Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
It's the age old reality, the squeaky wheels get the grease. We MUST speak up and educate, so that inhumane suffering is finally taken seriously, and the chronic crisis of millions of human beings continuing to be forced to suffer needlessly can finally come to an end!

We have the technology, the safe medication exists and is being used (mainly to relieve the suffering of animals!). We just need to educate those who are NOT suffering, and give this basic human right back to ALL humans who are in dire need of it. This should have happened a long time ago, so let's not put it off any longer!

All adults should have the right to decide if their cause(s) of pain and suffering can or cannot be remedied in some other way. NO ONE who is NOT intensely suffering is going to want to prematurely end their life!

While it's true that a select few (the terminally ill, and in some countries, other very strict criteria), the vast majority do not qualify. This is what needs to change. It eventually will, because we are a compassionate species, but we need to speed the process up.

Forcing people who are already suffering with no end in sight, to then use incredibly painful, brutal, and dangerous suicide methods to relieve their pain, is just barbaric and unbelievably cruel. Many attempts which fail, cause even more pain and disability, and the risk of this happening is extreme.

There should obviously be a 6 month or so minimum waiting period, along with age restrictions, to prevent impulsive and immature decisions from being made. Also, precautions to ensure that those such as the elderly are not coerced, but that's it. We the humans of Earth should have the right to make this decision (likely the most important in life) ourselves.

The big fear, and the reason why we currently don't have this right, is the incorrect idea that there would be a huge increase in the numbers using this service. The reality is that the total numbers using assisted AND unassisted, dangerous suicide (combined) would actually go DOWN, because of the increased peace-of-mind that comes from knowing there is a safe escape hatch available if absolutely necessary.

This would result in a dramatic increase in overall mental health, due to dramatically lower levels of anxiety. Worrying about how we can possibly relieve our anguish causes ferociously higher levels of anguish. The psychological benefits of knowing we all have a safe and peaceful escape hatch if suffering becomes intolerable, mean that FAR FEWER people will end up having to use it.

In others words, everybody wins. There is less suffering, those who ARE can find relief, and all societies (and individuals) in the world would benefit from significantly LOWER rates of suicide.

Keep in mind, this can happen to anyone, and in a heartbeat. I myself enjoyed almost 60 years of incredible health and happiness, until one day a few years ago it all changed.

Suicide has been so stigmatized over the years, that the very thought of it seems creepy and evil, but death is a part of life. We're all going to die some day, and (our flawed bodies) will stay this way for all of eternity. This will make our time on Earth seem like the blink of an eye.

Many have religious reasons for despising suicide, and we would ALL be devastated if we were to lose a loved one for this reason. But this does NOT mean that we should have the right to force people to suffer intensely for years on end. Just so that we can say they lived a longer lifespan on Earth. Living longer is not necessarily a good thing if there is no quality of life. (Ask any senior citizen if this is true!). If governments are doing this for economic reasons, then shame on them.

