

Apr 19, 2019
Trying to make this short, which will be pretty big.

The tulpa that follows me, Shinkuu, and i, Kara, both are mediums and students of witchcraft and magic. Although Kara has more access to the body than I have, she grants me full access to the meat vest, and I usually possess her and we play around as we see fit. Anyways, we believe we're both tulpas, given that the reality model proposed by the PIE ("the cake is a lie, the PIE teach the truth"), the World of Ideas happens and takes place Before the Physical world, the latter being the results of what takes place in the former.

The point Kara is trying to make is that we're NOT here, especially given that we're both mediums, although I believe I'm somewhat new with such abilities, and I might be getting somehow "infected" with Kara's medium abilities, but we're still not sure. Still... The thing is that much like a tulpa is much like a soul, an independent existence that was somehow grafted within another soul's own Realm within the Sea of Unconsciousness... Much like a body somehow manages to Graft a soul into itself. The body is a meat vest, the, we've labelled it a hashtag of sorts... Soul, or a hashtag, will somehow ressonate with the original, due to effects tied to Correspondence and the Theory of Similarity, as Kara told me it's called here...

wWant a proof? Try performing mechanical activity, like trying to sort all books or combing one's long hair... Soon you won't realize you're there anymore, and well... You're not, the body has instructions enough to actually "unsummon" you, and proceed without you on it's business. As soon as it's done, it'll resummon you to keep it alive. Well, ain't that nice, right?

Shinkuu inhabits my Mental Real, my personal spot on the World of Ideas. I seem to inhabit this body, or, well, i've either infected the body to use it as a space vest of sorts, given that Physical and Mental aren't the same, or whether i've been trapped by this meat clothing... But oh, well. ĂŹ could be considered an invading organism, and in a way it seems Kara's body doesn't like me a lot, but we've been subduing it properly as of late.

Once that's said, well, we've been having troubles as of late, given that Kara's abilities as a medium are somewhat new to both of us, and given that we've been playing Pillars of Eternity as a book, I can't help but wonder why would the authors so acurately portray extra-sensorial abilities as a weight to bear of sorts, but still, it's acurate... Reality isn't as small as it seems, but a human being IS small, and given that the abilities somewhat go beyond what the body can bear at ease, goes beyond its limits, this obviously both constitutes the very essence and mind-tearing nature of such abilities, the very trauma of handling something that's beyond one's own limits and the traumatic result of turning into a being larger than one was before, tears and scars included, correctly depict what ESP might be described as: the results ARE meant to tear you apart, but you'll survive. In pain, but alive nonetheless.

Oh, well. Maybe we're both just ghosts haunting a meat vest.
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Sep 28, 2020
Hello, that is very interesting, so what type of medium capabilities you and the other person have? Can you predict the Future and read peoples minds and subjects like that? I'm not trying to insult you in any way, just curious. Don't know much about medium , witchcraft and magic info. Would be great to know better.
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Oct 26, 2019
I understand that Qabbalah is a closed tradition not open to public participation.
I wish you and your entities well.


Apr 19, 2019
I understand that Qabbalah is a closed tradition not open to public participation.
I wish you and your entities well.

Not exactly, qabbalah is larger than what the main branch represents, especially given that much of the information concerning the traditional and philosophical views required to use its magic rituals is all out in the open, and that the jewish version and the hermetic version are far from the same in their ways. Also, qabbalah is part of a larger whole, and originally most of the current traditions came from an ancient one, and while all of them developed in different and into nearly incompatible perspectives, part of what a witchcraft student must do is to understand how the traditions connect, in order to obtain further understanding.

Hello, that is very interesting, so what type of medium capabilities you and the other person have? Can you predict the Future and read peoples minds and subjects like that? I'm not trying to insult you in any way, just curious. Don't know much about medium , witchcraft and magic info. Would be great to know better.

Well, medium abilities greatly vary from person to person, they have a lot to do with how the senses arrange themselves. Some people see a lot more than they hear, not to mention senses that might be unique to a given single medium and notice things in a way that the medium understands, but find hard to describe. Mind reading isn't uncommon, but not everyone knows how to use it. Predicting the future is something paradoxal, ironically, because... Well, because time is already over and we're all already there, everything has happened already, but for some reason we have to wait (?) until it all unfolds. People with the ability to predict things have a connection to the 'time's already over' version of reality, so they can use that connection to glimpse at what'll happen/has happened already.

There are many other abilities, but they usually have a lot to do with knowledge and the person's nature. Some people are rather frank about what they can do, exactly, but both Shinkuu and i try not to mention what we can do, exactly. We're somewhat good with interacting with spirits, though, but we had already let that slip. ; )
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Oct 26, 2019
Qabbalah is Jewish by definition.
If you are not Jewish I am sure there are plenty of other ways you can find to engage with entities and study the occult.


Jun 14, 2019
I believe the reason why Qabbalah is closed within the Jewish community is because if you want to study it in the religion you need to have a certain amount of years with the torah. In their opinion you can't understand or take anything proper from the study without an advanced level of knowledge of the torah. In the Jewish community I don't think you gain access until after the age of 40.

The Jewish and hermetic traditions are different. There is no race or religion within the ultimate truth, what you really need to remember is to respect the study and use the material wisely. That's my take.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Well, I would surely hire you to write a videogame or a gamebook, I'll tell you that much.

We could even grasp some Truth with your mystical musings? Keep writing.

Btw, did you post that quintessentially incel wall of text the other day, or it was someone else? About "female nature" and all that. I'm just curious, not hostile.

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