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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
I have those days when I am so anxious that I can't think straight, my whole body is trembling and muscles are tense, even my face becomes tense, very unpleasant feeling.
I can't function at all, can't communicate, can't go out, if I force myself to go out I am getting minor panic attacks.
I tried breathing, didn't really help.
What else can I do? Benzos sometimes work but I became drowsy and I don't won't to be addicted.
Sorry for asking, it's just never was that bad and I donno what to do because O need to go out.
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Jan 5, 2019
I don't know whether this will help but the mere thought of having Nembutal as a "safety net" incase things become truly unbearable has helped me calm down under stressful conditions. I suppose it helps contextualization things and helps frame whatever I'm dealing with at the moment as "trivial" and "temporary".
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Aug 4, 2018
I have the same problem. I want to go to psychiatrist to try meds but I cant even do that because of anxiety.
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Feb 24, 2019
I Just suffer tbh.

And for some reason there isnt any psychiatrists in my area..well good ones. Amd the good ones are in areas where i know will trigger me. No idea on how to go about this.
I have "safe zones"
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
I Just suffer tbh.

And for some reason there isnt any psychiatrists in my area..well good ones. Amd the good ones are in areas where i know will trigger me. No idea on how to go about this.
I have "safe zones"

What do you suffer from? just thoughts, and thoughts provoking anxiety and suck? or something else?
im no specialist or whatever, just curious.... as you've said you want out, but you aint like physically in pain...
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Mar 24, 2019
When I was interested in reducing my anxiety, meditation kinda helped. It didn't work on all days and not every time but I think it is supposed to be like that - with practice, you get good and are not supposed to think about if it is working or not. Also, there are many ways to approach it, the one that really did the wonders for me was an app called Oak in iOS.
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Feb 24, 2019
What do you suffer from? just thoughts, and thoughts provoking anxiety and suck? or something else?
im no specialist or whatever, just curious.... as you've said you want out, but you aint like physically in pain...

Idk really. Thoughts most def.
Feeling of everyone staring, someone talking about me over there, how am i looking. (Esp this one)
Feelimg like i don't belong
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
Idk really. Thoughts most def.
Feeling of everyone staring, someone talking about me over there, how am i looking. (Esp this one)
Feelimg like i don't belong
oh ok... yeah me too... thoughts most definitely

like every friend or other person I know has accomplished something in their life, or have something they like....
I'm like a potato sack, I do nothing, have no special ability, have no interest, im not funny when needed or in social situations,
I dont have friends or have people calling me, even my mom and brother stopped calling me... my dad long ago...
im a negative person...
I've lost money making opportunities on multiple times,and that sucks...
I just fear how my mom will suffer if I kill myself
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Get on a low dose SSRI, maybe a benzo as needed too. Buy some GABA chewables. Breathing exercises. Also, stay active and engaged with things, distraction is very helpful. There's a lot you can do for anxiety, but a lot of people just don't seem to treat it. Good luck.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
exercise in the morning does helps me... a morning run and then the gym, and the shower.... nice way to start the day and anxiety decreases during the those days when I go...
dont use any stimulant... that doesnt helps with anxiety
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Sep 20, 2018
Idk really. Thoughts most def.
Feeling of everyone staring, someone talking about me over there, how am i looking. (Esp this one)
Feelimg like i don't belong

Regarding how you look, is your profile picture of you? If so, you seem pretty. If it's not you, why do you think people stare?
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Feb 24, 2019
Regarding how you look, is your profile picture of you? If so, you seem pretty. If it's not you, why do you think people stare?

Yeah its me.
actually i could look up and be entirely wrong (if i even look up! I'm mostly looking at the ground or away). I just feel stares, even when im alone inside the train, anywhere public. I could be alone in a aisle in a grocery store for ex and feel as if there are 10 ppl around me staring.
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Sep 20, 2018
Yeah its me.
actually i could look up and be entirely wrong (if i even look up! I'm mostly looking at the ground or away). I just feel stares, even when im alone inside the train, anywhere public. I could be alone in a aisle in a grocery store for ex and feel as if there are 10 ppl around me staring.

I used to feel stares when I was younger, but I think it was when people were around. For me, it felt like an autism like symptom. I don't know if I'm technically autistic, but I have some of the traits. I am hypersensitive to sound and light. I have a hard time looking people in the eye because I can see all the wrinkles in their face I read every little emotion. It's like seeing a face up close on HD video.

I also didn't understand how to interact with people so I was afraid an interaction would start. I would try to prepare myself for the possibility that every stranger I saw could speak to me, and I'd have to quickly think of how to respond in a normal way.

Have you experienced any trauma that might make you feel unsafe in public?
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Mar 23, 2019
Mindful meditation, exercise, or tea have always worked for me.
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Sep 20, 2018
Mindful meditation, exercise, or tea have always worked for me.

