

Jun 5, 2018
Personally, my philosophy is that death is like being unconscious in that it only feels like a fraction of a second is passing in the time that you're unconscious. Therefore, the eternity that comes after death will appear to happen in an instant because you're not consciously experiencing time. In my eyes, the same way none of us worried or have memories of the 13.7 billion years that passed before we were born is the same way we won't have any consciousness or reason to worry about the eternity that comes after. All I see death as is an end to the pain of life and an eternal silent peace, which sounds pretty good to me. What do you all think it will be like after we die.
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Jul 20, 2018
Death isn't special or deep. It will just be black because everything keeping the juices flowing in your body will stop. The only reason there is life on this planet is because it happened to be a certain distance from the sun IMO. We're all just animals.
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Jun 5, 2018
Death isn't special or deep. It will just be black because everything keeping the juices flowing in your body will stop. The only reason there is life on this planet is because it happened to be a certain distance from the sun IMO. We're all just animals.
Exactly, eternal peace and quiet. There's nothing more to it, and that's what makes it special.
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Sep 19, 2018
My guess is that death is like being put under dreams, no sense of time passing. A nothingness deeper than darkness. The way things should be!
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Jun 30, 2018
Being dead will be exactly the same as not having been born yet. I have seen nothing to give cause to believe anything else.
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Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
Dying will be pretty interesting, I think. Here is a quote from Principles of Forensic Medicine by William Augustus Guy (first published 1861) on death by hanging (which is how I am thinking I will ctb):

We are not without information as to the sensations that accompany death by hanging. Suicides who have been saved from death, and philosophers who have instituted experiments on themselves, have both contributed something to our knowledge. It appears that these sensations are not always the same; and the difference probably depends on the various degrees in which the windpipe and blood-vessels are compressed. Some have retained no recollection of what happened to them; others were conscious of sudden loss of sense and motion; in others a deep sleep was ushered in by flashes of light, by a bluish flame, by brilliant circles of colours, or by ocular illusions of a more definite kind, accompanied by hissing or singing in the ears. In other instances, again, the sensations are stated to have been extremely pleasurable, though of short duration.

These sensations resemble those that occur in cases of disordered cerebral circulation, and those that precede the fits in some cases of epilepsy.​

As for death itself, I believe in an afterlife. I hope and pray that I would make it to Heaven. I imagine it as (among other things) a situation where I can do all the historical research and reading that I could not do in this life, be reunited with deceased loved ones and friends, meet ancestors and historical figures, etc. But I believe that whatever God has in store for me -- if I make it to Heaven -- will be wonderful. (If I don't make it to Heaven -- even after a sojourn in Purgatory -- that means I will be in Hell and suffer alone forever and ever.)
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I'll See You Guys On The Other Side Of The Rainbow
Aug 26, 2018
Eternal sleep

That sounds nice. Cause I like to sleep.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
I like to imagine things after-death consciousness could be, but in reality there's no reason to suppose there will be any. I respect that some people in here have beliefs in afterlife or reincarnation for example. I think it's interesting, I've spent a lot of my life pondering it.

If you know you will be anaesthetised for a major surgery and are very mindful in the moments leading up to it, that's an interesting experience, but it lacks the survival instinct-related anxiety that may occur before death (unless you're panicky about being anaesthetised). Still, being very aware before dreamless consciousness as time just stops is pretty awesome. Some people do dream while sedated though.

And we do know a little bit about the sensations that accompany loss of consciousness in death (and other physiological things like windpipe compression, ischaemic response, etc.), as Maravillosa's post quotes. The thought process of jumpers who have survived. And so on.

