
Aug 18, 2020
In my country it is usual evening when I write my threads. From 8 pm to 10 pm.
This has some reasons. At (late) evening I am more depressive. I have my downs usually before I go to sleep. I try to reflect on my emotions and feelings before I go to sleep. I try to monitor them so that I can take countermeasures in case I become too manic. Like this evening.

I turn introspectively to evaluate my state of mind. But I also tend to ruminate way too much before I sleep. Usually before I fall to sleep I am curious which reactions my threads will cause. At the next morning I have pleasant anticipation because I often get interesting replies.

Do you think it has a certain reason why you exactly spend most of the time at a certain time in this forum? I could imagine people use this forum especially at night. When one has depression it is hard to sleep properly. One feels lonely and this forum comforts me usually when I am in this mood. Sometimes I postpone my sleeping time with this forum. But I try that it does not escalate.

Sleep is a necessity for my mental stability.

I hope I never wrote a thread with the same question it is hard to remember all of them.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I've written most of my posts in the afternoon, so that is the time of day I've been most often on here. Doing such a thing has never been beneficial apart from just passing the time, which is all that existing is really. We just pass the time until we inevitably cease to exist.


Nov 5, 2022
I'm on here on and off throughout the day without fail.