

Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
I'm so angry. Today I had an assessment by the mental health team to see if they can offer me any support. It look nearly 2 hours and they made me go into detail about past trauma. They then made me sit outside for 5 minutes in tears while they came to a decision. They told me they couldn't help me because I was too complex for their services. They put in a referral for a complex needs support service but it's a 2 year wait list. Once again I'm on my own. The sooner I'm out of this hell the better.
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once rock bottom, always rock bottom
Oct 11, 2019
yea i know what you mean man i've tried so many therapists and medications too but nothing helps. fuck this system. sadly for me, not even friends or parents can cheer me up or anything.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
That's the hard truth. There is no help for people like us. It's our nature. There is no changing that just as there is no changing the laws of physics and logics. There is no changing gravity, there is no changing the basics of mathematics. 1+1 will never be 3.
There is nothing to do. It's how our brains work.
And the worst part is when people, like you did, actually go to them and sit there talking about their worst thoughts, their worst feelings, opening themselves, opening their lives, knowing how hard that can be, and at the end the answer is almost always the same. "We can't help you!"
At least they were honest. There is always the ones that will drug you like you're some experimental body, just so they won't admit that they don't know what the hell they are doing.
And what then? You fill your body with drugs, you experience side effects that may be permanent, some will leave you even more miserable they don't work, you go to a different doctor, he will say that the drugs you have been using aren't good for you, and will prescribe you different ones.
And sooner than later you realise the sad thing you have become.
I'm sorry for the rant.
I guess i'm just angry at how they treat people.
I don't even bother going to these "psychiatric services".
I already know it's all for nothing.
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Sep 7, 2019
I'm so angry. Today I had an assessment by the mental health team to see if they can offer me any support. It look nearly 2 hours and they made me go into detail about past trauma. They then made me sit outside for 5 minutes in tears while they came to a decision. They told me they couldn't help me because I was too complex for their services. They put in a referral for a complex needs support service but it's a 2 year wait list. Once again I'm on my own. The sooner I'm out of this hell the better.
Are you in the uk?


Sep 9, 2019
I'm so angry. Today I had an assessment by the mental health team to see if they can offer me any support. It look nearly 2 hours and they made me go into detail about past trauma. They then made me sit outside for 5 minutes in tears while they came to a decision. They told me they couldn't help me because I was too complex for their services. They put in a referral for a complex needs support service but it's a 2 year wait list. Once again I'm on my own. The sooner I'm out of this hell the better.
im sorry you had that- ive been told I am not able to have therapy too-because I am too unwell emotionally-its pretty harsh they made you drag out past trauma-only to then say they cant help you for a very long time-that seems like a very unprofessional thing to do-they shouldnt make you talk indepth until such that they have the correct treatment team in place. im sorry
That's the hard truth. There is no help for people like us. It's our nature. There is no changing that just as there is no changing the laws of physics and logics. There is no changing gravity, there is no changing the basics of mathematics. 1+1 will never be 3.
There is nothing to do. It's how our brains work.
And the worst part is when people, like you did, actually go to them and sit there talking about their worst thoughts, their worst feelings, opening themselves, opening their lives, knowing how hard that can be, and at the end the answer is almost always the same. "We can't help you!"
At least they were honest. There is always the ones that will drug you like you're some experimental body, just so they won't admit that they don't know what the hell they are doing.
And what then? You fill your body with drugs, you experience side effects that may be permanent, some will leave you even more miserable they don't work, you go to a different doctor, he will say that the drugs you have been using aren't good for you, and will prescribe you different ones.
And sooner than later you realise the sad thing you have become.
I'm sorry for the rant.
I guess i'm just angry at how they treat people.
I don't even bother going to these "psychiatric services".
I already know it's all for nothing.
do you think some people literally are untreatable them?
I do think so. for some not all of course.
I guess in that case there really is nothing they can offer.
tricky one
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The Queen of Meme
Aug 11, 2019
Are you in the uk?
Says UK on profile so presume so. Maybe it was primary care and have referred to secondary care?
In which case, pretty normal unfortunately.
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Oct 23, 2018
Ah yes U.K mental health care summed up in all its failure. Well, no wonder you are angry and you have every right to be. Just know you are not alone in this ridiculous situation. No doubt it has been very painful to let yourself be open and vulnerable in revisiting painful things. Only to be told you have 2 years to go on suffering from the hell inside your own head.

I don't have a magical fix sadly for these shitty systems. What I can though suggest is this.

You go to this site.

Find your local Mind and contact them. Sadly it is a bit of a postcode lottery how well each area is provisioned these days. They may well be able to offer you various services. However, what they often have is information on what is in your area. There are usually various organisations that exist outside the scope of standard mental health care that they may be aware of. For example, in my area, there is a charitable organisation that offers therapy to abuse victims. Maybe something similar is in your area? Might be worth checking.

Even if there is not then it may be worth trying to find a therapist on your own that deals with trauma. In a lot of cases if finances are a concern you can get the costs down by negotiating onto a sliding scale. Certain demographics can sometimes get access to these for free, or are asked to make a contribution. I am aware that people dislike having to pay for things. But then all the power is yours. That can be more valuable than the alternative.

Let us assume you do wait the two years. What is often offered by the state is a rationed form of therapy. That more often than not ends before you are even close to meaningfully helped. Meaning you could be left with the trauma all pulled out swirling away and then having nowhere else to go with it. I have seen this happen to a lot of my former clients. It is why I suggest making your own path. So you are not at the mercy of systems out to get rid of you as soon as possible to meet efficiency targets. So that two years is full of your own efforts instead of what may amount to a disappointing wait.

