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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
The Right To No Longer Exist (TRTNLE) just made a video of a social experiment where they held up a sign that reads "Honk If Life Sucks" and in the video there has been many people who honk their vehicle horns to show agreeance with the message that the sign reads.

This is the video below:

This shows that most people acknowledge and understand that life sucks. It's good to see that there are more people who have the realization that life sucks and even some who actually agree that others' should have the right to die, the right to choose between either living or dying without being forced to 'life' by society, their peers, and government. Of course, throughout the video, there are a handful of prolifers who proclaim that they 'love their life' including some mean people but they are rebuffed by the pro-choice people/activists. I think the activists handled it well by not giving in to the prolifers' bait and just sarcastically dismiss them.

I appreciate the courage and determination to publically protest and do activism on such a taboo topic and doing so in a creative way. Let me know what you guys think.
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Reactions: Passersby, Sunset764, Euthanza and 6 others


Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
Salute! They got a point there, absolutely the right thing to stand up for. It requires the courage of a man without any weapon fighting a pack of lions to begin this campaign in public space.

Elders who make up the bulk of legitimate suicides nobody cares about because society figures they know if their life sucks by then. That one asshole mind calling them pussies, duh!!!


Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
It really is great what they are doing. I think that the majority of people probably don't want to live and only carry on with life as suicide is difficult and they feel like they have no choice. Of course people should be able to talk about not wanting to exist openly and it shouldn't be viewed as something that is always wrong and must be prevented. The right to die should always be respected.