

Professional Jaywalker
Nov 8, 2021
Been thinking about this for a while.
And I mean things like...

I don't know how to define so I'll just say mine.

I'm scared shitless of lightning, men, cut scars and things that fly too close to me, even if it was pretty cool to see a beetle take a dump right in front of my face and then flying off yesterday.
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Nov 9, 2022
I'm scared of failure, confrontation & my very worst fear is for my children to suffer mental illness 💔
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
I'm scared of the people closest to me
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Sep 16, 2022
I'm scared of the people closest to me
I am not so much afraid as I intensely hate not having a furry dude for my own, sufficient money and being unable to leave a job I have hated for the last 21 years.
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Nov 5, 2020
Failure and dying alone are my 2 biggest fears.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I was born with fear, it's obvious to anyone who knows me. Only when I'm well isolated from everyone and I'm calm I'm less afraid, at least before (or when I'm angry, hahaha).


Vaig néixer amb por, es evident per qualsevol que em conegui. Només quan estic ben aïllat de tothom i estic tranquil tinc menys por, al menys abans (o quan estic emprenyat, hahaha).
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I've always had a fear of life itself. Life is the true disturbing and horrific thing and is the cause of all problems and suffering after all. I fear life getting more unbearable, there are endless things in this life to fear, I mean there is literally no limit as to how much pain we can feel. I fear very old age, I fear suicide attempts failing, I fear being unable to ctb and being trapped in an existence of endless torture. Only being free from this world and no longer existing could ever remove my fear. Peace could never exist in this life no matter what.
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crimson blue

My demons haunt me
Sep 29, 2022
I'm scared of future
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Professional Jaywalker
Nov 8, 2021
I don't know how to explain specially after so long but these are NOT the kind of fear I was talking about
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I've always had a fear of life itself. Life is the true disturbing and horrific thing and is the cause of all problems and suffering after all. I fear life getting more unbearable, there are endless things in this life to fear, I mean there is literally no limit as to how much pain we can feel. I fear very old age, I fear suicide attempts failing, I fear being unable to ctb and being trapped in an existence of endless torture. Only being free from this world and no longer existing could ever remove my fear. Peace could never exist in this life no matter what.

Wow, so your whole argument is motivated by Fear? Let me tell you then that it is not valid at all, not in terms of wanting to end your life but in terms of justifying your decision.
If you live long enough you will realize this yourself. You don't need to justify anything to yourself or to others, you just want to stop suffering and for this nightmare to end... and that's it.

I am 44 years old and I don't know how to overcome fear, so I can't advise you, but I discovered a solution (revelation) that I don't know how to apply, I hope that someday it will help you:

"Any person, when he is ready, is able to express and understand his fears while giving himself the opportunity to change his attitude in a pure act of affection towards himself and towards others, thus breaking those limits that many of us have and that we never bother to dynamite in order to keep growing as people, but that sooner or later we will have to assume as a non-postponable task."


Ostres, així que tot el teu argumentari el motiva la Por?. Deixem dir-te llavors que no és vàlid en absolut, no en quan a desitjar acabar amb la teva vida sino en quan a justificar la teva decisió.
Si vius prou temps te n'adonaràs tu mateix d'això que et dic. No necessites justificar res ni cap a tu ni cap als altres, només vols deixar de patir i que aquest malson s'acabi... i prou.

Tinc 44 anys i no se com vencer la por, així que no puc aconsellar-te, pero vaig descobrir una sol·lució (revel·lació) que no se pas aplicar, espero que algún día et serveixi a tu:

"Qualsevol persona, quan s'hi troba preparada, es capaç d'expressar i comprendre les seves pors alhora que es dona l'oportunitat de canviar la seva actitud en un pur acte d'estima cap a si mateix i cap els altres, trencant així aquells límits que molts tenim i que mai ens preocupem de dinamitar per a seguir creixent com a persones, però que tard o d'hora haurem d'assumir com a tasca inposposable."
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't know how to explain specially after so long but these are NOT the kind of fear I was talking about
Hmmm, from your initial post- looks like you mean phobias rather than the fear of not being able to cope with more general life stuff?

Then mine are: A huge fear of fire, kind of scared of dogs and really any animal acting ferociously. Also pretty squemish- so not keen on blood. I think my step sibling also qualifies for phobia status. I'd do anything not to have to see them again.
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Sep 19, 2022
Eternal life, dogs, loud sounds, failing school, painful death, insects, snakes, rodents.
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Aug 29, 2022
I am afraid I will continue living this shitty life for another 40 or 50 years. Day after day of mediocrity, apathy, and regret. I am afraid I will never manage to take that last little step to free myself of all this.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I really don't have too many phobias or aversions. I tolerate spiders, insects, and lizards, all common sources of irrational fear for many people. I have also discovered that I have a high tolerance for unpleasant odors and touch sensations through work experience handling clinical samples at a medical laboratory (including saliva, blood, urine, and feces). If motivated, I can force myself to tolerate these kinds of things.

Somehow though, I have been unable to overcome my aversion to heights and my fear of rollercoasters. I can ride them and not puke, but I get so shaky and agitated afterward that I want to scream or punch somebody or both. This is especially true for rollercoasters inside dark buildings where you can't see where you are going - that's some circle of hell shit for me, truly. I just cannot empathize with people who find them entertaining, though clearly most do.

As for the existential stuff OP apparently didn't want, I fear the same shit most people do - failure, poverty, dying alone, death or disfigurement, etc.
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Jun 13, 2022
That the same shitty things will keep happening to me over and over again, even though I know what they are and how they start.
And to some degree, that I'll never ctb because I'm a coward and I'd feel guilty about it. So I'll be trapped here, miserable and unable to escape.