

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm always repulsed when humans try and force toxic positivity beliefs about existence, as existence truly is so hellish, it's tragic how life even exists at all. Just the fact that humans are capable of suffering to extreme extents and feeling such extreme agony is why existence is disturbing, I see it as such a horrific curse to exist as a conscious being enslaved in a decaying, harmful flesh prison, all that existence ever causes is unnecessary problems, pain and suffering.

To me existence is like a virus and it disgusts me how humans continue to impose it as the ultimate problem lies in existence itself, just the fact that nobody can suffer from not existing yet there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented as long as they exist is why suicide is very rational to me.
Only eternal non-existence is desirable as I don't see any value in decaying from age in this futile and burdensome existence filled with risks. It's insane to me how so many worship existence, are pro-life and act like existence is something positive when in reality it's the ultimate source of all suffering, it's undeniable that existence has caused immense harm throughout history. Holding anti-suicide views and dimissing this reality is so incredibly toxic to me, I'm disgusted by humans who are against the right to die, a peaceful suicide should be a human right.
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Jan 9, 2024
I think it's because we all have such wildly different life experiences, that for some people, the very thought of suicide is inexplicable. Perhaps they think they're doing the right thing by encouraging people to stay alive but only because they can't possibly imagine the pain and anguish that so many live with.
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A handshake of carbon monoxide
Jul 24, 2023
Maybe preface this by saying that this doesn't mean general positivity about existence. I get the toxic part, which would be actively getting in someone's way who just wants it to be over. But I wouldn't wish this pessimistic and nihilistic outlook I have on life on anyone else. At the end of the day, as much as I wish I had never been born, I've come across several people, strangers who genuinely radiate positivity and make the world a better place. Maybe not specifically for me, but any good someone does, no matter how little, maybe it's complimenting someone, maybe it's saving a cat from the highway, is something I will never be able to achieve. My existence is miserable, so I can't be positive about it but at the end of the day, I'm not bitter enough to think that I want people to feel this way as well. So saying that the idea of all existence is hell, don't forget, just as you preach how death should be a choice, people also should be allowed to live. The only life I have control over is mine because otherwise, I'd just be someone preaching mass genocide.
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Mar 21, 2019
This site gets people from literallly everywhere. They bring a world of experiences and issues.
Not everyone is rushing to death.
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Jan 10, 2024
I'm always repulsed when humans try and force toxic positivity beliefs about existence, as existence truly is so hellish, it's tragic how life even exists at all. Just the fact that humans are capable of suffering to extreme extents and feeling such extreme agony is why existence is disturbing, I see it as such a horrific curse to exist as a conscious being enslaved in a decaying, harmful flesh prison, all that existence ever causes is unnecessary problems, pain and suffering.

To me existence is like a virus and it disgusts me how humans continue to impose it as the ultimate problem lies in existence itself, just the fact that nobody can suffer from not existing yet there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented as long as they exist is why suicide is very rational to me.
Only eternal non-existence is desirable as I don't see any value in decaying from age in this futile and burdensome existence filled with risks. It's insane to me how so many worship existence, are pro-life and act like existence is something positive when in reality it's the ultimate source of all suffering, it's undeniable that existence has caused immense harm throughout history. Holding anti-suicide views and dimissing this reality is so incredibly toxic to me, I'm disgusted by humans who are against the right to die, a peaceful suicide should be a human right.
I've lurked a lot around here before finally making an account, so I'm very familiar with you and your posts. All I'll say is that I 100% agree with pretty much everything you say. Existence truly is fucked and I honestly wish the universe as a whole just didn't exist. There's just no end to human (and non human) suffering.

"The suffering of the devoured outweighs the pleasure of the devourer" -can't remember. But I find it very insightful because like you said, there's always more potential for suffering than pleasure in this life. I don't get why people are so adamant in denying us a peaceful means to die. They clearly don't care if you die in the freezing cold as a homeless person since there's little support for people like that. Scumciety essentially tells you to go fuck yourself. This whole "suicide prevention" bs just feels like more of an ego thing "wow they didnt suicide, im such a great person!" than a genuine concern for human wellbeing. Idk. Sorry if this is incoherent gibbrish. I'm always tired asf and chronic depression has created holes in my brain.
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Jan 10, 2024
BTW I really like your name and tag/catchphrase/whatever that text thing is called. FuneralCry... It's beautiful lol


A handshake of carbon monoxide
Jul 24, 2023
Existence truly is fucked and I honestly wish the universe as a whole just didn't exist.
I don't really feel the joy that normal people find from existing either. Ever. I don't want to be in love, I don't want people to love me either. I like being alone. But that's not to say that I've never loved anything in my life. For example: my dog. There are other things I've loved in the past. Maybe humans weren't the best part of the universe cause I keep thinking that we're the parasites but we did create some good things. Just so happens that most of them were not for me.

