No i don't believe in that. Consciouness is only created by my brain. i am my brain that's it . i'm a bag of 30 trillion or so cells including 86 billion brain cells. 1 micro second after my brain dies i will cease to exist forever and never exist again as i am my brain , my brain is destroyed. non-existence forever is the ultimate bliss never any chance of extreme suffering the only guarantee of never suffering extremely is eternal non-existence.
one animal could be suffering the worst pain that no one could ever imagine so then everyone is suposed to feel this? i'll never believe that
if i'm in excruciating pain from kidney stones or a blocked colon with cancer another human won't know about it nor understand and won't feel that torture .
i tried to explain that pain really is billion times worse than you can remember or imagine . i don't think anyone else even cared or listened or believed or whatever. so we are all supposed to be one? so many different beliefs. that is just one belief out of hundreds i haven't seen any other human even understand what i mean by this much less internalize these things i said. just another reason for me to kill myself asap.
In this article Graciano says a human is a machine. and i agree. he says the machine believes it is conscious. so they will be able to engineer this into ai very soon . I could do it as i am an ai programmer . a quote from the article
The purpose of the attention schema theory is to explain how an information-processing device, the brain, arrives at the claim that it possesses a non-physic...
"The theory does not address how the brain might actually
possess a non-physical essence. It is not a theory that deals in the non-physical. It is about the computations that cause a machine to make a claim and to assign a high degree of certainty to the claim. The theory is offered as a possible starting point for building artificial consciousness. Given current technology, it should be possible to build a machine that contains a rich internal model of what consciousness is, attributes that property of consciousness to itself and to the people it interacts with, and uses that attribution to make predictions about human behavior. Such a machine would "believe" it is conscious and act like it is conscious, in the same sense that the human machine believes and acts."