
Another parasite to Earth
Oct 17, 2018
I'd like to start off by saying I don't want to catch the bus--not actively, at least. I did, but I tried not to think about it too much. I kept trying to see the positive side of things.

I come from a third-world country, and didn't focus on my education that much because I was (is) a dumbass and didn't think my life through. My parents also didn't expect a lot from me, but I don't blame them. I saw life through rose-tinted glasses, my parents shielded from me the complexities of life, or rather, they also weren't aware of it. We were financially okay, so perhaps that's why they didn't think much of it as well. If push comes to shove, I thought I'd be able to afford to go to school abroad and continue from there.

My mother did much of the hard work to shield these issues from me. The troublemaker was apparently my father. At some point he spent a lot of money on his mistress and her kids and due to further financial mismanagement, we lost quite a lot. I used to blame him a lot for our situation, but I've come to admit that I'm the only one to blame here. Had I been serious about my studies, this wouldn't be a major issue. I'd be able to sign up for scholarships, study abroad, get a stable job, improve our quality of life from there on. Alas, I went for a diploma in a subject that I'm "passionate" about, or was. By the time I found out about his infidelity and the whole ordeal, it was too late to change my major, and I was nearing graduation. I didn't think much of it until I actually entered the workforce, and experienced myself how shitty the jobs were for the subject of my choosing (art jobs, in a third-world country, clever choice!)

"Okay," I thought. "This is still doable." I found out about seafaring and cabin crew jobs and saw that their salary was pretty solid. I thought I'd use it as a stepping stone to fund my studies. I applied and went to countless cabin crew open days, which took about 3 years, and every single time I was rejected. I fit all their criteria: height, primary education, job experience, etc. yet I couldn't even make it past the first stage. I really felt the cold grasp of depression at this point, but I was stupidly unaware of its effects on my cognitive ability.

I tried to move on. I thankfully, successfully transitioned to another career. I tried not to think about it too much, about my future, about what's at stake. Then COVID came and the seafaring and cabin crew jobs disappeared (or, rapidly reduced to such a limited amount that only exceptional candidates from non-third-world countries can stand a chance). So did other career possibilities that I've looked into that would allow for relocation with my work experience and education.

This is fine. Like that meme with the dog calmly sitting in a burning room. I began to research about countries with accessible education, and saw that Germany offers free higher education. Sweet! Perhaps I can try to--ah, apparently I need to go through Studienkolleg because my school-leaving certificate doesn't qualify for an Abitur. That also requires fluency in German which I do not have. A-levels are apparently out of the question because it takes 2 years for one to prepare for it, and while I can put in my time, I do not have the funds to hire a tutor, which I clearly need because at this point I've been out of school for... nearly a decade now and, as I said earlier, I didn't really focus on my primary education.

So, here I am, nearing 25. My objective in life is to improve the quality of life for my mom, because she's done the most, has endured the most. She's also my closest friend. (Long story short: I was bullied by my schoolmates and teachers. Before I knew of my father's infidelity I was also close to him. So, bad social skills and trust issues, woot.) She's my support circle. I haven't told this to anyone, except any of you reading this now. I told her not long ago that I wanted to catch the bus, and she had replied that if I were to do so, she wouldn't be able to leave her husband because he's the only other person who would understand her grief.

That is why I don't actively want to catch the bus, but like the title of this post, I don't know how to proceed. I've thought of every possible way to escape this country, to actually make progress towards my objective (yes, even the thought of marrying someone for their VISA has crossed my mind; alas, I'm ace and have given up on finding love). I'm still trying, but I'm not seeing any progress.

I know I should be grateful that I at least still have a job during this uncertain time (even though my boss treats us like shit; honestly, it's another long story). I can still provide for my family, and I am grateful, really, but there's the issue with time. Say I focus on my career progression in this country, try to find a better job, then proceed from that route; other than the standard qualification of a Bachelor's, this country is still pretty ageist (they would explicitly state that they only accept candidates below a certain age, and that age may or may not be 30). I'm not getting any younger, neither does my mother, and I hate the thought of disappointing her more than I already have. Thus I either catch the bus, which would trap her in a life of misery, or I don't and I continue navigating this hellhole, all the while losing every last bit of my sanity.

Didn't proofread this whole text because I'm too tired of... everything to be absolutely honest so TL;DR: Born in a third-world country. Didn't care about primary education. Not sure how to improve quality of life from career perspective. Can't really catch the bus because it would worsen the situation of the only person that matters in my life.
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Feb 15, 2020
I'm sorry, your situation sounds like a tough one. In your position, I would do everything in my power to improve my situation for your mother. Try to best of it while you still can. It's entirely your decision what you do though, and support is here on this forum either way.


Another parasite to Earth
Oct 17, 2018
I'm sorry, your situation sounds like a tough one. In your position, I would do everything in my power to improve my situation for your mother. Try to best of it while you still can. It's entirely your decision what you do though, and support is here on this forum either way.
I'm trying, but I truly am at my wit's end. As long as I still live in this country, my mother will still be under the same rooftop with my father or at least she'll never leave him (he also doesn't have a lot of work experience, and when he was unemployed he didn't really help my mother out, so that's why I'm so eager to move abroad). I really, really don't know how I can make this all better.