I used to have petit mal seizures (before one of my tumours was taken out) and while it was pretty bad for my quality of life, I found something beautiful about it, experiencing the jolt in myself, slight alterations to my consciousness over periods of time I couldn't even meaningfully measure, those instants seemed to rise up and consume me. The perception of time is relative, so what scares me is maybe the closest we'll get is the bit of time that stretches out the most. But that ends too. So I draw comfort from nothingness.
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Jun 5, 2018
My guess is that death is like being put under dreams, no sense of time passing. A nothingness deeper than darkness. The way things should be!
Being under anesthesia is exactly where I finally understood what death will be like. I had never been unconscious before that, so I was always very fearful of death but once I went under, my fears went away. Now I look forward to death.
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Sep 12, 2018
I believe death is a doorway, one i can't wait to open and see what awaits me.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
I believe that I will wake up in my bed at an ideal moment in the past, into the "present" of that time, with no conscious recollection of any of this, except perhaps from a bad dream, and then the unconscious knowledge will guide me to a different future.
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Aug 16, 2018
I believe that I will wake up in my bed at an ideal moment in the past, into the "present" of that time, with no conscious recollection of any of this, except perhaps from a bad dream, and then the unconscious knowledge will guide me to a different future.
Would be nice
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Aug 31, 2018
how was your life before birth? exactly

but we know from science shortly before you die your brain fires with dopamin, serotinin, morphines and all that other shit to make death more comfy. thats were all this near death experience come from
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Aug 16, 2018
Have written elsewhere on on going bad near death experience from drug and it feels like i will just be stuck in that and petrified but cannot live either. But i used to feel that my consciousness but no personality would continue and just be pure peace. Can only hope for that. Anything than the terrifying place I'm in now. Nothing also would be better than hell.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
At the moment of death I believe will be the exact same thing as astral projection. I will be sucked into a long black tunnel before finally reaching the astral plane, and then I will experience consciousness there until finally waking up in my bed again. Excited.
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Aug 10, 2018
Personally, my philosophy is that death is like being unconscious in that it only feels like a fraction of a second is passing in the time that you're unconscious. Therefore, the eternity that comes after death will appear to happen in an instant because you're not consciously experiencing time. In my eyes, the same way none of us worried or have memories of the 13.7 billion years that passed before we were born is the same way we won't have any consciousness or reason to worry about the eternity that comes after. All I see death as is an end to the pain of life and an eternal silent peace, which sounds pretty good to me. What do you all think it will be like after we die.

And maybe, we will awake again a thousand or a billion years in the future as the formed conscience of another living being. Who knows? And only a fraction of second will be passed.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I can tell you it's nice
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New Member
Sep 21, 2018
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Sep 19, 2018
Dying will be pretty interesting, I think. Here is a quote from Principles of Forensic Medicine by William Augustus Guy (first published 1861) on death by hanging (which is how I am thinking I will ctb):

We are not without information as to the sensations that accompany death by hanging. Suicides who have been saved from death, and philosophers who have instituted experiments on themselves, have both contributed something to our knowledge. It appears that these sensations are not always the same; and the difference probably depends on the various degrees in which the windpipe and blood-vessels are compressed. Some have retained no recollection of what happened to them; others were conscious of sudden loss of sense and motion; in others a deep sleep was ushered in by flashes of light, by a bluish flame, by brilliant circles of colours, or by ocular illusions of a more definite kind, accompanied by hissing or singing in the ears. In other instances, again, the sensations are stated to have been extremely pleasurable, though of short duration.

These sensations resemble those that occur in cases of disordered cerebral circulation, and those that precede the fits in some cases of epilepsy.​

As for death itself, I believe in an afterlife. I hope and pray that I would make it to Heaven. I imagine it as (among other things) a situation where I can do all the historical research and reading that I could not do in this life, be reunited with deceased loved ones and friends, meet ancestors and historical figures, etc. But I believe that whatever God has in store for me -- if I make it to Heaven -- will be wonderful. (If I don't make it to Heaven -- even after a sojourn in Purgatory -- that means I will be in Hell and suffer alone forever and ever.)I believe in god and is one of my fears about not going some say you go to hell for murder some say if you accept jesus you're saved so you go to heaven and some give examples in the bible that suicide is ok not sure so I will wait until the pain gets beyond anyone capability for coping then ill probably be forgiven
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Sep 12, 2018
I hope it's an eternity of nothingness/lack of consciousness, but knowing my darn luck, there's probably gonna be something there in the afterlife...
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Aug 11, 2018
Death will be just like before you was born.
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Ella Disenchanted

Sep 3, 2018
Death will not bring peace or quiet or even emptiness. It is simply an end.
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Jul 12, 2018
It might be like a farted in my own mouth at first then I hope bliss or peace. Sorry I had to try to lighten the mood sorry *I turn inside out* So sorry <3
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not yet
Sep 3, 2018

Play again?
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