

A strange person.
May 13, 2023
After thinking about CTB, I also started contemplating what comes after death. I don't believe in an afterlife, heaven, or hell. I think that what comes next is nothingness, like sleeping without dreaming. You don't notice the passing of time or remember anything, it's just like a blink of an eye. I imagine that death is like an infinite blink.

However, many inexplicable things have happened in my life. For instance, I often think about something or want to do something, and that thought or desire just comes to me or happens. It's really strange, and although this happens to everyone, I find it peculiar because of how often it occurs.

This time was no different. I don't usually watch TV, but a few minutes ago, I walked into the living room, and there was a documentary playing about internet forums, just like the one we're currently on.

Therefore, even though I don't believe in an afterlife, I'm very uncertain about it. There have been too many coincidences, which makes me think that it's really strange that everything seems to work so perfectly in the universe.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I just think that existence is random and chaotic with chance determing everything, many humans try to look for meaning in all this and try to assign deeper purposes to what they experience but I think this is a result of their ability to be conscious. I certainly believe that we just cease to exist after this, as consciousness is stored in the brain, once we die there is simply the absence of everything for all eternity, existence is nothing more than an unfortunate consequence of evolution, it's completely futile and meaningless.


Let me out.
Mar 12, 2023
I like to believe there is nothing after life, just eternal nothingness. It'll be eternal slumber, the kind where you don't have dreams since you can't if you're dead except you just don't wake up at all. The idea of an afterlife has struck my interest a few times. I do not believe in heaven, hell, etcetera. It seems rather peaceful to be nothing, feel nothing, and not be conscious ever again after this life, just being able to not come back as something else or have the possibility of suffering again in my next life. If there is something after death, the most I'd truly believe in is spirits or ghosts of some kind due to coincidences and experiences I've had.


Apr 15, 2022
Will the anti-choice tactics ever end?????????????????????


Feb 26, 2023
Try to remember before you were born. I think that's what being dead is like; just a whole bunch of nothing
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May 1, 2023
So am I, to a fault. That appeals to my innate sense of intuition, and I like the challenges it presents.

For the living, the afterlife is a true enigma


An end with suffering > Suffering without an end
Aug 29, 2022


Apr 12, 2023
Not a thought, but a fact; my life is pain.


Aug 4, 2022
i believe that some form of afterlife occurs, death is not the end
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Mar 27, 2023
I don't believe in heaven or hell but there has to be SOME PLACE people go when they die otherwise life is a joke and the entire human race should CTB.


Jul 29, 2021
rebirth there is no escaping this living hell sure you might be gone for for few million years but it come back around again
if you was living in side a computer simulation not that we are but just saying if you was do you really think when you die that would be it for all time


Oct 31, 2021
After thinking about CTB, I also started contemplating what comes after death. I don't believe in an afterlife, heaven, or hell. I think that what comes next is nothingness, like sleeping without dreaming. You don't notice the passing of time or remember anything, it's just like a blink of an eye. I imagine that death is like an infinite blink.

However, many inexplicable things have happened in my life. For instance, I often think about something or want to do something, and that thought or desire just comes to me or happens. It's really strange, and although this happens to everyone, I find it peculiar because of how often it occurs.

This time was no different. I don't usually watch TV, but a few minutes ago, I walked into the living room, and there was a documentary playing about internet forums, just like the one we're currently on.

Therefore, even though I don't believe in an afterlife, I'm very uncertain about it. There have been too many coincidences, which makes me think that it's really strange that everything seems to work so perfectly in the universe.
What makes you so sure you were not memory wiped before being thrown here?

No single human being can conceive the notion of "nothing". You can only imagine is bliss.

This existence is completely based on suffering. I wouldnt bet the afterlife as a peaceful heaven.

All i want is to escape this "realm" or wtv you wanna call it. I prepare in what i think might be a possibility.

