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Dec 12, 2020
I am just considering taking a bunch of tramdol + alcohol and let myself fall into the river from a bridge after I become too groggy. I am sure it would make drowning in a fridig river less uncomfortable. Or do you think freezing to death outside is a better way to go?

I wonder if SN is a better option, but I am not really convinced. Also, drowning seem pretty sure bet. Especially combined with a lot of tramadol.


I just want to sell out my funeral
Feb 21, 2019
Drowning is a terrible death. People who have survived say it feels like your lungs are literally on fire. I'm stuck between partial and SN. I would never attempt drowning
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Dec 18, 2019
I personally wouldn't go with drowning, but if you're set on that method, maybe do it in a bathtub instead? Even shallow water could prove effective if you were to pass out in it.

My main qualm with drowning though isn't just that there's a substantial amount of pain involved, but what it'll end up doing to your body... Water deaths can bloat and distort and disfigure you at an incredibly fast pace and the end result is genuinely horrifying. :shy: If you have any family it would be incredibly traumatic for them to stumble upon your remains.
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Mar 22, 2020
Drowning is a terrible death. People who have survived say it feels like your lungs are literally on fire. I'm stuck between partial and SN. I would never attempt drowning
Same here!
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Sep 28, 2020
Please Consider another method, as the tramadol alone won't kill you or give the courage to do so, unless you dont know how to swim. If you do SI is going to kick in, the worst deaths i can imagine is drowning and being on fire, we are just giving you advice here. There area less painful ways. Good luck with whatever decision you take hun.
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Dec 12, 2020
It is unlikely for tramadol to kill me. True. Hence the drowning. Tramadol is there to lessen the pain.
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I just want to sell out my funeral
Feb 21, 2019
It is unlikely for tramadol to kill me. True. Hence the drowning. Tramadol is there to lessen the pain.
It's still not gonna make something as painful as drowning peaceful, unfortunately


Dec 12, 2020
Like there are many 100% guaranteed peaceful and avaliable ways.


I just want to sell out my funeral
Feb 21, 2019
Like there are many 100% guaranteed peaceful and avaliable ways.
I never said that? I simply said other methods are far more peaceful than drowning. You posted asking an opinion and I gave you honest info to prevent needless suffering. I would not try drowning. I sincerely hope you find some information that gives you peace, I know what it's like to suffer searching for that.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Sorry that you're in such a dark place that you're considering suicide.

I can't advise you on methods but I feel everyone deserves a peaceful death. Unfortunately it's now almost impossible to find truly peaceful ways to die. I've thought of getting high on heroin and being so out of it that I won't even realise I'm drowning or getting high on heroin and freezing to death (and I'm not even a heroin user). But there are so many variables with these methods that lots of things can go wrong.
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Dec 12, 2020
I suppose they can, but it is also pretty full proof method. Even if I jumped in that river now, there would be a good change of death. Being drunk and full of narcotic would not improve my chances. I suppose it would not be peaceful. But you fantasize about low hanging yourself. Do you really think that is peacefull and painless?
I am not in mood to prepare for inert gas asphyxiation and I doubt a bit that SN is all that great. While SN is easy to get, you need some other medicine that might be harder to get my hands on, like anti emetics.
I know this is an lazy way out. Do few minutes of discomfort at the end really matter? I hate the filling of accidentally breathing in water, it hurts like hell. I am sure drowning is far from painless, but the painkiller should lessen the pain a bit.
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I just want to sell out my funeral
Feb 21, 2019
I suppose they can, but it is also pretty full proof method. Even if I jumped in that river now, there would be a good change of death. Being drunk and full of narcotic would not improve my chances. I suppose it would not be peaceful. But you fantasize about low hanging yourself. Do you really think that is peacefull and painless?
I am not in mood to prepare for inert gas asphyxiation and I doubt a bit that SN is all that great. While SN is easy to get, you need some other medicine that might be harder to get my hands on, like anti emetics.
I know this is an lazy way out. Do few minutes of discomfort at the end really matter? I hate the filling of accidentally breathing in water, it hurts like hell. I am sure drowning is far from painless, but the painkiller should lessen the pain a bit
I don't know why you keep implying that I said SN and partial are totally painless. They're definitely not, no methods besides N is. I do 1000% believe they're more peaceful than your method, however. You asked if "it's a good way to go" and I don't think it is in terms of peacefulness, however if you meant will it kill you, that I can't comment on, I have no idea the survival instincts with drowning. As for why I don't go for N, I just don't feel like having my extremely expensive package seized or going to jail over my desire to stop my own suffering. Jail is one of my worst fears, so I stay away from anything illegal. As for SN, I do have anti-emetics and benzos so for me, it is a sound method. I wish you well. Euthanasia should absolutely be legal for individuals capable of sound decision making so that people don't have to make decisions like these
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Dec 12, 2020
Would you really end up in prison for buying N for suicide? You can always travel.