Another parasite to Earth
Oct 17, 2018
My mother has put me under a strict diet due to brushes with health issues which have started ever since I started this job.

With the combined work-related stress, stress about my future, shortcoming in securing job interviews and better employment opportunities due to the current situation and possibly my educational background, and my inability to eat any food I want as a means of temporary coping mechanism, I've broken down one too many times and she has yesterday expressed a few things to note:
  • It would be better if we lived apart.
  • Living with me is more stressful than living with my father.
  • Even if I manage to work abroad, she fears living with me because of my behaviour.
Although I have explained many times that my depression is at fault for my current behaviour, the fact that she still thinks so makes me believe that it would truly be better if I were to catch the bus. She has expressed that the only thing she wants is a normal child, not for me to live abroad and try to improve our lives. She's fine with the way things are, however I am not.

My biggest fear is my inability to improve our current situation, and I cannot change that. As long as I can't improve our situation, my depression, my anxiety, my fear will affect my behaviour. All of this will continue to pain her. I do not want that for her.

The only solution is to find a better job, which I've been painstakingly doing for years now. I wish companies would hire based on skills and work ethic. I've always poured everything into my work, but have trouble getting my foot through the door due to not having a Bachelor's.

I am trying. I have been trying. I am at the point where I've lost interest in all the things that I used to love. Every day I work, go home, and find a job. That is my routine.

I am tired. I am at my breaking point.
I'm actively considering catching the bus.
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  • Aww..
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm really sorry to hear this. You're certainly going through a lot.
I guess getting a good job is a great idea even though it will be quite difficult due to companies being too demanding and annoying.

Wish you the best in your search and with whatever you decide to do.


Nov 15, 2020
Im sorry you're experiencing these issues. Sounds like a tough situation. I hear what you're saying, about wishing jobs were allotted differently. Some American companies are starting to say we don't carer where or if you went to college, we care what you can do. Hopefully your country and more companies take this position.

Ill tell you, im not mad at college, I don't regret having done it. But it was kinda a waste of time. I pretty much never used any of that after I graduated.

I know semiprofessional crew members, they seem to make pretty good money and seem to have a lot of fun. I think its positive you would use that money to chase education or other opportunities as the largest draw back I see is people do that for too long.

I hope you find a way to move beyond these challenges and that you go on to live your dreams.

Sorry your dad creates problems for your family. I think some people go through life with unresolved trauma and that causes them to hurt other people. Its difficult.


Another parasite to Earth
Oct 17, 2018
Im sorry you're experiencing these issues. Sounds like a tough situation. I hear what you're saying, about wishing jobs were allotted differently. Some American companies are starting to say we don't carer where or if you went to college, we care what you can do. Hopefully your country and more companies take this position.

Ill tell you, im not mad at college, I don't regret having done it. But it was kinda a waste of time. I pretty much never used any of that after I graduated.

I know semiprofessional crew members, they seem to make pretty good money and seem to have a lot of fun. I think its positive you would use that money to chase education or other opportunities as the largest draw back I see is people do that for too long.

I hope you find a way to move beyond these challenges and that you go on to live your dreams.

Sorry your dad creates problems for your family. I think some people go through life with unresolved trauma and that causes them to hurt other people. Its difficult.
I'm really sorry to hear this. You're certainly going through a lot.
I guess getting a good job is a great idea even though it will be quite difficult due to companies being too demanding and annoying.

Wish you the best in your search and with whatever you decide to do.
Thank you. The only "upside" thing about living in this country is that I can get SN easily and openly. (We don't even have a hotline because the ministry shut it down due to "insufficient amount of calls", so I'm not surprised.)

It's ironic that my dad cheated, though. His dad also cheated and he had said that he was hurt by it. I would've thought that he wouldn't make the same mistake. When I cried for days he didn't even show any remorse--unless you count his very obvious crocodile tears. Ah, the mysteries of the human psyche.
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Jan 6, 2020
I am so sorry thing is hard for you.

is your depression curable?

could you try to find a good book to learn?

I used to try to learn things.

For example I would like to learn javascript. I would search what is the best book to learn javascript site:www.quora.com on google and try to find the best book people recommend and have highest vote.

and I found this book JavaScript: The Definitive Guide.

and you can find the book on library genesis because the book can be so expensive especially a famous and good one. For example JavaScript: The Definitive Guide cost 53.68 usd. and library genesis provide free access.

if you cannot access library genesis, use a vpn.

and if you want to learn to be more persuasive maybe influence the psychology of persuasion is good to read.

maybe it is a way to reduce cost of learning. just find what do you want to learn and what is the best book to learn [what do you want to learn].
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Feb 22, 2021
Op, I find you admirable. I just want to say that you should think about yourself more. About your own needs, your own well-being and your own happiness. I understand you want to do your best for your mom but you shouldn't forget yourself.

I wish you peace, relief and justice, whatever happens on your path.

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