

Not Waving But Browned Off….
Sep 27, 2023
I revisit my ideation of death after a couple of months of trying to resist it, naively hoping something may have changed in the 'world of death'.

Hoping some law will have been passed in my homeland the UK, to make it easier to attain. Without injury or risk. Without stigma to those who know me.

Alas not. We're still at this sick stalemate. Still governed by these evil nannies who not only want to stop us from sourcing peaceful means of exit but also want to stop us from conversing honestly about our plights.

It's archaic and cruel. Why does social change in this arena move so slowly? The change that is needed so people like us can be painlessly transitioned away instead of enduring all this angst we feel every fucking day?

I know why really. The vested interests of Big Pharma. Greed. Profit.

Knowing that doesn't make it any easier though.
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Jul 29, 2021
i just wish something would wipe out humanity and be done with this awful enslavement by society and governments worldwide
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Not Waving But Browned Off….
Sep 27, 2023
Yes. At least that would stop the cycle repeating itself again and again forever after.
Just let animals and plants thrive. They seem to make a better job of it.
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Jul 14, 2024
Laws making suicide difficult are not due to "Big Pharma". The blunt truth is that pharmaceutical companies do not care about one individual, and if every suicidal person killed themselves it would have no appreciable impact upon Pharma profits. Also, frankly it's quite hard for one "lobby" to shape the law on an issue like this.

Instead the laws are motivated by a genuine belief that suicide is tragic, often a response to temporary conditions (be they material or mental) that will dissipate with time, leading to avoidable premature death and bereavement.

Now personally I disagree that the state should always try to stop people killing themselves, but I can at least see the logic.
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you hear that Samson? beautiful.
Aug 28, 2024
Instead the laws are motivated by a genuine belief that suicide is tragic, often a response to temporary conditions (be they material or mental) that will dissipate with time, leading to avoidable premature death and bereavement.

You can't have it both ways, they can't be both the catalyst and the sympathizer. The truth is no one wants to be a liability, any direct relations or responsibility for suicide in any shape or form is character annihilation and those who profit the most off of this corrupt system work behind the scenes for a reason.

I think we should be more careful who we paint in an empathetic light, knowing that the shitty conditions that they force people to live through is what often leads to suicide is something they profit off of.
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Aug 6, 2024
It will take a very long time. We will all be dead by then.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
They made Nembutal a crime to keep us in the prison to control us

Here's an example opium and morphine were popular and legal in the 1800s and Early 1900s . As we know morphine can be also used for a painless suicide.

The US Congress passed a law restricting morphine in 1914 to prescription only. In 1970 the monsters in the U.S. made barbiturates including nembutal controlled substances crimes to buy and possess

This explains things. Everything was legal until these bastards passed laws to make them illegal as they are about to pass law restricting Sn in the U.S. who made these monsters god ?
There are many horrible things that can happen to anyone. Homelessness is one of many intolerable horrible nightmares.. the technology for people escaping such nightmares is there for example, nembutal, suicide booths etc but the governments made all guaranteed painless suicide methods into crimes

They purposefully made nembutal , cyanide capsules, someone helping you to commit suicide, suicide booths and other guaranteed suicide methods into crimes.

They have almost completely eliminated Nembutal from the world.

In the evil U.S. they are about to ban SN as they did all the other methods

We all will die anyway. But because they banned the most peaceful dying Nembutal now people have to die painfully and suffer extreme pain for years before they die anyway

That these monsters made these crimes is the most insane evil thing.

There is only a few reasons why they did this , including to stop us from committing suicide and to control us.

So these monsters are evil torturers but they have everyone thinking they are smarter than us know what's better for us, that they want what's best for us : and that's bs otherwise why ban nembutal etc if we are all going to die anyway and are suffering? It's completely illogical and evil.
"In the United States, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classified most barbiturates as controlled substances—and they remain so as of August 2023. Barbital, methylphenobarbital (also known as mephobarbital), and phenobarbital are designated schedule IV drugs, and "Any substance which contains any quantity of a derivative of barbituric acid, or any salt of a derivative of barbituric acid"[35] (all other barbiturates) were designated as being schedule III. "
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I also just wish to peacefully not exist, I'm certainly so tired of suffering in this cruel existence, I find it so painful how I cannot just have the option to painlessly die as under no circumstances would I wish to suffer for decades longer in this existence I always saw as so undesirable in the first place. But anyway I hope you find peace, best wishes.


Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
i tend to stay away from the "legislate suicide" conversation because I A) dont care B) dont think the intention to keep anyone alive is always necessarily cruel, nor evil.

Also i feel that going "everyone should have access to assisted suicide anything else is evil" is a little too pro death for me.

Regardless, i do wish peace for everyone. Hopefully at some point a middle ground can be identified


Aug 18, 2024
Ours is a Christian culture. In the West everything is Christian and even those who define themselves as atheists are Christian. In Christian culture pain should never be eliminated, because for Christian culture pain has a "meaning". Pain is a deposit for heaven.