, is probably something completely new and nothing like we experience as humans.


Feb 1, 2025
A few of us here have had quite pointed 'experiences or occurrences' in our lives that makes us think there's something more going on that we don't comprehend and understand. These experiences could be put down to pure chance but some were so pointed and the timing so particular that it's extremely difficult to believe that.

That being the case, it has made some of us think there's someone or something orchestrating things for us (when we need them) and hence something 'more'. All that said, such isn't popular thinking on here for obvious reasons.
Yeah I mean I've heard of people going through near death experiences some say it's just the chemicals in your brain acting up when your body knows it's going to die. Some say it's proof of an afterlife. I feel like no one can really know with certainty though.

I guess it would be kind of comforting to know that everything that happened is orchestrated by something bigger then me at least I can say it wasn't all my fault.
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unloved friend, unwanted lover
Feb 4, 2025
I personally believe in reincarnation, though I guess it's partially just a very strong hope. I do think just nothingness forever is pretty likely too, but I have a hard time believing you just live one mundane life and that's it. nothing after at all?
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Jan 23, 2025
I believe that it is over. Done and over with. Finally zzz
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Richard Langford

An ordinary older guy.
Jan 10, 2025
Yeah I mean I've heard of people going through near death experiences some say it's just the chemicals in your brain acting up when your body knows it's going to die. Some say it's proof of an afterlife. I feel like no one can really know with certainty though.

I guess it would be kind of comforting to know that everything that happened is orchestrated by something bigger then me at least I can say it wasn't all my fault.
No these weren't those. More extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY pointed
occurances happening in our lives exactly when we needed them. The odds on those happening would have to humongous.
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Feb 1, 2025
I personally believe in reincarnation, though I guess it's partially just a very strong hope. I do think just nothingness forever is pretty likely too, but I have a hard time believing you just live one mundane life and that's it. nothing after at all?
I can't say I believe in it but it's also kind of a hope of mine like a fresh start not that I would know if I was reincarnated but it would be nice.
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The Angel of Death
Jan 5, 2025
As someone whose flatlined twice I can say with a certainty that it's nothing. You come into this world as nothing and leave it as nothing
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Ashes of a Dreamer

Ashes of a Dreamer

Looking for freedom out of this hell
Dec 29, 2024
Sleep forever, hopefully.
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Mar 31, 2024
i'll see my friends again
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Jan 1, 2024
Go to another dimension hopefully
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À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
After death, there is nothing—but not even 'nothing,' because nothingness still implies a concept, and you will have no concepts. There will be no darkness, no silence, no void. There will be no 'after.' Your consciousness will cease as if it had never existed. Every thought, every memory, every emotion will vanish without a trace. Even the universe itself is just a temporary phenomenon, a random dance of particles destined for thermal dissipation. In the end, nothing will remain: no observer, no meaning, no memory. The last particle will fade, and with it, even the idea that anything ever existed.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Any thinking , consciousness , feeling that there is some "you" inside ur head is only models in ur brain , models of what the brain is paying attention to.

After the brain dies it can't ever pay attention to or think of anything ever again. Best of all is my brain will never be able suffer unbearable pain again.

A human is a brain, cells , a machine , chemical reactions same as a bug or mouse or fly nothing more.

1 microsecond After my brain dies I will never exist again. To me That's the best thing by a trillion non-existence forever

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Jan 30, 2025
I guess I'm at a point in my life where I genuinely don't know what happens after I die.

I think the most likely possibility is that nothing happens, just like before you were born. Being a trans person If one of the religions are right then I'm screwed, religious people always told me that god still loves me but I'd probably end up going to hell. I feel like it's not very likely though. Something that always interested me was "the egg" story (kurzgesagt made a really interesting video on it). I mean as far as theories go it makes the most sense to me, if there is something after death. I do however think nothingness is more likely.

The one thing that always fascinated me with death was that there was no way to tell what happens with a 100% certainty. Whatever happens I'm kind of glad that I can leave this life behind at least. If there's a next one after death or not.

