From what I read here in SN Bible:
Sodium Nitrite (SN) Method Introduction This document is a compilation of different sn information, members inputs, important posts related to sn, recorded suicide cases related to sn, different research on sn and so on. This document also give a full understanding of SN, what it is, how it...
This method seens to be very successfully. Just follow the instructions, correct dosage, meds to avoid vomit.
A lot of people said in their post and... possible are resting in peace, they made like 3 portions as backup, if vomit, take another one.
Well, I guess if you vomit, can still works since even at 1 or 2g, can be enough to cause death but may take more time.
I just found 1 case of failure (excluding all cases where the person is found in time, called for help), one guy bought wrong SN product, with may be available at supermarket (e.g. Wallmart) with is not pure, it's for food preparation, and concentration is SN is low, like 60%. In this case, nothing will happens. Well, you maybe just gonna have a bad tomorrow day.
Dont rush, take your time, think about, it's your life, your decision.