This debate needs to end now. Sometimes a good debate is healthy, but when there are so many proven and concrete facts to go on, continuing to argue and debate this issue is just cruel and pointless. It's time for change, and quickly (immediately). This worldwide inhumane insanity of forcing human beings to suffer must end now. We would never even THINK of allowing this to happen to an animal.
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died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
Absolutely. I think the reason why a lot of people don't speak up is fear of being institutionalized. If we organized it more like a protest/movement though, then it is simply free speech and we should not be able to be institutionalized for that (in theory) in many countries.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I wish for such as well, the fact that I cannot just peacefully free myself from this cruel, painful existence causes me to suffer so much, personally I only wish to never suffer again, I only hope for non-existence where all is finally forgotten about for me and I can be at peace. I'm always so tired of suffering in this existence that brought me nothing but pain that I never would have chose, there's so much cruelty in how I cannot have the option to just permanently escape from all future suffering especially as there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this existence that can continue for so long, I'd never wish for the torment of existing.
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Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
Absolutely. I think the reason why a lot of people don't speak up is fear of being institutionalized. If we organized it more like a protest/movement though, then it is simply free speech and we should not be able to be institutionalized for that (in theory) in many countries.
Very true. The other encouraging thing to keep in mind though, is that countries like Canada, for example, who already have a MAID program or similar (medical assistance in dying), do NOT institutionalize people for discussing this legal program. Even when talking with your doctor(s) about it. It's not nearly as frowned upon or dangerous to talk about (or discuss), compared to illegal suicide. Even if you admit that you're interested in having it done yourself. This means that speaking up about broadening the qualifying criteria (to include all adults who feel they are suffering intolerably) would not be risky at all.
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Apr 15, 2022
This requires sticking around for an extended period of time. I haven't the inclination, or energy, for such an endeavor, as good as the cause may be. This would be like "life's work", holding me here, keeping me around. I just can't at this stage and I suspect most (of us) are in the same place.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I agree but it's unlikely we'll ever get to see anything meaningful in a positive direction.
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Sep 16, 2024
No. As I said in another topic, ctb is a last resort that should be carefully considered and not a first front solution. There is a big difference between someone who wants to depart with their dying beloved after 40 years together and an 18yo who got dumped by his 1 month gf and is like "I wIlL nEvEr LoVe AgAiN, ThIs PaIn WiLl nEvEr eNd". Extreme example? Yes, but believe or not it happens. Peaceful methods to ctb should be available, but depending on the circustances it shouldn't be OTC. It is really horrible when you try to ctb by impulse and then you regret but is already too late.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
"We the suffering" don't exactly have the energy or gumption to fight for anything. And generally we're rather pessimistic at this stage, so I have no faith things will significantly change. Trying to fight for the right to die is only going to get us seen as unstable and crazy.
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Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
I agree but it's unlikely we'll ever get to see anything meaningful in a positive direction.
I totally hear what you're saying, it might take sticking around for a bit, but there are literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide, who are currently suffering with us, who could potentially speak up and help, along with millions who would greatly benefit from it. It's a well known fact that 200 million people worldwide currently qualify for physician-assisted dying. This means there must be at least that many who currently do NOT qualify. Also, there are already people talking seriously (in many countries) about expanding to include those with disabilities such as dementia and depression (and that is a lot of people), so I don't think it's going to take as long as most people think. Anyone who is contemplating seriously about committing suicide would definitely qualify as suffering from severe depression.
No. As I said in another topic, ctb is a last resort that should be carefully considered and not a first front solution. There is a big difference between someone who wants to depart with their dying beloved after 40 years together and an 18yo who got dumped by his 1 month gf and is like "I wIlL nEvEr LoVe AgAiN, ThIs PaIn WiLl nEvEr eNd". Extreme example? Yes, but believe or not it happens. Peaceful methods to ctb should be available, but depending on the circustances it shouldn't be OTC. It is really horrible when you try to ctb by impulse and then you regret but is already too late.
Totally agree, life is precious, and should never be thrown away impulsively. That being said, no one should have to suffer intolerably for years, with no end in sight, and then have to resort to painful and risky exit from their anguish!
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I totally hear what you're saying, it might take sticking around for a bit, but there are literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide, who are currently suffering with us, who could potentially speak up and help, along with millions who would greatly benefit from it. It's a well known fact that 200 million people worldwide currently qualify for physician-assisted dying. This means there must be at least that many who currently do NOT qualify. Also, there are already people talking seriously (in many countries) about expanding to include those with disabilities such as dementia and depression (and that is a lot of people), so I don't think it's going to take as long as most people think. Anyone who is contemplating seriously about committing suicide would definitely qualify as suffering from severe depression.
Yeah but it's still too slow for my liking.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
No. As I said in another topic, ctb is a last resort that should be carefully considered and not a first front solution. There is a big difference between someone who wants to depart with their dying beloved after 40 years together and an 18yo who got dumped by his 1 month gf and is like "I wIlL nEvEr LoVe AgAiN, ThIs PaIn WiLl nEvEr eNd". Extreme example? Yes, but believe or not it happens. Peaceful methods to ctb should be available, but depending on the circustances it shouldn't be OTC. It is really horrible when you try to ctb by impulse and then you regret but is already too late.
i can kill myself for any reason or no reason at all. I want to reach non-existence asap.

no one can convince me that i have to live or that i have to do anything or that i should think life or anything is important or good or valuable or fun

plus i'm going to die anyway , every human will die anyway . no one can tell me i can't exit this hell when i want to

i think life and existence is the worst thing
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Sep 16, 2024
i can kill myself for any reason or no reason at all. I want to reach non-existence asap.

