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Wanting to Sleep for Eternity
Feb 3, 2023
I already bought a rope (not the thickest kind..) and was planning on CTB verrry soon but albeiet things got in way and got forced to therapy again (more or less) so im delaying this once again for who knows how long. Ill keep the rope anyways, but my question is how statistically youre likely to survive hanging if you dont plan accordingly? My only fear in this is if im intturupted in anyway or my own mistake hinders the successbility of CTB that ill end up permenantly with some sort of brain damage or worse in a vegtative state. I think the latter is fate worse then death because youre essentually stuck in your own body with no way of escaping on your own and i dont want to risk that.

Anyways, for high probability rate: where do i hang? What part of the house? (Ive been even thinking of doing it in a construction site since i dont want my family finding me, and there are a lot of unfinished buildings here anyways) what type of knot do i use? Ive read somewhere hangmans knot may not be the best. Do i use other house equipment to fasten the process? How long will it take me to make the plan full proof anyway?

Any resources to my questions will be appretiated, its already kind of hard finding answers on my own...
Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
I'm in the exact same position... bought the rope, while still wondering where to do it.

A construction site is also what I thought of, better than in the house (unless you live alone).

For the noose, use the slip-knot, while for the... gore, gde ćeš da zakačiš, use the snuggle-hitch knot.

There are videos on youtube how to do both knots, I am 100% certain those two are the optimal knots (done a lot of research).

Srećno! ;)
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Wanting to Sleep for Eternity
Feb 3, 2023
Its very easy to buy ropes and what you need but then the hardest part is finding the right place and timing. Double that if youre basically on suicide watch and live with lots of people 😒😒 even life itself will somehow find a way to stop you from doing what you want to.

Mada hvala baš mi je to trebalo, ali me sad zbunjuje da li bih mogao da se objesim sjedeći ili bih morao sa veće visine da se objesim da bi ubrzao proces? Bgm to me najviše zbunjuje...

Ali se nadam za tebe da ćeš naći malu nadu i da se predomisliš. na kraju dana to je tvoj izbor i razumijem te. I tebi srećno i sve najlakše pa kako god bilo. 🫂
Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
Its very easy to buy ropes and what you need but then the hardest part is finding the right place and timing. Double that if youre basically on suicide watch and live with lots of people 😒😒 even life itself will somehow find a way to stop you from doing what you want to.

Mada hvala baš mi je to trebalo, ali me sad zbunjuje da li bih mogao da se objesim sjedeći ili bih morao sa veće visine da se objesim da bi ubrzao proces? Bgm to me najviše zbunjuje...

Ali se nadam za tebe da ćeš naći malu nadu i da se predomisliš. na kraju dana to je tvoj izbor i razumijem te. I tebi srećno i sve najlakše pa kako god bilo. 🫂

Moja topla preporuka je da koristiš full-suspension, iako većina ljudi koji se pronađu - ne vise celokupnom težinom, nego na kolenima, ili naginju napred, i sl.
Ali brate još više njih nikada ne uspe kada pokušava tako "polovično", udari ti instinkt za preživljavanjem i ustaješ - znam, toliko puta pokušano.
Ako si stvarno siguran u svoj izbor, onda - full-suspension - tu nema povratka (iako ćeš, kao i svi, imati onaj momenat "oh fuck, I shouldn't have done this", kada pokušavaju da dohvate konopac i podignu se, ali to više nije moguće).

I watched dozens of videos online of people hanging themselves, not a pretty site at all, but it means a lot to see yourself how it's done in practice.
Such videos are on "gore" sites, uncensored, but I warn you it's quite traumatic to watch.


Wanting to Sleep for Eternity
Feb 3, 2023
Moja topla preporuka je da koristiš full-suspension, iako većina ljudi koji se pronađu - ne vise celokupnom težinom, nego na kolenima, ili naginju napred, i sl.
Ali brate još više njih nikada ne uspe kada pokušava tako "polovično", udari ti instinkt za preživljavanjem i ustaješ - znam, toliko puta pokušano.
Ako si stvarno siguran u svoj izbor, onda - full-suspension - tu nema povratka (iako ćeš, kao i svi, imati onaj momenat "oh fuck, I shouldn't have done this", kada pokušavaju da dohvate konopac i podignu se, ali to više nije moguće).

I watched dozens of videos online of people hanging themselves, not a pretty site at all, but it means a lot to see yourself how it's done in practice.
Such videos are on "gore" sites, uncensored, but I warn you it's quite traumatic to watch.
Hmmmm full suspension naravno ima najviše smisla ali najteže naći platformu gde će moći da me drži a da mi kanap ne pukne ili da što će me držat ne pukne isto. Zato sam i razmišljao da odem u objektu van kuće jer zgrade što su u radu imaju nešto na plafonu gde mogu da zavježem kanap (valjda... nisam 100% siguran)

Ali kao što sam rekao za sad ne planiram da uradim to jer sam u terapiji, ali ne želim da bačim plan zato sam i pitao u "buduće", pa kad god to bilo.

A I ja lično nemam stomačinu i mnogo boli kada vidim kako drugi umiraju. Veoma traumatično to znam i sam, ali ne želim da gledam umranje od drugih pa koliko god te videe bile "korisne" (tehnički rečeno!)

Mada hvala :)

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