When I leave, it'll be because of how fucked my personal existence was but I don't want that to be the case for everyone and everything. Sometimes I dream about waking up in a post-apocalyptic world where there's no suffering and I was completely alone. No one else suffering, and no reason for me to stick around either. But that's a fantasy world and we live in the real one. Saying you wish no one and nothing ever had a shot at a happy life, is kind of a slippery slope. Because somehow people still manage to find good things in this wretched hellscape society, and I don't want those to be considered any less valid just for my suffering. Just as some good doesn't cancel out the bad, a lot of bad shouldn't cancel out whatever little good there is.


F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
I also despise toxic positivity. In any situation where it arises


Jan 10, 2024
I don't really feel the joy that normal people find from existing either. Ever. I don't want to be in love, I don't want people to love me either. I like being alone. But that's not to say that I've never loved anything in my life. For example: my dog. There are other things I've loved in the past. Maybe humans weren't the best part of the universe cause I keep thinking that we're the parasites but we did create some good things. Just so happens that most of them were not for me.

When I leave, it'll be because of how fucked my personal existence was but I don't want that to be the case for everyone and everything. Sometimes I dream about waking up in a post-apocalyptic world where there's no suffering and I was completely alone. No one else suffering, and no reason for me to stick around either. But that's a fantasy world and we live in the real one. Saying you wish no one and nothing ever had a shot at a happy life, is kind of a slippery slope. Because somehow people still manage to find good things in this wretched hellscape society, and I don't want those to be considered any less valid just for my suffering. Just as some good doesn't cancel out the bad, a lot of bad shouldn't cancel out whatever little good there is.
I mean, I don't disagree that there are some little good things in this world; good food, the snow, a funny youtube video. It's just for me, I see the pain VASTLY outweighing any positives. I agree with you though, in that i probably shouldn't prescribe my solution to the rest of the world. Some people do genuinely want to live and they still find happiness despite all the suffering. And yeah, I guess what I meant is that I'd prefer for the universe to not exist, because imo the suffering outweighs the pleasure, even if there are some people who are happy. But obviously it doesn't matter what I'd prefer because, like you said, we live in the real world, and I'm a nobody, lol.

Thank you for the insightful comment btw. Sorry if I came off the wrong way. I'm just so pissed off and in pain. Sometimes life just doesn't work out for some people. We can't all be winners. I just wish scumciety would accept that and not make it impossible for people like me to take control over their own lives and bodies and end it if that's what we wish.
You lurked on here did you.....ewww you creepy person 🧟😌
Funeralcry is the name of the song she loves and the title/subtitle is part of the lyrics. She'll never respond to her threads though or anyone who replies to her. Maybe post that on her profile, it's the only place she acknowledges anyone.
LOL yeah I've lurked here for a while... Decided to finally make an account..

I see. Well, that's pretty cool. I do kinda wish she would engage with people here a bit more, but if she just wants to vent then I can respect that. I'm pretty fed up with life and most people myself.
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Jul 7, 2023
I don't think non-suicidal people worship existence necessarily, it's moreso that they're too scared of what the alternative to existence might be.

There's too many unknowns and an unknown like that is too much of a risk, and it's not a risk they consider worth taking because their lives are simply average. Pain isn't a constant, they experience pleasure more often than not so to them it's a worthwhile trade off.
Pleasure for pain, pain for pleasure.

They don't see it as existence: the ability to suffer VS non-existence: the inability to suffer,
It's more like "I'm here, and I don't want to risk not being here because it might be worse, so I'd rather endure."

I hang out and talk with a few fairly average people on the daily who do/have struggled with suicidal thoughts, albeit to a much more manageable extent. (Not to downplay their pain, it's just an observation, pain is pain regardless of its severity and all that jazz)

People who aren't, or who have never been suicidal/depressed are becoming increasingly less common as time goes on, but even they believe in suicide prevention despite their own pain.

especially in my generation due to us having had such easy access to every single tragedy that's currently ongoing at our fingertips since before some of us were even 10.

