Deleted member 22624

Deleted member 22624

One foot in the grave
Oct 7, 2020
Call me a passimist but people's selfishness tells me it's quite a lot less to do with what suicidal people want. I'm thinking religion, business, government, and people transferring their own values and desires onto others. Left-field ideas welcome, just letting off some steam really
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
definitely religion, it plays a major part in people's brains. one could have said "compassion" too but saying humans are compassionate would be a lie.
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Aug 27, 2018
people transferring their own values and desires onto others
This is the biggest part, just because other people are happy or content they think "this person just needs help" even if it´s a chronical problem "they just need to think positive" and yes it is selfish of them to project their own desire for life on people who have no such thing and haven´t had for years or even decades.

Also if you think in terms of my "body my choice" like women getting abortions say which I don´t mind because of my natalistic view on life they snuff out a life which isn´t even their own but a suicidal person can´t ctb so the "my body my choice" is hypocritical because we clearly don´t have the choice over our own bodies plus as I mentioned vaguely before an abortion is the choice to legally kill an unborn child i.e. another person´s life where as suicide is just choosing to end your own life and again I have no problem with females having abortions for several reasons and I also get why they do it if a female don´t want to be a mother at an early age and have to take care of a person for at least 18 years plus pregnancy itself. I am just stating that it makes no sense that it´s legal to murder another person through abortion but it´s not okay to kill yourself it is very hypocritical.
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Mar 16, 2018
It's certainly not because they truly care about others. Those who are called to stop suicides do it because it is their job, as well as it being against many people's views on what is "right". They want money from you, and you dying gets rid of one more person that can be treated as a slave. There are exceptions to everything, but preventions that aren't caused by someone close to said person are rarely done out of any real sympathy. They know nothing about you and will most likely never see you again afterwards. People care more about the act itself than what led the person to attempt in the first place; it's not something that crosses a lot of people's minds until after the fact. And at that point, it's out of their hands unless you try to kill yourself again. Then it's just an endless cycle that can increase in severity.
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Dec 25, 2019
I think people wouldn't be able to handle the fact that some people just want to fucking die. It challenges their fragile worldview that life is precious and meaningful. My desire to die has nothing to do with someone else's desire to live and love life. But if it's okay for me to want to die, people feel like it's a threat or a question for them. Even though it really isn't or shouldn't be.
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Deleted member 22624

Deleted member 22624

One foot in the grave
Oct 7, 2020
I just found this other post, sorry for duplicating!
Why is society against suicide
Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
But if it's okay for me to want to die, people feel like it's a threat or a question for them. Even though it really isn't or shouldn't be.

I know right? If some people love being alive so much, they should just live it to the fullest and let us go if we don't want to be here. It really should be as simple as that.
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Feb 14, 2019
*Feel free to ignore this idiotic rant of mine. Religion is a big reason why I'm suicidal so I just feel like venting. I'm just really mad and suicidal tonight but I can't go because I'm not by myself*

Religion plays a big part. At least in the US religion sadly still has a firm grip on the country and we will never progress unless there is a True separation from religion and government. Also money...we are just numbers and statistics to the government. They dont want to loose their good little wage slaves. The suicidal are seen as free thinkers...this challenges the happy little narrative of brainwashing and blind following that religion wants.
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Jan 1, 2020
Because it's seen as not only irrational, but avoidable. By default suicide is never an act that can be done with a clear head in the minds of many. Life = good, no matter how shitty QOL is.
E.g: "Oh, you want to ctb? Then you must be mentally ill! Surely this is fixable! Anything is better than being dead hurr durr."
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Dec 27, 2019
I think that in many cases it's some kind of false moral value. People think that if they let you kill yourself they are guilty and almost "murderer" so they preferer to let you suffer. Some of these people would even lead you to suicide without even noticing. Because they don't notice your pain they only see the possible guilt they may feel if you end up killing yourself.
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Oct 12, 2020
The people who are neurotypical cannot possibly fathom why someone would want to. Also I feel deep down its also because it affects those who are living, especially to those who caused it. It is seen as such a bad thing because supposedly it hurts other people. But what if you have no family, no friends, no loved ones?