Well, I'd like to believe that everything is simply done, that there's nothing happening and nobody to complain about being bored about it. Kind of like hoping for heaven, which would also be nice. My observations into consciousness seem to point to other possibilities. As I've grown closer to death these ideas are a bit terrifying. I'm not a neuroscientist or spiritual master, so it's not as though my own ideas have any bearing but…

If we are framing consciousness here as being the direct act of reality continuing itself in individual experience, then when I die, reality continues. I may be 'dead', but consciousness, this universe perpetuating the fact that it lives itself, will continue. Some spiritual systems call this 'reincarnation' but I view it as more of a natural continuation of consciousness on a mass scale.

Where am I going with this?
Well, while 'I' may be dead, the consciousness which I call 'I', the unique perspective I have on life and the universe, is not in itself unique in the sense that it inhabits every conscious being in this universe. Therefore, if 'I' die, the closest thing to anything I could name as being that 'I' in the first place can and will continue to inhabit various forms.

In other words, I may die, but that which makes the fact of my life significant does not die.

I do not say this optimistically, it causes me a sort of cosmic terror. I could kill myself, but consciousness would not end. It would continue inhabiting a seemingly endless number of forms which are equally a unique part of universal experience as I was. In that sense, what ever dies?

If there is ever anything real or solid enough to call 'me' that even can die, it would stand to reason that it is not limited to my body, and will continue to inhabit beings who will, suffer, experience tortures worse than I experience now. Joys too but…it's hard to look at the joys with the fact of the cruelty in this world.

Anyway, thanks for reading my pseudo philosophical rant.
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Boomin’ like Alicia keys
Feb 2, 2025
I'm not sure tbh. The entire idea of not existing is so unimaginable for me because when you don't exist you feel nothing, you think nothing, because you are nothing. When you lose consciousness it feels like a blip in time because you wake up. But if you never wake up, that blip of time is infinite. Being conscious is part of existence so I guess it'd be whatever forever losing consciousness would feel like.
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Jul 29, 2021
If consciousness is something that arises due to specific conditions, then the likelihood of "you" existing again depends on how often those conditions occur. If the factors that gave rise to your specific consciousness are incredibly rare, then the odds of "you" reappearing could be astronomically low. But if those factors are common enough over infinite time, then some version of "you" could emerge again.

It brings up questions of probability. If the universe is infinite or cycles through similar patterns, then the re-emergence of something like "you" might be inevitable given enough time. But if consciousness depends on highly specific, fleeting conditions, then maybe this is truly your one and only experience.

Either way, the fact that you exist now means that whatever those conditions are, they have already happened at least once. The real question is whether those conditions are likely to repeat, and if so, whether "you" would even recognize it as being "you" again.
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Agoraphobic NEETs rise up ✊
Feb 3, 2025
Not religious but I like the idea of reincarnation personally, getting a chance to redo things the right way— probably just wishful thinking but it's comforting all the same.
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got my foot in the grave
Sep 24, 2024
sorry if there are any religious people reading this but this what i truly believe so, oh well.

there is nothing after death. death is a permanent, irreversible state of unconsciousness. there is no "soul" or a "spirit". its just your physical body, breaking down and shutting down. death is beyond any kind of rescue.

"'You" is just your consciousness. its how you perceive, think, etc. now granted consciousness is hard to define rigorously but it can be comfortably pinpointed to the brain, which ofcourse dies out with your body.

in my opinion, the ideas of afterlife and reincarnation are just that, ideas. made to provide comfort to the mind which is scared of death and the idea of nonexistence after death.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Nothing, I believe death to simply be an eternal, dreamless sleep where all is finally gone and forgotten about, as long as I exist I really will only hope to never suffer ever again, non-existence is all I hope for and is the only peace for me, nothing would make me wish for this cruel, torturous existence that I always saw as the most terrible mistake, all I wish for is to be permanently unconscious of this existence. I'd never wish to exist at all no matter what and I find it deeply undesirable to suffer in this existence, I just want nothingness, for me ceasing to exist is all that's positive, I'd always prefer to cease existing than suffer in this existence all for the sake of it with no limit as to how much agony I can feel, I wish for non-existence where there's no more cruelty, no more suffering and I'm no longer burdened with this torturous, futile existence.


Apr 17, 2018


Nov 25, 2024
I guess I'm at a point in my life where I genuinely don't know what happens after I die.