The housing crisis and the cost of living steadily increasing also doesn't help much either, but that's kind of off topic.

My point is, it's a lot more complex than what you're describing.

Though I completely understand your frustration with people who don't believe death to be a right all humans should have by basis of not consenting to be,

I often find myself feeling very frustrated with them too, but I understand why they feel and do the things they do. I am not above nor below them for believing people should have the right to both life and death, or for having a brain that causes me so much agony.

Once I accepted that, I found myself getting less angry with them and it became easier to interact with them as people.

Because ultimately, I realized I cannot change their mind and they cannot change mine. Arguing with them is pointless, you'll just be met with an endless barrage of empty platitudes that might as well have come from an automated message bot for how practiced it is.

Surely it shouldn't be too difficult to say more than the usual guilt tripping dribble or fear mongering about Hell or whatever the fuck, right?

But it's not about difficulty or lack of empathy, most people just don't know what to say to a suicidal person even if they themselves are too, so they just default to what they've heard before out of fear.

Their stance against suicide is not done out of any kind of malice towards us or because they're simply too stupid and privileged to ever comprehend true pain,

there's good intentions behind it and more people recover than not.
(At least that's how the average person views recovery, survivorship bias likely factors into their belief that most get better.

We're all being constantly bombarded with more stories of miraculous recovery told from the perspective of the survivors than we are of stories from the ones who didn't.

So the average person naively believing this to be a possibility for absolutely everyone is honestly understandable, it might even be these stories that keep them going for all we know.

People have their reasons, and I feel most are fairly valid even though they tend to be a bit misguided, aside from the guilt tripping and the religious ones of course, those can go and fuck themselves lol.

And obviously, you could argue that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and I'd agree. I'm just explaining why the average person feels so strongly about being anti-suicide.

The issue is not their views on the matter ENTIRETY, but more so how they approach it and fail to consider that everyone has vastly different needs and that not all problems can be solved either at all or solely on an individual level. (Someone can be suicidal due to systematic circumstances such as poverty and the likes)

The tricky part is figuring out who's hopeless and who isn't, that's the part I often struggle with as well, even as someone who believes the choice to die painlessly to be a fundamental human right.

I think it's easy to forget that we're likely in the minority of people who probably won't get better, as unfortunate and unfair as that is..

Which isn't to say I don't agree with all of what you're saying, I do agree that non-existence will always be preferable to existence.

I'm just personally too numb to feel upset by these people anymore.

Though I'm not entirely apathetic,
It obviously still hurts for those around me to deny me peace because they're far too stubborn to let go of a corpse that's been rotting on the inside for as long as I've been "alive."

I can't change their minds like I've stated earlier, and I was only really able to understand and sympathize with their point of view during an intense dissociative episode,

I doubt I would have if it weren't for that, and I'm not implying you or anyone reading this are wrong for being angry, because those feelings are valid!

I really hope this doesn't come off that way,,

I'm just writing out my own thoughts about this as it's something I've been contemplating a lot recently.

Good intentions, while appreciated on a surface level, can still feel malicious in nature despite you knowing that to not be the case. The brain is funny like that..

Anyway, ending off this ramble session here sorry about the length.
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A handshake of carbon monoxide
Jul 24, 2023
Sorry if I came off the wrong way. I'm just so pissed off and in pain. Sometimes life just doesn't work out for some people. We can't all be winners. I just wish scumciety would accept that and not make it impossible for people like me to take control over their own lives and bodies and end it if that's what we wish.
I totally understand the frustration. I've been there. Sometimes life gets a bit too much, and I too lash out at society, cursing it all, thinking that the bane of my existence would be gone if everyone else just disappeared and not me. But then I realize that I'm just pushing my narrative onto others, regular people whose lives I know nothing about and that suffering's just relative. Just cause mine's killing me from the inside every day, doesn't mean I know how anyone else is feeling. But thanks for taking the time to consider my message.
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Sep 12, 2023
I agree, in psychology toxic positivity is actually considered a form of abuse. My sister and me when we were in puberty we grew up with this BS. Instead of asking: how are you, you look a litle sad. We got mocked and yelled at for not always smiling and looking like we didn't appreciate life, which wasn't the case at all. People that uses these tactics can take a hike. Literally.
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