

Sep 9, 2022

This is a purely random thread about the US justice system. I can't really get this off my mind and just feel like talking about it.

I've been thinking a lot about what justice means to Americans and how much it differs from other nations. In America, justice is usually is purely about punishment, and sometimes revenge even. Rehabilitation is seen as being soft on criminals and usually discouraged. In America we are proud of how inhumane are prisons are. We send "bad" kids who are rebellious to "scared straight" programs and frighten them with inmates twice their size, tell them stories about how they'll be raped, have to join a gang for protection, how inedible the food is, how they'll be tortured, or killed, how the guards that are there and supposed to protect them don't give a shit. Can you imagine this happening in any other country? It is quite bizarre to me. We literally flaunt our failures as a society. Should prison be a resort? Of course not! Should it be hell on earth? Of course not! Revenge cannot, and should not ever be part of sentencing. To these people who are so against treating prisoners humanely I would simply ask them to imagine if one of their kids was sentenced to prison. I'm sure they'll say "Well I would never raise such a devil" but it is worth a shot...
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Fuck the American prison system. It's disgusting
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Aug 28, 2022
only had to read the title and threw up in my mouth a little bit. fuck US prisons corporate legalized modern slavery

no offensie to OP im glad you're looking into the topic, i'm sorry you'll likely be horrified to learn the truth and history of the matter
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Sep 9, 2022
only had to read the title and threw up in my mouth a little bit. fuck US prisons corporate legalized modern slavery

no offensie to OP im glad you're looking into the topic, i'm sorry you'll likely be horrified to learn the truth and history of the matter
Yes, thank you. I get called crazy daily for saying we shouldn't have the death penalty for minors... Even though it was abolished in 2005 Americans still think we have it, Jesus.
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Aug 28, 2022
Yes, thank you. I get called crazy daily for saying we shouldn't have the death penalty for minors... Even though it was abolished in 2005 Americans still think we have it, Jesus.
yknow its sad i paid thousands for a degree (from a liberal arts college nonetheless) yet all these dirty little american secrets no one likes to admit, or gets oppressed for asking the wrong questions being the wrong color or not praying to their god, then it's a different story all together and the terd rises real fast to the top of the punchbowl. i feel i should've known these things about the history of my country so long ago....
one last edit, i'd recommend starting with the yt clips of john oliver shitting on american "justice" there's a lot of quick notes to be had

25 john oliver vids.
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Jul 26, 2020
I'm of 2 minds on the subject: people who want to and can be rehabilitated should be, and there's those who I really don't care if they see sunlight again. A question I have is at what point does someone have to do what they should? I'm not talking "be like me" I'm talking about not going to school and then saying how lack of education drove them to xyz because they find education really is something you should have some level of. How much punishment is ok? Kill someone for laughs, do 5 years? 10? 1? I know if it's my kid I say you serve until that persons lifespan would have been over based on actuarial tables. There are accidents and there's deliberate acts. Should a teen who's too dumb to realize his friend's car he's joy riding in is stolen be sent to "pass around prison", no I'd say not. Are there people so screwed up in the head they'll never be "normal" (ex they like to rape and torture someone to death and they enjoy that), and they probably need more of a lockdown psych than just normal run prison? Corps shouldn't run any prison/jail. I think in the US there's been waves of "oh everyone is forgiven" that then is met with "bring back the death penalty" and so on. Whether those pushing for either system are well intentioned, who knows. Locally we've had some high profile examples of "oh let's just give probation" and it turns out someone dies shortly thereafter and many people arrested are just cycled back out, these feed into the extremes. But it's in no politicians interest to do anything different, that's my answer to almost anything you can bring up in society.