
Feb 2, 2021
How do you believe in God when you have become completely disillusioned by it? Every time I try to reach out to a higher intelligence for help, I feel like the biggest fraud to myeslf.

I have been riddled with debilitating health problems all of my adult life. I have learned that free will is all but an illusion. How can there be a God if free willl doesn't exist? We are all puppets. Every thought and action is based on our genetics, environment, and experiences.

I find myself longing for a higher power to seek out. I need to surrender to something greater. To feel like everything will be okay. But am reminded of that cold hard truth that everything is ultimately random and we are determined individuals.
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Reactions: Dead Meat, WornOutLife, Life_and_Death and 2 others


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Every thought and action is based on our genetics, environment
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Reactions: motel rooms, nitrogennitrite2, Beachedwhale and 3 others


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i personally find "god" within myself.


Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, I know that feeling.
If there's any kind of God, he's just an evil bastard. Just go to a hospital and see how children are suffering and dying. Nonsense!

I've given up on believing in "God" because I was raised as a Catholic but, If I had been born in the middle east I'd probably be a muslim. Each religion is probably just a lie.

The only thing I could really believe is in the simulation theory. IMO, it's that or simply eternal nothingness and no explanations about the true meaning and purpose of life and this universe.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I personally don't believe in any higher powers, I just tell myself that this life is pointless, once we die we return to the eternal nothingness we came from which comforts me. We certainly do not have any control, most of the bad things that have happened to me I couldn't have prevented in any way.