no one can convince me that i have to live or that i have to do anything or that i should think life or anything is important or good or valuable or fun

plus i'm going to die anyway , every human will die anyway . no one can tell me i can't exit this hell when i want to

i think life and existence is the worst thing
Yes. You can also shoot someone on the street if you want but that doesn't mean you should be able to buy a gun in the next convenience store (let's ignore the USA for this example). A peaceful method doesn't mean it should be given instantly no question asked and without plausible motive.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Yes. You can also shoot someone on the street if you want but that doesn't mean you should be able to buy a gun in the next convenience store (let's ignore the USA for this example). A peaceful method doesn't mean it should be given instantly no question asked and without plausible motive.
Nobody should be forced to suffer extreme torture.

And on top of that be forced to suffer extreme torture for no reason.

Denying people the means to escape life leaves every human In a state of danger. No one should have to risk extreme suffering for any reason and even worse for no reason since life has no purpose .

It's like saying you can't have a fire extinguisher in ur house if ur house burned then u have to suffer being burned to death or worse remain alive with 3rd degree burns all over body

Huge differences between what u are trying to make this about and the right to die is that the right to die is consensual, voluntary , needed and it won't affect anyone else.

my post , this thread, and website deals with the right to die and u r trying to change the subject that it's about shooting other people and a specific country the USA ( what the hell?). I didn't say anything about that.

I said I have a right to kill myself for any or no reason and that won't affect anyone else. I'm going to die anyway so it's totally irrational and evil for the government or anyone to tell me I can't kill myself when I want to avoid extreme torture or for any reason I might have. Plus I was brought into this prison hell without my consent and the government and many are saying I can't leave when I want to. So it's about controlling others

No one can convince me that there is an objective reason to live . Life is meaningless suffering.

What reason can u tell me that I have to work so hard every day just to exist in this prison risking extreme torture for no reason? I don't have to live or do anything .there is no reason to do anything. I want to die and that won't affect any other human so it's nobody else's business if I kill myself . Its totally irrational and evil for the government or anyone else to decide when I die . I'm going to die anyway

No one can convince me life is good or worth anything. I will always think life and everything in it is torture

No one can convince me that there is an objective reason to live

Nothing is important valuable or good . No one can convince me there is something important or good and so a reason to live today or for a while longer . We all die anyway and nothing matters even if we were immortal but we're not just a small animal a brain is what a human is

Life is hell a prison an imposition torture meaningless suffering

Extremely horrible things can happen to any human any minute day etc.

They made this world a prison by making nembutal and assisting suicide crimes

Anyone at least over 18 should have the right to purchase nembutal or assistance in suicide

We all had that right but they stole it

Ur trying to change the subject because you can't answer the questions I posed including that u can't say an objective reason why I have to continue living for a while longer.
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Oct 20, 2023
sure, perhaps, but there MUST be robust social services in place first - robust enough that nobody will opt to die merely because of poverty, or merely because their family will see them as a burden as they grow old. this means

- universal basic income, enough to live on, and housing for all
- disability supports for all who request them - no crushing merit system to "prove" you're disabled enough
- elder care, aging in place services, and hospice for all aging and dying people

otherwise, it is a coerced decision - the system as it currently exists coerces us into dying. if I had access to disability and it was enough to live on, I would not kill myself. I don't want to die. because I don't have access to a livable life without working myself to a point that makes my life unlivable, I have to die to avoid untenable suffering, and I think a lot of people are in the same position.


Oct 1, 2020
No. As I said in another topic, ctb is a last resort that should be carefully considered and not a first front solution. There is a big difference between someone who wants to depart with their dying beloved after 40 years together and an 18yo who got dumped by his 1 month gf and is like "I wIlL nEvEr LoVe AgAiN, ThIs PaIn WiLl nEvEr eNd". Extreme example? Yes, but believe or not it happens. Peaceful methods to ctb should be available, but depending on the circustances it shouldn't be OTC. It is really horrible when you try to ctb by impulse and then you regret but is already too late.
I disagree with your opinion as this implies that a third party decides for you whether your reasons for CTB are valid or not.
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Sep 16, 2024
Nobody should be forced to suffer extreme torture.

And on top of that be forced to suffer extreme torture for no reason.

