

I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
I have a cold and irritated throat today, and when I tried drinking some medicine, I just threw it all back out. I only had water in my stomach (was wondering yesterday if I'd CTB today) so nothing that gross to see… but it being so fast for my body to puke out something makes me worried about using SN.

I wish I could have an antiemetic. This fucking country, putting it under prescription only… really going to be a pain in the ass until the end.
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Oct 8, 2020
You could go to the doctor with this problem and you might get some prescribed.


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Not my method but I have the same problem, cant tolerate anything without throwing it up - not pills, not alcohol, sometimes not even water
And the kind of antiemetic needed for sn makes me have a violent reaction.
The world hates me :<

Somebody said that you could easily get meto prescribed by stating you have migraines? Makes sense, my friend gets them and he gets meto injections sometimes.

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