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Apr 20, 2019
I'm getting bored with regular reading material. I'm finding it hard to get motivated and stay focused long enough to read the same sanctimonious trash. I'm in the process of reading The Conspiracy Against The Human race. I tried to google this topic, but unfortunately the results are flooded with clickbait which tries to woo the netizen with all sorts of occult/magic and folklore stupidity. None of that stuff is really evil, it's just plain marketing garbage.

What are some truly evil books? Things that inspire hate or bad thoughts? Stuff that makes you think outside the "box"? To get my point across, more than one of the "evil books" lists I've seen mentions Mein Kempf. I instantly know it's clickbait bs because there's really nothing disturbing about that book. I never finished it but it's more an average biography with maybe some extreme politics and expansion policies, and nothing more. Mildly interesting in the beginning, but overall a boring read.

I just need something mentally stimulating. I'm tired of wannabe hipster-badass books like "The Art Of Not Giving A F***".
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May 4, 2019
I don't have an idea of what would be the more darkest book, but if you want the opposite style of book like "The Art Of Not Giving A F***", well try the novel "Whatever" from Houellebecq.
It's cynical, grim and depressing.
An extract:

Let's put a
chimpanzee in a tiny cage fronted by concrete bars. The animal would go berserk,
throw itself against the walls, rip out its hair, inflict cruel bites on itself, and in 73%
of cases will actually end up killing itself. Let's now make a breach in one of the
walls, which we will place next to a bottomless precipice. Our friendly sample
quadrumane will approach the edge, he'll look down, but remain at the edge for
ages, return there time and again, but generally he won't teeter over the brink; and
in all events his nervous state will be radically assuaged.
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Apr 18, 2019
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity by Judith Butler
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
The bible.
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Reactions: NoDream, Final Escape, Worthless_nobody and 10 others


Mar 18, 2019
Atlas Shrugged By Ayn Rand.

Just because trying to read that shit was pure torture.

More seriously: I've honestly no clue. I doubt that kind of books exist much, not much of a market for them I imagine so they're hard to get published.. Some self-published stuff might be something you want to look into, but nothing concrete.
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Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
I see your profile pic is Anitgone, so if you haven't read The Orestia (sp.?) you would probably like that. Also there's a novel called The Painted Bird, and I remember being very disturbed by it in college. I just don't remember all the details in it. Have you read any works by Aleister Crowley? I hate to even begin recommending him because for me it took my life into some pretty dark directions. But all of his works except for the rare ones are readily available on the internet.
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Aug 27, 2018
Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen by Nikanor Teratologen. I believe it's called Assisted Living in English. It's pretty messed up and entertaining at the same time.
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Feb 16, 2019
I'm a bit embarassed to mention it under the (for me) somewhat unflattering label of evil (sic) books, but try A season in hell by Rimbaud. its truly disturbed but also gentle and thought-provoking, the depicturing of the ramblings of a brilliant and lost soul
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In a hole
Aug 30, 2018
Story of the Eye by George's Bataille.
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Apr 20, 2019
Well, I'm glad I asked! There's quite a nice list of books for me to look into from everyone's posts. Gives me some more motivation to make reading a more frequent habit. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, if you got any more keep them coming.
Last edited:
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Oct 23, 2018
Well if you want to go into the abyss of human shit then I have just the books for you.

First up is, Jack London's people of the Abyss. A factual account of the experience of a to-do man in 1902 going on safari among the poor and destitute of London. There is a fascinating chapter on suicide and how it was criminal at the time and what it meant along with his observations of the condemned. The cruelty towards the poor on display in this book is quite shocking. Sadly we really have not learned much from 1902 we have just sanitised grinding poverty and moved to a more out of sight out of mind mentality. While criminalising homelessness by proxy. All the while reworking the maths so it's not as bad... The same attitudes persist, you see it mirrored in the phrase, 'Chaotic lifestyles.' It's a good reminder of why classism is toxic and must be resisted at all costs.

Next is this wonderful not overly old book that was written in 1963. The KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. Pretty much your one-stop guide to torture 101. What's quite fascinating is the most non-flattering personality archetypes it identifies. So if you have the burning question what flawed personality am I? As well as what torture technique is most likely to break me? You can get such sweet answers in here! I am fairly sure the Jobcentre has read this manual extensively. Especially when it comes to maddening uncertainty. Much like poverty, by redefining torture it means there is less of it apparently. Don't smack your child when they are naughty. Water board them instead... That is totally not abuse...

Lastly on my list, if you seriously want to plunge into the darkest depths and have me assume you are into eating faeces with your cornflakes. Then this book is for you.

120 days of Sodom. By Marquis de Sade.
You can get your own link though.

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Reactions: Final Escape, Dead beat dad, whatever1111 and 1 other person


Apr 20, 2019
I don't have an idea of what would be the more darkest book, but if you want the opposite style of book like "The Art Of Not Giving A F***", well try the novel "Whatever" from Houellebecq.
It's cynical, grim and depressing.
An extract:

I'm enjoying it so far. I just started reading it and it's got quite a lot of amusing bits. Currently on:

We work in a totally devastated neighborhood which looks a bit like the surface of the moon. It's somewhere in the 13th arrondissement. When we arrive by bus you'd really think WWIII had happened. But no, it's only urban planning.

Well if you want to go into the abyss of human shit then I have just the books for you.
Lmao, I love the pleasant warning. Thank you for those titles :).
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Mar 18, 2019
120 days of Sodom. By Marquis de Sade.
You can get your own link though.


How could I have forgotten this one. It's.. A weird book. Absolutely horrible but.. If you read it through the lense of it being a critique about how absolutely corrupting absolute power is, it can be a powerful book. I still don't know if Pasolinis movie adaptation of it was actually a good movie but.. It definitely was a powerful experience too.
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Mar 24, 2019
Cows By Matthew Stokoe
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
Any text written by the following;
Katie Price
Kerry Katona
Coleen Rooney
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Reactions: soda_pressed, weargon, Final Escape and 1 other person


Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
This was a great thread for me too! I almost forgot No Exit by Sartre. I have tried to read it quite a few. times, but I have a hard time with script format. I was an English major and never saw the point of reading Shakespeare's plays. Since they were all performed in his time and no one was reading them unless they were reading their lines.. But I do know the content of No Exit is a story of 3 people trapped in hell together - only it doesn't look like hell. It's supposedly filled with existential dread, it really doesn't get much better than that!
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Mar 23, 2018
I'm getting bored with regular reading material. I'm finding it hard to get motivated and stay focused long enough to read the same sanctimonious trash. I'm in the process of reading The Conspiracy Against The Human race. I tried to google this topic, but unfortunately the results are flooded with clickbait which tries to woo the netizen with all sorts of occult/magic and folklore stupidity. None of that stuff is really evil, it's just plain marketing garbage.

What are some truly evil books? Things that inspire hate or bad thoughts? Stuff that makes you think outside the "box"? To get my point across, more than one of the "evil books" lists I've seen mentions Mein Kempf. I instantly know it's clickbait bs because there's really nothing disturbing about that book. I never finished it but it's more an average biography with maybe some extreme politics and expansion policies, and nothing more. Mildly interesting in the beginning, but overall a boring read.

I just need something mentally stimulating. I'm tired of wannabe hipster-badass books like "The Art Of Not Giving A F***".

The BIBLE !!! :angry: TRULY EVIL !!! ALSO … the people who try to beat you over the head with it.
Not mentally stimulating though. :wink:
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