They can't possibly fathom someone who doesn't want rainbows and sunshine to come out of their rears.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
State needs tax money
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Protesting the conditions of an inhumane world
Oct 2, 2019
Simple. They want you to suffer. Also the aforementioned fact that the state wants to milk you for every last penny you have.
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Sep 5, 2020
People really aren't used to that kind of freedom, I think. Like any other taboo, it breaches their worldview and instead of confronting it or approaching it with an open mind it terrifies them and they try to stop it. They're in denial about the nature of reality.

I don't think it's often intentionally malicious, but yeah a lot of people do think a certain kind of suffering is valuable or a duty to withstand. They want you to suffer not out of spite usually but because they think it's their responsibility and therefore also yours.

It's interesting how an atheistic perspective can be just as condemning of suicide as a religious one for different reasons. If your only evolutionary purpose is to survive then suicide is always irrational and anyone who tries to end their own lives is a defective machine to be corrected, even though reducing life to only a chain of empty survival makes it meaningless. It's its own kind of irrational conformity.
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Feb 15, 2020
People are so quick to judge something that they don't understand. For this reason, and many others, suicide will never be what we all here want it to be: accessible and accepted.
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New Member
Dec 27, 2019
I think people wouldn't be able to handle the fact that some people just want to fucking die. It challenges their fragile worldview that life is precious and meaningful. My desire to die has nothing to do with someone else's desire to live and love life. But if it's okay for me to want to die, people feel like it's a threat or a question for them. Even though it really isn't or shouldn't be.
I'm sure if suicide became socially acceptable many would not accept their fate in life, and rebel in some way or another, looking at how they'd view things without the halo of life fetishism.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
So we can be wage slaves. most likely.
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Death is more inviting than life
Jan 3, 2021
because if it was seen as ok everyone would be doing it and seeing life for what it is. we are just a bunch of atoms, no spirit ... just another mammal, a really messed up one
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
It used to be a felony in various states of the US, but no longer a crime anywhere here,


Jul 15, 2020
I think it's religion and also the government. Cause if a lot of people start considering ctb as an option and many Jill themselves then the state won't have much work force, obviously this would have to be like a lot of people but when you legalize it, promote it, more ppl will start considering it which could endanger it.
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Feb 15, 2019
There are two parts of this question: Why are individual people so fervent about stopping suicide and why does the state get involved with it?

Individual people want to stop suicide for reasons that are fairly obvious. The desire to live is something even the most simple cellular organisms have. It has been with us since the first life came about. If this primordial drive did not manifest itself in our belief systems and behavior then nothing else would make the cut. People have a host of positive illusions about life and suffering. Some of these include positive cognitive distortions such as the above average effect and overestimating the control we have over our lives. We also forget that many things in life tend to have a negative bend to them. Unpleasant states such as hunger come naturally while one has to strive for pleasurable states. In addition to this, destruction is easier than construction. It takes a long time to build something good but it can be destroyed in an instant.

As for why the government bothers to stop suicide? Mostly control and the fact that suicide is bad for the economy.
If the government cared about people then they would do more for the homeless and those with untreated illnesses.
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Sep 4, 2020
It actually causes suffering for loved ones but that's not a great reason since it doesn't take into account the fact that some people have shitty family. It doesn't account for the fact that suffering in life is worse than the suicide itself. Some people really need their lives to be over with. Anti-suicide laws are short-sighted.
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May 27, 2020
If one person has a certain belief then it is seen as just that: a personal belief. On the other hand if that persons view(s) catch on and start to gain popularity, so much to the point that it is held by the majority, then it is no longer seen as just a belief but as a fact that should be held by everybody - strength in numbers. This is how social conventions and norms can be formed, and it might also be the reason why suicide is considered wrong by the average individual - "It is bad because I said so!" Nobody really knows why it is considered wrong - they are just parroting what they are told.
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