Denying people the means to escape life leaves every human In a state of danger. No one should have to risk extreme suffering for any reason and even worse for no reason since life has no purpose .

It's like saying you can't have a fire extinguisher in ur house if ur house burned then u have to suffer being burned to death or worse remain alive with 3rd degree burns all over body

Huge differences between what u are trying to make this about and the right to die is that the right to die is consensual, voluntary , needed and it won't affect anyone else.

my post , this thread, and website deals with the right to die and u r trying to change the subject that it's about shooting other people and a specific country the USA ( what the hell?). I didn't say anything about that.

I said I have a right to kill myself for any or no reason and that won't affect anyone else. I'm going to die anyway so it's totally irrational and evil for the government or anyone to tell me I can't kill myself when I want to avoid extreme torture or for any reason I might have. Plus I was brought into this prison hell without my consent and the government and many are saying I can't leave when I want to. So it's about controlling others

No one can convince me that there is an objective reason to live . Life is meaningless suffering.

What reason can u tell me that I have to work so hard every day just to exist in this prison risking extreme torture for no reason? I don't have to live or do anything .there is no reason to do anything. I want to die and that won't affect any other human so it's nobody else's business if I kill myself . Its totally irrational and evil for the government or anyone else to decide when I die . I'm going to die anyway

No one can convince me life is good or worth anything. I will always think life and everything in it is torture

No one can convince me that there is an objective reason to live

Nothing is important valuable or good . No one can convince me there is something important or good and so a reason to live today or for a while longer . We all die anyway and nothing matters even if we were immortal but we're not just a small animal a brain is what a human is

Life is hell a prison an imposition torture meaningless suffering

Extremely horrible things can happen to any human any minute day etc.

They made this world a prison by making nembutal and assisting suicide crimes

Anyone at least over 18 should have the right to purchase nembutal or assistance in suicide

We all had that right but they stole it

Ur trying to change the subject because you can't answer the questions I posed including that u can't say an objective reason why I have to continue living for a while longer.
You accuse me of evading your points yet you didn't understand mine. Not gonna lose my time arguing lol
Btw, the USA joke is because is easy to get guns there compared to most countries, not specifying the rights to ctb there or whatever you understood.

I disagree with your opinion as this implies that a third party decides for you whether your reasons for CTB are valid or not.
Wouldn't say invalid, but I believe depending on the case the access shouldn't be instantly (not meaning it shouldn't be allowed/granted). Agree to disagree but I can see your point and respect it.


Sep 5, 2024
First self suicide capsule death occurred today in Switzerland. Its good news but people were arrested. Link . Its good news but also bad because it will take to long until people can use it. Also people were arrested. And the worst thing is people suffering metal health issues can not use it by swiss law.


Sep 19, 2024
This requires sticking around for an extended period of time. I haven't the inclination, or energy, for such an endeavor, as good as the cause may be. This would be like "life's work", holding me here, keeping me around. I just can't at this stage and I suspect most (of us) are in the same place.
You are already "sticking around" if we are being honest. Why are people here against having a sound mind before ctb?


Apr 15, 2022
You are already "sticking around" if we are being honest. Why are people here against having a sound mind before ctb?
No, not really. I'm taking care of my OWN business so that I don't have to keep sticking around. It's plenty hard enough for me to do the things I need to do in order to get myself to that "peace of mind" place I need to be before I go. There just isn't any "more" that I'm able, or willing, to pay forward for some "dream" cause that won't bring about any appreciable change for the next 75 to 100 years, if even then. Regardless, there are just too many other "more important" causes in this world that would have to be rectified first, like discrimination against races, gays, and transgender people. Those are "life" issues, and what we're talking about here, really, is a "death" issue. In a world where life is cherished, and in most places it certainly is, the idea of "fighting for death" rights, no matter how ethical the cause may be, will always take a backstage to life rights, and no real traction will ever be gained. You can argue that some traction and progress has been made, and it has, but it's so limited and only applies to very narrow cases in very few locales. There's an incredibly long way to go to even get the narrow exception for terminally-ill euthanasia allowed in a majority of places, let alone try to expand it.

If you've got the time, by golly, feel free to give it your all. It could even be the reason you "stick around". You could make it the rest of your life's work. For me, though, I'm not going to be derailed, regardless of cause.
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