I think the most likely possibility is that nothing happens, just like before you were born. Being a trans person If one of the religions are right then I'm screwed, religious people always told me that god still loves me but I'd probably end up going to hell. I feel like it's not very likely though. Something that always interested me was "the egg" story (kurzgesagt made a really interesting video on it). I mean as far as theories go it makes the most sense to me, if there is something after death. I do however think nothingness is more likely.

The one thing that always fascinated me with death was that there was no way to tell what happens with a 100% certainty. Whatever happens I'm kind of glad that I can leave this life behind at least. If there's a next one after death or not.

Great video! I looked it up and linking it here -

Really enjoyed reading this thread - I think something akin to an amalgamation of everything written here. It's hard to say…

If - according to the egg video, we are filled with the wisdom of previous lives I hope to make better choices in my next…

No one wants to suffer - inherently I think we all seek to leave meaningful and purpose driven lives but for whatever reason that hasn't been the case for us.. bc if it had been we wouldnt be here!

So why not take the chance of starting over in the next.
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Dec 12, 2024
I hope to reincarnate as a deva a demigod in buddhism lol, but really nobody knows, nothing happening is the most rational answer, but that doesn't make it the truth this is why death is the biggest mystery
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Sep 8, 2024
I guess I'm at a point in my life where I genuinely don't know what happens after I die.

I think the most likely possibility is that nothing happens, just like before you were born. Being a trans person If one of the religions are right then I'm screwed, religious people always told me that god still loves me but I'd probably end up going to hell. I feel like it's not very likely though. Something that always interested me was "the egg" story (kurzgesagt made a really interesting video on it). I mean as far as theories go it makes the most sense to me, if there is something after death. I do however think nothingness is more likely.

The one thing that always fascinated me with death was that there was no way to tell what happens with a 100% certainty. Whatever happens I'm kind of glad that I can leave this life behind at least. If there's a next one after death or not.
I always hold onto the belief that after death, I'll be born in a better life, I wouldn't suffer as much as I do now , I would have two parents, siblings and a loving family, I would be born in a first world country and financially stable, I would have the privilege to live in a clean and civilized neighborhood, unlike everything I have now in this shit life
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Dec 30, 2024
I think after we catch the bus will hopefully just be nothingness.


Paranoid Android
Sep 22, 2024
I honestly think about this everyday. I kinda got a specific perspective about the universe and everything, so it kinda goes with how i think the afterdeath will be like. But basically, imo, our consciousness kinda split apart, leaving our body on earth, so that, a new "universe" is born. Its a pretty crazy idea but i like to think that way. I like to think that life isnt just a waste of time, that we actually worth something way more than we think we do.
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I stay in my power
Aug 20, 2020
I think my body is dying and just becoming soil from which new life grows. I believe my soul energy will find a new body. I believe I will continue to grow in a new body until I become enlightened. I don't believe in classic hell. Above all, you don't go to hell because you are homosexual/transgender or because you got divorced or broke off contact with your parents or such nonsense. I think there is some kind of higher power, but not like a christian god, more like some kind of endless love.
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Ready to go to bed
Feb 1, 2025
I've always believed that there is nothingness after death. No thoughts or feelings. In recent years I have found myself leaning more towards the idea of being reincarnated as an animal. I hope that death is just nothingness though. No happiness but no suffering either.,,
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Feb 1, 2025
Great video! I looked it up and linking it here -

Really enjoyed reading this thread - I think something akin to an amalgamation of everything written here. It's hard to say…

If - according to the egg video, we are filled with the wisdom of previous lives I hope to make better choices in my next…

No one wants to suffer - inherently I think we all seek to leave meaningful and purpose driven lives but for whatever reason that hasn't been the case for us.. bc if it had been we wouldnt be here!

So why not take the chance of starting over in the next.

Yeah I mean it's mostly just wishful thinking on my part. I still think it's unlikely that we have anything more than nothingness after death But I often wonder how things would have been if I was born into different circumstances. Like I hate my life now, but I often long for a life where I was born into the right body and where I could be happy. I guess it's interesting to think about what could have been. I've come to accept whatever comes after.
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