I exercise every morning and it does wonders. I also try to get up at the same time and go to sleep at the same time.
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Feb 24, 2019
I used to feel stares when I was younger, but I think it was when people were around. For me, it felt like an autism like symptom. I don't know if I'm technically autistic, but I have some of the traits. I am hypersensitive to sound and light. I have a hard time looking people in the eye because I can see all the wrinkles in their face I read every little emotion. It's like seeing a face up close on HD video.

I also didn't understand how to interact with people so I was afraid an interaction would start. I would try to prepare myself for the possibility that every stranger I saw could speak to me, and I'd have to quickly think of how to respond in a normal way.

Have you experienced any trauma that might make you feel unsafe in public?

I'm really sorry to hear that : (
That's not really what I go through, the whole HD thing I mean.

I did yeah. unfortunately. Hell, I'm even anxious around my own family. fucking sucks.
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Sep 20, 2018
I'm really sorry to hear that : (
That's not really what I go through, the whole HD thing I mean.

I did yeah. unfortunately. Hell, I'm even anxious around my own family. fucking sucks.
I'm not sure what would help. I found some peace when I wrote down my life story. Getting it out of my head helped, and I was able to see connections between people and events.
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Mar 19, 2019
This won't really "solve" your anxiety but there is an herbal supplement called Kava Kava that actually does work... It's often called herbal Xanax. Unlike Xanax and other benzodiazepenes, it isn't addictive. It's awesome, I highly recommend it. But taking substances will never completely solve problems like this. They're just tools.

Also, learn to practice deep breathing, meditation, and other practices often known as "mindfulness" exercises. Part of anxiety stems from our thoughts and physical behaviors we can learn to control. Mindfulness exercises help you learn to control how you respond to anxiety.


Nov 6, 2018
I have severe anxiety and have screwed up quite a bit because of it. For sleep, benzos are great, but daily use will make you dependant. Kava, as mentioned, is worth trying. Some people find MJ helps, others find it make things worse. If the latter, straight CBD is an option.

Also, I've recently started Effexor for pain and it seems to help with anxiety.

Solid sleep, exercise, etc as others have noted too.

Lastly, Beta-blockers such as clonidine and propranolol


Nov 1, 2018
I have those days when I am so anxious that I can't think straight, my whole body is trembling and muscles are tense, even my face becomes tense, very unpleasant feeling.
I can't function at all, can't communicate, can't go out, if I force myself to go out I am getting minor panic attacks.
I tried breathing, didn't really help.
What else can I do? Benzos sometimes work but I became drowsy and I don't won't to be addicted.
Sorry for asking, it's just never was that bad and I donno what to do because O need to go out.
I don't know if you have access to the materials, but microdosing worked wonders for my anxiety. I used shrooms, occasionally interspersed with very dilute LSD. I build a tolerance very easily, to pretty much any drug, so it only worked for a couple of months for me, but those two months were an indescribeable relief.

Neither LSD nor shrooms are physically addictive or cause physical harm (behavioral toxicity is a different matter, but shouldn't be an issue with microdosing), so the experiment is pretty safe. The biggest hurdles for me were finding a source for shrooms and LSD. It turns out shrooms grow wild in a friend of mine's yard (hurray for WA climate!), but I never did find a good way to get LSD that I felt confident in. As it turned out, the shrooms were more effective anyway.

Despite what some people say, I strongly recommend against microdosing with ketamine or MDMA. I have heard they are both therapeutic for anxiety and depression, but both are known to have detrimental physical side effects over long-term use.

This is a good resource: https://thethirdwave.co/
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Mar 26, 2019
Listen to your body and look for anxiety triggers like certain foods or drinks.


Dec 13, 2018
For me food is the absolute leader in reasons for anxiety and depression. People can be addicted to such "bad" foods as they are to coffee or cigarettes. Sugar is more addictive and does much more damage to your body. Knowing that you eat bad food also can trigger bad feelings entirely psychological - at least for me this is a big trigger for not going out or on a party. Any addiction can also trigger such states. Try not to smoke or drink coffee - me again, also alcohol or drugs-not me.
The advice i give to myself - keep addictions but get over them in your everyday life.
Next level anxiety is when you go on the "healthy" side. Keeping a diet and training too hard can be big trigger in cases where you have no idea what you really need to eat or overall training is doing more damage then positives/overtraining, traumas/. Eating only good food, doesn't mean in any cases that you eat all your body needs to survive /vitamins, minerals, etc./. One woman i know - got hormonal problems after eating "good" food - she eat only 2-3 type of meals every single day for about an year. My wife got lots of hair loss after eating again "healthy and good" food, simply because it was easier to prepare the same meals daily. Just keep in mind that every diet is time based, it can be good but also has negatives on your health or mood. Educate yourself before you start to do the so called "good" for your body, again educate yourself before trusting somebody with a diet and training plan.
There are much more stuff to add, but food and physical activities are the first and easiest parts to fix in your life, unfortunately only if you wonder what the problem might be.
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