If you do make your own path, be aware therapists are people so it is a gamble on what kind of person you are going to get. If you do not develop a rapport after three or four sessions you should probably look for another one. This is further complicated because there is all manner of therapy types out there. Some just pissed me off personally and some I found very useful. But what I found useful others despised. We are all unique. I hope you can find what is right for you in the end. Sadly you are going to have to keep gambling on what is out there. I wish the systems that are meant to help were not so broken or painful, but we live in a broken stupid world. So can only work with what is available around us.

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Sep 24, 2019
I'm so angry. Today I had an assessment by the mental health team to see if they can offer me any support. It look nearly 2 hours and they made me go into detail about past trauma. They then made me sit outside for 5 minutes in tears while they came to a decision. They told me they couldn't help me because I was too complex for their services. They put in a referral for a complex needs support service but it's a 2 year wait list. Once again I'm on my own. The sooner I'm out of this hell the better.
Before I got so physically sick from mercury poisoning I got something called EMDR therapy and lots of sun. It helped.


Sep 9, 2019
Why is anyone seeking "help"? There is no help. I would have thought that most people by the time they get to the point of contributing to site would realise that.

I'm in the UK. I wouldn't belittle myself by inviting the opinion of a bunch of "professional" morons. Hell, my Gp doesn't know the first thing about my mental health, so I can at least hold onto some dignity rather than putting faith in a bunch of clowns who don't, deep down, give a shit either way about the sufferings of life..

There is nothing that doctors can do other than destroy your ability to feel anything at all with brain poisons. And that's no life at all. Religion is the only answer, and that is a terrible one too.
on a personal level i totally agree with you-however I do think some people on here would like to get some help, but they cant get it, so they feel pretty desperate and I guess turn to here to discuss there struggles with people that may be experiencing similar.


Oct 5, 2019
Why is anyone seeking "help"? There is no help. I would have thought that most people by the time they get to the point of contributing to site would realise that.

I'm in the UK. I wouldn't belittle myself by inviting an opinion on my wellbeing from a bunch of "professional" morons. Hell, my Gp doesn't know the first thing about my mental health, so I can at least hold onto some dignity rather than putting faith in a bunch of clowns who don't, deep down, give a shit either way about the sufferings of life. I would never, ever demean myself by asking for "help" like a little bitch boy..

There is nothing that doctors can do other than destroy your ability to feel anything at all with their evil brain poisons. Or lock you up as a prisoner (Sorry "Patient"). And that's no life at all.

Religion is actually the only potential answer, and that's so 16th Century, and so unfashionable in our our age of no shits given. I'm atheist. I hate religion. But I'm fairly sure you will find people who care more at your local church than doctors surgery.
Its not demeaning in the slightest to ask for help. Its actually very brave of someone to acknowledge they need help.

The care provided is of course a massive issue, but the act of asking for help is in no way "bitch boy" or anything of the sort.

People are on this site for different reasons, some are at thr beginning of feeling lost some at the end and it would be wise to note that.
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Oct 23, 2018
Why is anyone seeking "help"? There is no help. I would have thought that most people by the time they get to the point of contributing to site would realise that.

Because I don't take my personal experiences and universally apply them to everyone else. As if that is the only truth and their guaranteed experience because it was mine.

I also only have to point to examples of people who have been helped. You likely won't find them on this site though, because if they have been helped and are living their lives why would they be here and need what is on offer? So a lot of answers are already biased by the nature of who comes here.

I also don't assume a singular trait of certain demographics all being morons. It is the same as me pointing at suicidal people that shoot up schools and stab up their neighbour and assuming every suicidal person has that trait. It is a bankrupt kind of logic. More projection than reality at that point.

So if some are helped and others aren't. You can only come away with, results may vary. Certainly plenty of issues with what passes for help. But there is some pretty innovative stuff out there as well. It is just getting access to it, rolling the dice and hoping to find caring people along the way.
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Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
It was more that I wasn't given much of a choice by crisis. But seeing as they practically forced me to go, I kind of thought that I'd get some sort of 'help'. I didn't have any hope for it working but they didn't even try.

Ordered some more SN as my other bottle was confiscated by the ambulance people.


Sep 9, 2019
It was more that I wasn't given much of a choice by crisis. But seeing as they practically forced me to go, I kind of thought that I'd get some sort of 'help'. I didn't have any hope for it working but they didn't even try.

Ordered some more SN as my other bottle was confiscated by the ambulance people.
Bottle was yours liquid ? Mine came in a package type thingy


Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
Bottle was yours liquid ? Mine came in a package type thingy
No it was like a square bottle thing with a cap at the top. Was like salt crystals
I already took it back when I saw her age. I didn't realise there were ppl her age on here. I don't think they should be, but that's not for me to say. She should seek help.

Just because I'm young it doesn't mean I'm naive. I've been in and out of therapy and psych wards as long as I can remember, I know that shit doesn't work for people like me. Im ready to get out of this place and finally be at peace.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
I don't have a magical fix sadly for these shitty systems. What I can though suggest is this.

You go to this site.

Find your local Mind and contact them. Sadly it is a bit of a postcode lottery how well each area is provisioned these days. They may well be able to offer you various services. However, what they often have is information on what is in your area. There are usually various organisations that exist outside the scope of

My husband works for MIND in the UK< they themselves are so frustrated at how the mental health services are in the UK< it drives them crazy, there is such limited support, but MIND are fantastic in trying to help in guiding you to the right place. But the services they can guide you too aren't always guaranteed, they linked me to one who were amazing, then suddenly the service had it's funding pulled and it's no longer going and has been re branded as a totally different service/project.
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Aug 19, 2019
What a fucked up system. I'd say sharing your traumas in this community might bring some comfort if you wish to give that a try.

It's liberating to have one's means ready.
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