

The feeling that you won’t be here much longer
Jan 16, 2024
I don't understand why the people around me, the ones I trust, continuously do things that hurt me. I'm not talking about unintentional actions; rather, I've had to deal with a lot of bad friends, bullies, and so on, which I am very open about with my friends. Yet, time and time again, those people I trust and tell end up leaving me for the same individuals who have caused me pain.

I was once very close to someone who, for years, took advantage of my loyalty, manipulated me, and treated me poorly. I allowed this to go on for 4-5 years until I finally had enough. This friendship has caused numerous issues for me since I decided to end it. She is known as the popular and pretty girl, while I was just her little sidekick. The moment I ended the friendship, everyone around me wanted to know what happened. I explained the situation to my close friends, detailing how much I had to endure and how it negatively impacted my mental health.

These friends knew how much that person hurt me, yet for some reason, everyone seemed to leave me for her due to her popularity? She faces no repercussions for her actions, and it's as if people let it slide because she's pretty. While this may sound like pure jealousy, she has openly admitted it, and people even acknowledge it. My close friend, who disliked her just as much as I did, is now posting with her and hanging out while I stay at home alone. My friend even asked me the other day if I wanted to hang out with them, despite knowing how uncomfortable I am around her.

The issue is that I've told people time and time again about how horrible she can be, and yet no one takes me seriously until she does the same to them. Suddenly, they run back to me, complaining. However, when I talked about it, it was simply brushed off because I am apparently not worth being heard.

I'm sick of the cycle of trusting someone just for them to leave me as well.

I am tired.
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Reactions: Reuthry, cosmic_traveler, everyonesaniki and 1 other person


Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
A true friend will never expect anything from you while giving you their life. I don't think there are many people who understand the definition of "friend". They're your chosen family, but most are just as unsupportive as your biological family. I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Big hugs. Be well on your journey
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