

Feb 15, 2023
My sister and I have been moved to a foster care home because our previous parents were abusive.

My sister has always had a habit to lie, get angry so fast and yell at me despite asking a simple harmless question. It has worsened ever since we moved in here. Because she knows our new parents are more loose with rules and doesn't often call out on her behavior.

Which in turn made her into a destructive machine. If she doesn't get a slightly expensive item she yells for hours until her throat is dry, and can never accept defeat if they don't relent or set a compromise that's satisfying to her.

Lies a lot and twist stories;

Again she cannot accept defeat or the fact that she's wrong in a lot of situations. Always gotta blame us or threaten to call the cps to take us away again, because they're neglecting her (a whole tantrum just because they said no to letting her out at night with friends)

But the thing is, they're equally as bad. They keep enabling her behavior to avoid fights. I swear to god I just want to strangle them all and myself sometimes. And when she asks for money, she gets it despite not working for it. Letting themselves get yelled at for no severe reason. And when I do tell my foster parents why they can't stand up FOR THEMSELVES FOR ONCE ITS ALWAYS THE EXCUSE OF HER DEALING WITH THOUGH STUFF FROM CHILDHOOD. And that we have to give her a second chance

Honestly I'd be a millionaire by the amount of times I've heard that sentence from our six years of living here.

One thing that especially boils my blood. Is the time my sister almost punched our mom over a situation and I had to hold her back. My sister slipped and somehow got her dress ripped and instead of apologizing she demanded for compensation for the dress.

Do you know how crazy that is? That's one more bizarre situation to add to my collection.

Do believe I hate my foster parents too for various of reasons I will not write here. Or else this post will be endless

But if I knew this would be the outcome of my future. I'd keep quiet about my abusive household when I was little.

I'd honestly rather suffer physical abusive everyday than a mental one

[English is not my first language so correlation may take a while. I just needed to get it all out]
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