But i dont know. I know nothing about what happens next.
Unlike some people in this forum who apparently are completely sure that after death there is "nothing" wtv nothing means.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
The problem with being a staunch determinist like myself is that I can't just say there's nothing, I'd like to. I've been tossing it around for a while, mainly because I don't know how to fit the reason for our existence into a deterministic scheme.

I have only two things that are very clear: everything has always existed (including what was there before the Big Bang) and I am fully aware of it. From there it's all fantastic nonsense.


El problema de ser un determinista convençut com jo és que no puc dir simplement que no hi ha res, ja m'agradaría. Fa temps que li dono voltes, sobretot perquè no se pas com encaixar la raó de la nostra existència en un esquema determinista.

Només tinc dues coses clares ben clares: tot ha existit sempre (incloc el que hi havía abans del Big Bang) i sóc totalment conscient d'això. A partir d'aquí tot és un fantàstic disbarat.


May 13, 2023
Honestly as someone else had said maybe rebirth maybe some karma based system maybe nothing or perhaps some old religion in paganism is right and we never knew. I personally believe in spirits due to a possible sighting in my youth but really like if life has nothing after it no matter if its good or bad what is the point of living in a empty godless world


Apr 19, 2023
I'm not sure whether I "believe" in one thing or another. But I've spent some years doing an online research about the subject and I've come to the conclusion that life goes on after the death of the body.

The pattern is usually this: body dies, consciousness leaves the body, consciousness is able to see/hear/move around the body and other places far from the body at the same time, heightened senses, emotionally not attached to the body, wondering what's going on, going to space/a different realm, meeting a deceased loved one/a deity/someone the person who just died can't identify but feels they've known them for a really long time, feeling unconditional/all consuming love, seeing what the dead person would describe as "other souls", losing their individuality/forgetting they were a human being. From what I've researched reincarnation is likely.


All the effort for nothing...
Apr 5, 2023
I always see it like the time between falling to sleep and waking up. You're not conscious and feel nothing at all.
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
After thinking about CTB, I also started contemplating what comes after death. I don't believe in an afterlife, heaven, or hell. I think that what comes next is nothingness, like sleeping without dreaming. You don't notice the passing of time or remember anything, it's just like a blink of an eye. I imagine that death is like an infinite blink.

However, many inexplicable things have happened in my life. For instance, I often think about something or want to do something, and that thought or desire just comes to me or happens. It's really strange, and although this happens to everyone, I find it peculiar because of how often it occurs.

This time was no different. I don't usually watch TV, but a few minutes ago, I walked into the living room, and there was a documentary playing about internet forums, just like the one we're currently on.

Therefore, even though I don't believe in an afterlife, I'm very uncertain about it. There have been too many coincidences, which makes me think that it's really strange that everything seems to work so perfectly in the universe.
That's the Law of Attraction you are describing. You might want to look into it. Maybe you are able to change your circumstances. Mines are too far gone.


Life boat
Aug 29, 2022
The Abrahamic God of the Bible will recieve everyone. Rewarding anyone who has believed on the name of Jesus Christ with eternal life and paradise, and anyone who has not received Christ will be judged for the actions they commited. This judgment is punitive, for correction. (e.g: a murderer goes before God, he hadn't believed in Christ, so he is rebuked by God and punished according to the life he chose to live. So, in murdering, he is punished with murder... likely through experiencing the exact emotions and pain that he caused upon people on Earth. etc). Galatians 6: 7,8

And this person would experience this until God sees that the quality of their heart has changed, and they fully understood what their actions had caused.

And to that end, I don't know when that individual, such as myself, would finally finish being judged, but it won't be forever, and certainly - not within a literal fiery lava dimension.

But, yes. It will literally be an eye for an eye kind of judgement for those who haven't sought forgiveness from God, or at the very least from the person(s) they hurt.

The idea is, since people can only hurt people. Everyone knows how each other feels, but still choose to hurt them. Being slow to love and forgive them, which means they hate them in their heart. And noone can enter Heaven without having love and forgiveness. Because these are the exact things that God extends to all mankind, proving it by suffering the death of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
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