

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
From a previous thread I mentioned about AI (Artificial Intelligence) in a more general sense, and with that said, I want to discuss about the potential use of AI to aid us in our mission as pro-choicers. Before that though, I want to mention a brief list of the good and bad aspects of AI. I see AI as a tool that can be used for good or evil, depending on how it is implemented as well as used. With that said, here is a brief list of the good and bad uses for AI.

Good: Using it to help improve quality of life in day to day activities and jobs (driving or doing difficult tasks with more precision); using it to push for freedom and right of choice; using it to save the environment.

Bad: Using it to impose will onto others; using it as tools to monitor, censor speech, and/or pick up patterns which later use to curtail the freedom and right of choice; government overreach or abuse of said technology; using it as a weapon to cause harm.

There are many more but these are just examples of good and bad uses of AI. Anyways onto the actual topic at hand. The topic is about using AI to help 'pass the torch' or help us in a way to stand up against pro-lifers. By default, our position which is the freedom and right of choice between life or death means that some of us might not be around to help advocate our cause and we would need other support to bolster our numbers, make our voices heard, and more. This is because being pro-choice allows one to choose between life or death, and for those that chose death have found peace (not trying to knock on them) which is good but for the pro-choice community we would be short a member in fighting against the pro-lifers, forced-lifers, anti-choice crowd (which represent the majority of the population IRL and outside of our forum). The pro-lifers, forced-lifers, anti-choice crowd since they, by default, stand on the side of life and are opposed to 'freedom of choice' and 'death' itself, thus they are ALWAYS around (as they are alive) and can keep fighting (until natural death or death via other causes). As a result, not only do they outnumber us greatly but their numbers don't diminish (barring converting or changing their views and joining us in our philosophy - which are possible but chances are very slim), and are louder than us with ALL the support backing them up (legal, social, mob mentality, religion, etc.).

I had this idea and point of view back when there was discussion about there not being enough people to help advance our cause and also another member once mentioned that for us to see change, we must be 'present' to lead the charge, to pass the torch on. Therefore, we need replacements when the older crowd pass and someone or some people to pass the torch and someday see our efforts to fruition (legalized voluntary euthanasia, freedom and right of the choice between life or death, abolishment of involuntary commitment, forced treatment, and similar practices, etc.). Before people say "but couldn't you just convince a pro-lifer, forced-lifer, anti-choice to become one of us?" the answer is, you could, but the chances are usually low as they are entrenched in their programming (indoctrination) and are close-minded, plus they lack self-awareness and are too comfortable in their little bubble.

So in conclusion, if we used AI in the future to help us fight for our cause and advocate for us long after we are gone (especially prominent members who have found peace), and also to pass the torch on, perhaps we would have the numbers (and more) to someday see to it that voluntary euthanasia, freedom and right of choice between life or death, and involuntary commitment, treatment, and similar practices are outlawed. What do you guys think of this idea if it were ever possible or became a reality?
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Feb 8, 2019
The issue will remain divided much like abortion does and for many of the same reasons. Your idea has merit in the grounding that there would need to be a fight for out that lasts and people themselves often cannot or will not make that fight. Currently the stigma is beyond that of abortion or gay rights and is overwhelmingly not in our favor.

I do not see it ever being viable in the way many of us want it to, I do not think we will see it legalized outside of terminal illnesses in my lifetime or the next. AI might stand as a platform that will outlive us and can likely provide a lot of the much needed data that "might" convince "some" people.

Suicide is often a logical choice for society as well as individuals and a path to legalization has tremendous benefits to society as a whole that are often ignored/overlooked but most importantly overwhelmingly not researched because to many people see it as a absolute that cannot happen.

Simply having the option is likely to reduce costs associated with failed attempts, stress of friends and family who are "blindsided" and for many simply having the option of a peaceful out would simply improve their general quality of life anyway. Suicide and Suicide attempts are expensive, forced incarcerations for suicidal ideation or also expensive and cause undue stress, and in the experience of many not helpful anyway.

So AI might provide some resources to give us more facts on how it might be cost effective for society, improve wellbeing, reduce failed attempts etc but it cannot be the voice we need, you need people for that, people who often and for good reason simply cannot choose that due to the stigma.

It's a fight worth having and it needs to start now but people have to make that argument not AI however AI can provide financial facts that likely work in our favor.
Majin K.

Majin K.

too weak for this world
Jan 9, 2020
Bad: The destruction of jobs. Personally affected and essentially getting fired, because I'm not needed anymore. Granted I'm still young, which is why I was the first in line to get the boot.
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Feb 25, 2020
You guys type too much.

Yeah, AI/automation would require less human labor.

So if less labor is needed, should people be allowed to check out if they wanted too?

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