I really doubt low hanging is more peaceful. Sounds like a bad way to go. Something you do because of lack of access to something better. Have you tried choking yourself? People doing this have balls of steel.

Still, the question was. Is freezing to death outside preferable? I guess once you fall asleep, if you do not wake up, you simply die.

I agree that euthanasia should be available. But that will not happen. Especially to people without medical issues deem worthy of suicide by majority of people and most suicides do not fall into the category.

The only reliable and easily arranged, but not cheap, method for peaceful exit might be inert gas. Also it takes time to arrange and you need suitable place. I suppose I could do it at workplace. But I dislike that place and I do not want to die there.


Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
From what I've read is that freezing to death isn't that bad. Initially it can be uncomfortable/painful but in the later stages when the brain and other biological processes start slowing down, people report that they just feel very drowsy, that all they want to do is sleep. And alcohol and/or drugs should take care of the initial discomfort/pain. Doesn't sound like the worst way to go. As long as you don't get frostbite if rescued too early.

The problem with hypothermia though is that there's no way of knowing how long it'll take to die because there are so many variables.
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I just want to sell out my funeral
Feb 21, 2019
Would you really end up in prison for buying N for suicide? You can always travel.

I really doubt low hanging is more peaceful. Sounds like a bad way to go. Something you do because of lack of access to something better. Have you tried choking yourself? People doing this have balls of steel.

Still, the question was. Is freezing to death outside preferable? I guess once you fall asleep, if you do not wake up, you simply die.

I agree that euthanasia should be available. But that will not happen. Especially to people without medical issues deem worthy of suicide by majority of people and most suicides do not fall into the category.

The only reliable and easily arranged, but not cheap, method for peaceful exit might be inert gas. Also it takes time to arrange and you need suitable place. I suppose I could do it at workplace. But I dislike that place and I do not want to die there.
I have done a practice run and it's actually extremely peaceful, you fade out very quick. At least I can only speaek for partial, without any drops. The trouble is being able to find the right spot and a strong rope/anchor point that won't give. It's trickier than it seems, but when done right yes, I would argue it's peaceful compared to other methods. You have to have all the variables in place to prevent discovery though. It's not a super easy one and done thing, takes planning and practice. Many people can never find the right spot and pressures sbuilds up from the jugular being blocked rather than the carotid and THAT is gnarly.

and yes lol, you could absolutely end up in prison for N. There is no country that has it guaranteed easily available either so your whole trip might be for nothing.

I would definitely say freezing is preferable over drowning if that was your question. However as others have mentioned there are SO many variables with how long it takes, there's always the chance of waking up somehow once the drugs wear off and having such bad frostbite you lose a limb or some shit so consider that too (I know all methods have consequences if failed, just bringing them up so you can make an informed decision._

I too was very intereseted in inert gas, however I fucking suck at putting shit together, and I don't live alone so I doubt I could sneak up and hide a nitrogen tank with nobody noticing, unfortunately.
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Jan 31, 2020
people did that for thousands of years. IF this is your personal method is the thing you have to find out, others might have other preferences.


Jul 3, 2019
@woknows I'm also thinking about drowning now. Because it is the easiest thing for me to organise. I'm also trying to work out what I could take to make it less painful or that I would be out of it while drowning. I asked a few questions but not sure anyone has the answers.